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Active 9 years ago
There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies,... View more
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There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies, and Ice bears rage war on the snowy terrains. Where every human is guided by an animal manifestation of their soul–Their Daemon . However, what will happen when these two worlds collide? That of the mundane human world as we know it, and this other foreign world.
(Role play…Golden Compass…)
The Parallel World. (Rp)
The Parallel World. (Rp)
Posted by MaraTwasHere on February 13, 2015 at 6:04 am(Welcome to the world opposite to the one we know. Leave your shoes at the door an enjoy your stay.)
MaraTwasHere replied 10 years ago 4 Members · 137 Replies -
137 Replies
The setting sun gleamed a burnt gold against the spires and domed roofs of Oxford, the University quiet save for the sounds of children hooting and hollering on the roof tops if you were lucky, and the sophisticated murmuring of the scholars with their daemons. Aradia wandered aimlessly across the flat-topped roof of her college she was staying in–she never called it home, even after seven years living there–with Hugo at her side as always. With a daemeon that always understood you how could you possibly ever feel alone? “Hugh, would ya look at that?” Asked the ginger, shoving her hands into the trousers that if her maid had seen she would have surely screamed like a mad-woman. “See what?” He asked, his thick European accent matching her’s. “That blimp, its landing here, do you suppose it belongs to someone important?”
He landed down onto her shoulder from where he’d been soaring through the air, folding his falcon wings just as he became 10 times smaller, changing into a small House Sparrow. “Shall we take a look see? I haven’t seen a blimp in ages.” He chirped, her excitement shown through him even if she did gaze at the landing blimp with lazy blue eyes. It was just a mask. Hugo was, after all, her daemon.
I walk along a deserted street my cloak blowing in the wind and in the distance i see a blimp. “Hey Vi think we should check it out.” He asked what look like no one at all until a Falcon landed on his shoulder. “If we go you need to be careful.” The bird said with a feminine voice. “Yea yea what ever you say sis.” He says back to the bird. “Now race yea there.” He said before taking to the sky and racing the bird.
Aradia jumped over the distances between roof-tops, slid down gutters and climbed up slanted roofs. “Ari!” She looked up to Hugo who’d been flying as falcon came to land down on her shoulder the size and shape of a mouse. “Look to the skies!” He squeaked in her ear, so she looked over the painted gold sky to see a black silhouette against the sun. “That ain’t no daemon, Hugh. Is that a…?” “A witch? Perhaps! Oh, Ari,I haven’t seen a witch in forever. How old were we when we first saw one?” Aradia frowned before flicking her daemon off, though he wheeled off landing into a persian cat, unfazed. “Come on, lets go take a look see. As far as I know their ain’t any witch clans in Oxford. It must’ve been a loner! Or maybe they’ve sent ’em to warn us of somethings. Come on,” She whispered excitedly running ahead to grab the drain pipe of one of the buildings and slide down. The blimp was coming down so big it covered just about all the landing dock with its shadow. And not far from it was the witch.
I land on the roof top closest to the blimp and just stare at it. “Well i can safely say that this thing is huge.” I say a little awed at how massive it is. “Yes it is now as i said make sure you be careful if you decide to explore the blimp.” Vi says like how a protective sister who say. “I know i know i always careful bu-” I start to say before i cut off at sensing someone else near me so i go hide behind an air vent and wait for the person to show them self.
“He’s hiding?” She laughed when she seen him dart behind a air vent. “He ought to know better than to hide from one of the raga-muffings of Oxford.” She giggled before sliding behind a stone pillar. She darted across the small yard the blimp was coming down into the crowd of bushes before scaling the wall to the roof the witch boy had been hiding on. Hugh trotted toward them in fox form, his nose low to the ground as he sniffed right to there location. “Hello there! You ain’t from around here, are you?” She asked easily in her accent, stepping toward him shamelessly in her trousers, which was ultimately a disgrace for a woman along with the soot on one of her freckled cheeks from playing on the roof tops.
I shoot straight into the air after being startled by the girl and i just float in the air clutching my chest. “Dang girl give a guy a heart attack why don’t you.” I say before i land on the ground and get a look at the girl. ‘huh dont met many girls that dress like that.’
A look of wonder and thrill came to her eyes as he’d jumped upward, suspending himself in air upon her entry. “As we originally thought. You are a witch.” She smiled deviously as if she’d just discovered the holy grail. “So, what’s a witch like you got business in Oxford? I ent seen any of your kind around here since…well, I’ve never seen a witch in Oxford. Especially one that hid from little girls on the streets. Frightened, much?” She asked quirking a brow at him, not caring the odd look he gave her about her clothes as he wasn’t anyone who had authority over her.
“Oh haha for the record we are just traveling and ended up here.” I said before crossing my arms and reclining back still in the air ((Main reason i choose witch to reclin in mid air XD)) “Plus you just took us-” “what do you mean us you’re the one who got scared and hid.” Vi said to me with a pointed look. “Vi you royally suck.”
Aradia watched the two before giggling. “Wow, ent today my lucky day? A witch and a blimp. It must be christmas.” She motioned over to Hugo who was slowly creeping toward the Vivian shyly with his nose to the ground as a fox. “Hello.” He said quietly to her, “I’m Hugo–Or Hugh, and this is Ari.” Aradia wiggled her fingers slightly. “You can call me Aradia or Ari. Who are you?”
I look to the girl now named Aradia. “Well my name is Alter or Al for short if you want and this is Vivira, I call her Vi but she prefers Vira.” I introduce as Vi lands on my shoulder and waves a wing. “Its a pleasure to meet you both.” She said to them
Verona’s bat Onish hung from her arm. Onish was just as nervous as she was about attending a new school. “I don’t think I like this,” Onish said as he buried his face in his wings.
“I don’t at the moment,” Verona sated, “but it’ll get better as we meet people.” She gently pet his wings. -
“Al, Vira, welcome to Oxford. Nothing much happens here other than the mild excitement of the servant children of the colleges warring against each other with mud balls, or the occasional Goblin stories. ‘Course I suppose your here for something of the college rather wandering through as you’d like me to think.” She crossed her arms, “‘Course I dunno if I wanna get involved yet with you. I heared witches can be real tricks-” She was interrupted by Hugo who was tugging on the invisible thread linking them, wandering over to the side of the roof still sniffing nosily in his fox form. “Hugh! Ow, that hurts. What’re you doing over there anyways?” She barked annoyed with him for putting physical pain on her from going too far away. Hugo looked back at her with his coal eyes. “Them peoples from the blimp arrived. A woman with dark hair and Lord Asriel. There’s also a new scent not too far off, but they all smell different from smoky soot of Oxford. I can’t tell ’em apart.”
(Just make a post and work your way toward someone. 🙂 No pressure.)
Verona approached the girl and boy talking to each other. “No.. please don’t make me talk to anyone..,” Onish begged. Verona sighed, “We have to make friends somehow. You don’t have to talk.” She smiled at the two and introduced herself, “Hi, my name is Verona and this is Onish.”
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