Dreamwalker HQ
Genre: Adventure/Horror
A nefarious curse seems to be sprouting within the Voicelands. Although... View more
Dream Space 1: Apple Marigold
Dream Space 1: Apple Marigold
*Apple seems to have been troubled recently by a string of recurring nightmares. It hasn’t had an adverse effect on her school work yet, but her parents are worried, and so they have her visit the Dreamwalker HQ to be examined. She has been diagnosed with a case of the Nightmare Curse, so she ends up staying over at the HQ for the time being while the Dreamwalkers do what they can.*
//Apple’s Dream Space: Thunderbird City
Apple is known to have astraphobia, a condition causing her to cower in fear and shiver instinctively after hearing the sound of thunder. As a Swarmling, she also has a natural fear of birds. She mentions that she dreams of being chased around by an electric bird monster, but doesn’t remember any details about the area the chase occurs in.
Her Dream Space is a run down city facing constant rainfall, with the occasional thunderclap here and there. Dreamwalkers start in an empty abandoned warehouse in the north-west area of town, with the sound of rain pelting against the metallic roof. The front door is closed, but unlocked and easily openable from the inside.
Outside, the area is a set of streets and alleyways, with street lights that are mostly broken, and a few which are flickering. The city is mostly illuminated by moonlight. Nightmare creatures take the form of gangsters and street thugs attempting to mug anyone who sets foot in their “turf”, which usually just means shady alleys. These alleys are essential for avoiding the rain. The buildings are mostly run-down apartments, with a functioning casino in the center of town and a power plant towards the north-east.
Recommended BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFNslFJnp-c
Expedition Start!
- This discussion was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Apple Marigold [Vox#DominoBug].
- This discussion was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Apple Marigold [Vox#DominoBug].
- This discussion was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Apple Marigold [Vox#DominoBug].
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