
  • Application

    Posted by Wake on July 10, 2017 at 10:18 pm

    Sexuality Etc. (Optional):
    Extra (Optional):

    Name: Ryan “Leppu” Stoker

    Year: Freshman

    Major: Arts

    Appearance: Around 5″10, soft, mousy brown hair, a little longer than his ears that hangs around his head in fluffy clumps. He uses a green bandana to keep his hair out of his forehead. He wears dark-tinted bug-eye goggles at all times unless a teacher forces him to take them off. He likes to wear a blue and white windbreaker zipped up all the way to his chin, even when its hot, a tacky thick belt, black pants and black boots which go just past his ankle and are just as tacky as his belt.

    Personality: In essence, he’s a delusional nerd. He likes anything that has to do with superheroes, powers, etc. Anything cool really. He’s often insanely overactive and has constant illusions of grandeur, often claiming to have super powers, be some kind of overlord or a number of other things. The vast majority of what comes out of his mouth isn’t true, not because he lies intentionally, he usually believes everything he says, it’s practically a compulsion. He also has next to no consistency, although a few of his claims are consistent, the majority of them change on a whim. The name he calls himself, Leppu, is an outcome of this. When it comes to school, he’s insanely dumb, the only thing he’s good for is drawing. He spends time working on a collaborative comic because he can’t write anything coherent by himself, so he does what others tell him to. That’s the outlet for his energy. He also has pretty bad ADHD.

    Bio: As a kid, he was always obsessed with power rangers, ultra man and other sentai-type monster movies. This branched out to an interest in aliens and mech. As he grew, these shows became ingrained in his mind and became part of him, eventually blurring the lines between fiction and reality to him. Because of how weird he comes off, he was the easy target for bullying throughout middle and high school, although he never really understood their insults and teasing, but it still impacted him quite a bit.

    Sexuality Etc. (Optional): Prolly bi lol.

    Extra (Optional): The easiest way to get him to listen to something is to try and train him like a dog. He has a pet hamster called Zyclon Craw X and he likes mint chip ice cream.

    Chris the wise replied 7 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Andi Wolf

    July 10, 2017 at 11:20 pm

    Name: Richard Todd, nickname Dick

    Year: Sophomore

    Major: Art

    Appearance: 6″0, black hair that is in front of his face and goes past his ears, his hair covers his golden eyes. He has a dragon tattoo going up his left arm. Usually wears a tight short sleeve shirt, used to show off his muscles and tattoo, torn up black jeans, and combat boots.

    Personality: At first he comes off as cold and not to friendly. As you get to know him you will find that he is actually quite friendly and an extreme nerd, but usually hides his needy side even from his friends.

    Sexuality: Gay

    Bio: Like every young boy he loved superheros, dinosaurs, etc. Since his parents where comic book artists this pushed his creativity even more. Though going into middle school this all changed. Be began to get bullied for what he liked. Eventually he began to hide his interests and became what people wanted him to be. He worked out more and more and got a tattoo. He didn’t even dare tell anyone he was gay for fear of what they would do. He draws like his parents and it could turn into something great but he chooses to act like he can’t do anything unless in class.

    Extra: Has a pet snake named Drake.

  • Helexia

    July 11, 2017 at 1:25 am

    Name: Milli Nadel


    Major:Animation with an intended minor in computer science

    Appearance: She has a space, pastel, and slight gore aesthetic going for her so she usually wears spaced themed outfits mixed with pastels and eye accessories. She basically has a fashion sense that stands out makes her look like she’s from a completely different planet sometimes.

    Personality:She’s a very caring and nice person who feels like she has a hard time connecting with others because of her interests. She loves anything space, pastel, or magical girl related and will go into a full conversation on any topic that is related to them. If she doesn’t notice anyone who shares a similar interest their is a high chance she’ll never approach them and work on her art or coding instead. She’s one of those people who would also mix her cosplay with her wardrobe to mix up her outfits a bit. She loves to host art streams to show her art process and chat with friends.

    Bio:Ever since she was young she became fascinated with animation and wanted to become an animator to make all of her stories come to life one day and share her passion of animation with the world. She is considered the weird one in her family but has a friend group that accepts her weirdness.

    Sexuality Etc. (Optional):Bi

    Extra (Optional):She likes to say a catchphrase that goes along the lines of “The sweet poison is seeping into my soul!” or “I’m a magical girl sent from a planet far away to steal your eyes!” a lot on her social media.

  • Bell

    July 11, 2017 at 2:14 am

    Name: Karl Stone

    Year: Sophomore

    Major: Environmental Science

    Appearance: 5′ 10″. Body toned with adequate body strength from an after school construction job in high school and a habitat restoration and surveying internship the year before. Closely cut hair light brown, almost blonde hair that is growing in, having shaved it after a lice infestation during the summer. He has green eyes that would remind one of dark green of young redwood shoots in the shade. Karl chooses to wear somewhat conforming jeans to reduce the chance of them getting caught on things and school tee-shirts he purchases at the campus store when they are on sale or other shirts with logos and slogans he likes that people were giving away. Despite his seemingly ragged outward appearance from his older shirts, Karl takes good care of his belongings and himself and practices good hygiene.

    Personality: Hard working and will do anything to achieve his goals. Cold to people he does not know. It takes time to get to know him.

    Bio: Came into the school for the learning. Resentful party animals and has learned how to avoid them in his past year. He is frustrated with his degree, seeing the creative types around him as achieving his BS requires a heavier load of classes compared to BAs like Art. Karl attempted to get housing off campus this semester however his plans fell through and getting a room in the freshman dorms was his only option.

    Sexuality Etc. (Optional): Prefer not to respond.

    Extra (Optional): Allergic to grass and stupidity. Enjoys hiking and cuddling with animals especially his three cats that had to stay at home with his parents. Dislikes most mainstream things but is fascinated by animals and nature that may involve itself in such things.

  • Chris the wise

    July 11, 2017 at 11:32 pm

    Name: Matsushima Sayuri
    Year: Freshman
    Major: Engeneering/Robotics
    Appearence: Short and slender with long black hair tucked behindher her ears and tied with a white ribbon, a bow atop her head. She usually wears overalls and long, tight sleeves, though she does go for lighter colours in more casual wear.
    Personality: hard working and a little stuck up at first, once befriended she will stick tightly to her friends. should her passions be riled she will exhort at legnth about them.
    Bio: from a young age Sayuri has been facinated by robots and machines, paticually giant ones. a foreign student with a passion for creation, she dreams of making her own mecha or powerarmour, satisfying her passions with gundam minitures.
    Extra: Owns a roomba and is willing to rent it out.

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