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Active 9 years ago
There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies,... View more
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Group Description
There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies, and Ice bears rage war on the snowy terrains. Where every human is guided by an animal manifestation of their soul–Their Daemon . However, what will happen when these two worlds collide? That of the mundane human world as we know it, and this other foreign world.
(Role play…Golden Compass…)
Characters! Finally.
Characters! Finally.
Posted by MaraTwasHere on February 13, 2015 at 5:56 amFollow Format below please:
Age (18+ means daemon will have settled):
Gender (Daemon’s gender will be opposite):
Species (Ice bears do not have daemons):
Daemons name:
Daemon’s preferred form/settled form:
Back ground:
Image (Optional):
Peridot replied 10 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 5 Replies -
5 Replies
Name: Aradia Pandita (Ari)
Age (18+ means daemon will have settled): 15
Gender (Daemon’s gender will be opposite): Female
Species (Ice bears do not have daemons): Not an Ice Bear
Looks:Light Auburn-orange hair, freckles on flesh, blue-gray eyes, average in height (5’6), long hair-ish.
Daemons name: Hugo (Hugh) Pandita
Daemon’s preferred form/settled form: Falcon, House Sparrow, fox, cat, ermine, (ect)
Back ground: Aradia’s father is in the North working as a scientist. The man never could be around his daughter after her Gyptian mother died on a pirate raid when she was eight. Aradia was then sent to her father’s collague’s to be looked after up until now. She and Hugh have been clamboring on the rooves of Oxford for seven years, playing ‘gobblers’ with the other Gyptian and Oprhaned kids.
Extra: Aradia is orphaned in a way of not having a parental guidance with her, but her father sends her a descent share of money so she is not quite poor.
Image (Optional): http://muzy-posts.s3.amazonaws.com/i/orig/4rr1s767jir3b6lay0ctv68vlgkcoyax.jpg
Name: Alter Netherwood
Age (18+ means daemon will have settled): 18
Gender (Daemon’s gender will be opposite): Male
Species (Ice bears do not have daemons): Witch
Looks: Dark Skin, Black messy hair, teal eyes
Daemons name: Vivira
Daemon’s preferred form/settled form: Falcon
Back ground: Alter never knew his parents and had lived his life on the streets until a group of Gyptian’s found him and took care of him. He never got along with the other kids and when he was 16 he set out on his own with his Daemon Vivira (or Vi as he calls her). She is the one he trusts the most. He knew he was a witch but he didn’t tell anyone because he didn’t see how it matter what he was.
Extra: Has a weakness for blueberries
Other: he wears tan combat boots and tan combat pants, a black longsleeve shirt w/ a red and black backpack and a brown cloak
Name: Verona Caine
Age (18+ means daemon will have settled): 17
Gender (Daemon’s gender will be opposite): Female
Species (Ice bears do not have daemons): Witch
Looks: Pale skin, long blonde hair, green eyes, 5’3″, jeans and hoodie
Daemons name: Onish
Daemon’s preferred form/settled form: Bat
Back ground: She grew up in a loving home, but her parents never understood her. She hated them for never trying to understand her. Once she had enough, she left. She set out on her own at age 15 to find herself, but she hasn’t.
Extra: Very friendly, tries to get along with each other, usually outgoing.
Name: Jenna DragonFlame
Age (18+means daemon will have settled): 13
Gender (Daemons’s gender will be opposite): Female
Species(Ice bears do not have Daemons): Human
looks: Drity blonde hair with a red tiny braid high light going down the middle of the right side of her head, Purple eyes, freckles along her nose and under her eyes, 5’3 , slightly tan skin, fairly muscular, light gray cargo pants, red sneakers, little baggy white long sleeve t shirt.
Deamon name: Oryan
Deamon’s preferred form/settled form: Red wolf, Brown Bear
back ground: she grew up with very nice parents until they were murdered when she was 8, ever since she roams the streets not wanting to be confined in an orphan house she rather be free and she helps fellow orphans when they need it.
Extra: she is good at stealth and can trust people very early which is her weakness and strong point in social interactions, she is fast runner, she can also find work most of the time fairly easy.
Name: Esteri Kivistö
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Ice Bear
Looks: Esteri looks like a typical armored bear with ivory white fur which has not yet begun to yellow with age and a dark muzzle. Her eyes are charcoal black and unblinking. Standing up on hind legs, Esteri is a good 7 feet tall, but on all fours she has a shoulder height of 5 feet, a fairly average size for a female ice bear. More distinctive is the bright, well polished armor she wears at all times.
Her armor is a mix of plate armor over her back, belly and limbs and scale mail along the neck and areas requiring more flexibility. The armor made from sky iron runs along her entire back and the the last joint of each forepaw. The upper paw is uncovered, allowing for swift clawing movements, but a large shoulder plate makes the area hard to access when she stands up on her hind legs. A broad chestplate covers her belly. None of her armor has any symbols or adornment carved in.
Background: Esteri has recently finished crafting her armor. With the last piece completed, she is eligible to join the ranks of the adult armored bears. She bartered her services for two years as a mercenary in exchange for access to a large quantity of high quality sky iron landing within the territory of a group of human scientists. Once her armor was completed, Esteri ran away from her home to complete her contract before word got out and she had to face the public disapproval and shame of being a mercenary.
Although she knows the affairs of humans should not bother a solitary ice bear such as herself, Esteri finds herself “unsettled” by the fact that the scientists evade answering her questions as to exactly what they are doing with the children in their facilities.
Extra: She takes especially good care of her armor and likes to pepper her speech with proverbs and sayings. Esteri tries very hard to live up to the ideal of armored ice bears despite being much younger than she lets on.
Her manner can seem stoic and intimidating at first, but she has a warm personality and is willing to tolerate quite a bit of harmless silliness.
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