Dorm Life~
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Active 6 years ago
The new semester has begun and its time to play the game of school once more, this time, college... View more
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The Dorm
Milli decides to peek out of the room a bit, “What the heck is going on?” she asks curiously as she went closer to the group.
Richard says something under his breath before picks his things up and putting them back in the boxes before he picks them both up and goes to speak to administration.
Leppu glances at Milli with a somewhat urgent look, “They’re part of the alien race that has infiltrated the human species.” He said under his breath, attempting an intense tone of voice, “Do not touch them, they’ll attempt to erase your existence from the timestream.” He said, glancing back towards the people, “They must be trying to enslave the humans before I can get around to it… I must find a way to stop them.” He said dramatically, clenching his fists.
The roomba gently hits Leppu, turns and continues on its way as Sayuri emreges, dark rings under her eyes, staring blankly as she heads to the kitchen.
Richard walks back mumbling angrily to himself and he looks to Karl. “I guess I’m your room mate for a bit.”
Milli laughs a bit, “Ah but you see I am also an alien sent from another planet far, far away! They can not erase my existence even if they tried.” she says acting a bit more like her persona online. Noticing Sayuri and her roomba she turns her attention a bit to her, “Are you okay? You seem a bit tired?”
Without turning Sayuri responds “jet lag, need Kōhī” she continues to shuffle past.
Theon gawked at this new revelation, “Whoa… an alien impervious to the timestream?!?” he said, recoiling slightly and putting his arms up in a flashy defensive gesture, “You really are a formidable enemy… the coming battles will be difficult…” As Milli addressed Sayuri, Leppu’s attention was drawn behind him. He startled slightly as he looked at her, “Whoa!” He squeaked, “So many people today!”
Richard sighs not getting a reply and walks into the room.
Richard comes back out of his room his ear buds in as he walks past everyone and down the hall.
Sayuri pours herself a cup, taking a deep breath of it before slowly Stumping back towards her room.
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