Demons, Angels, and More~
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Active 9 years ago
Humans have deep trust in Angels, both of these sides works together for the sake of eliminating Demons... View more
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A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…
A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…
GoldPhoenix9 replied 9 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 87 Replies
Malice made an eye patch appear and put it on to cover her eye. “I hate doing this..” She said crossing the river with Mimi and Parapara.
Alter walks over the the shop counter. “Hey Alice.” He said startling the girl who turned around. “Oh hi boss what can i help you with.” She asked and Alter chuckled. “Nothing major but if you want i can take over and you can go help your brother at the Cafe.” He told her who smiled. “Ok i will…plus that will give me time to get what he is hiding from me out of him.” She said a michivious look in her eye that had Alter side to the side slowly. “I saw nothing, I herd nothing.” He said before she laughed thanked him and went to go help her brother in the cafe so he went behind the counter and pulled out a book and started to read with Gage laying under the desk.
Heiklm stretched and started walking to town, “First things first, food, that’s the only thing these people are good for other than entertainment.” Wasuzane shook her head amused, “I believe there is a cafe here….what do you guys think? We still have plenty time and this shouldn’t be rushed.” Wasuzane still had food she could just eat that, so she didn’t mind at all.
“Sure it will be a good way to kill time” Malice said, “I agree as well” Mimi says smiling. Parapara just shrugs not caring what they do.
Alter flipped the page of his book as he waited for people to show up. “Today really is a slow day huh…” He said looking at Gage before a boy ran up to him. “Boss sorry but i gotta run i have a doc’s appointment.” He said and Alter just sighed. “Sure do what you need to Alex but no overtime you know that.” He said to him who nodded and ran out of the store on his way he almost ran into a group. “Oh sorry about that.” He yelled before he kept on running. Alter sighed. “Well boy you got front desk duty.” He told the dog who looked at him before barking and moved to be able to see who comes into the store. “Good boy.” He said before getting up and going to the cafe to help Alice.
Wasuzane smiled at the group in thanks before Heiklm started pulling her towards a cafe called Demonic Angel’s Book Store and Cafe that he saw a guy enter, he was only headed towards it because he smelt the food when the door opened, plus he knew his sister would read up to find ways to approach the humans, plus she loves cookies and coffee too much to deny him food.
The group followed them into the cafe. Malice holding onto Parapara’s arm covered in bloodsince she was not use to seeing out of only one eye and needed help walking.
Gage head poke up as he smelled new people heading towards the door, but there was something off about them but Gage couldn’t tell what it was so she laid back down and resumed her staring contest with the door.
Wasuzane looked back at them and remembered that Parapara was bleeding, getting some strange looks from the little customers that were there. Sighing, Wasuzane took out some bandages, usually not needed so she always had a stock, and handed it to them, “You should get that covered,”
Meanwhile Heiklm walked up to the counter and started ordering food, “You have any cheesecake?” He turned to the group, “What do you guys want?” As much as he hated it, he’ll buy them food, only for appearances.
Wasuzane after handing the bandages, looked at the dog with a gleam in her eyes, “Aw….cute….” Her hand twitched with the urge to pet her.
Alice was taking the new customers orders. “Yes we do in regular, strawberry, blueberry, and lime.” She said with a smile.
Meanwhile Gage noticed that one of the new people looked like they wanted to pet her so she got up and went over to them to let them pet her.
Parapara took the bandages wrapping them lazily around his arm not really wanting to wear them. Malice looked at Heiklm “Ah Parapara and I will have chocho cake”, Mimi looked at him “I’m fine” she said knowing how its hard to control her own appetite sometimes but due to being raise in a Mimi’s town she was taught how to avoid awakening the urge to constantly eat so she was always cautious.
*After a while of talking to the Angel guy, she waved to him before skating out of the park and heading to the Cafe that she got coffee from, she entered and instantly felt weird, she shrugged it off if a demon was here it didn’t matter unless they attacked her. She was tiered of fighting demons all her life, she waited in line holding her skate board*
Heiklm nodded and turned to the girl, a smile on his lips, “Alright, I’d like three slices of strawberry cheesecake and two blueberry. A bag of cookies and two slices of chocolate cake. Oh, and a coffee.” Heiklm didn’t order too much for appearance sake. Though he did twitch at the presence of an angel, how annoying, the Li in him wanted to lash out but the Lulana kept him stable. He knew the rumors of Mimi being raised but he wondered how Wasuzane could handle it, broken kid.
Wasuzane on the other hand squealed, sitting on the floor a little distance away from the line to pet the animal, she loved nature as much as a Gra, funny how weird she was compared to other Li demons. “Aren’t you gorgeous?” Wasuzane cooed softly.
*Titania noticed the dog and smiled before noticing a wheel was a little loose on her skate board, she frowned, Titan hated it when her wheels got woblly or her trucks were to tight or to loose. She crouched down and took out her wrench and set to work and fixed it in a minute, she stood up and continued to wait in the little line*
Alice typed the order into the register. “Ok that will be this much.” she said showing the price to them. “Would that be cash or credit.” she asked.
Gage was enjoying being petted by the girl and had her leg thunping the ground.
Alter was in the back making the orders and checking to see when he would need to order more supplies.
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