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Active 9 years ago
There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies,... View more
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There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies, and Ice bears rage war on the snowy terrains. Where every human is guided by an animal manifestation of their soul–Their Daemon . However, what will happen when these two worlds collide? That of the mundane human world as we know it, and this other foreign world.
(Role play…Golden Compass…)
The Parallel World. (Rp)
“That would be true if i knew how to act like a witch but i was raised on the road by a nice group of people…i get discounts when ever i visit.” I said with a shrug then ended with a grin while Vi just palmed her face “Why…Why me.” She said before noticing the new girl. “Greating young ones.” “Vi don’t go all old people on us.” I said
Onish peeked his head out and his eyes widened at the falcon. He squealed and hid into Verona’s bag. Verona pinched the bridge of her nose in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry. He isn’t very social.. and he’s afraid of everything.”
“Well i can see why he’s afraid of Vi she can be scar-Ouch damit Vi don-Ouch Damit it tha-OUCH!! stop that now!” I started to say before Vi decided to peck the hell out of me and chase me across the roof top. ((think of those funny chase scenes from cartoons))
(Jenna jogged down an ally way soon leading into open space, she proceeded and saw 3 people a boy that was getin pecked the hell out of buy a falcon and 2 girls, she aproached them and stopped in between the 2 girls*”Hello!”,she said inthusiastically, Oryan,”why is that falcon pecking him”,he said cockin his head to the right and staired at the fiasco.
“So many new people.” Murmured Hugo quietly, hanging to his human’s leg before shifting into a red panda. He climbed up Aradia’s clothes before curling himself protectively around her neck as if to claim her. “Eck! Hugh, we ent not kids anymore. Unravel yourself.” She tugged at his small paws but he only whined before clinging to her more. “Ugh…” She sighed before dropping her hands and facing the new comer. “Come on up! You’s from a college around here?” She called down to the girl, smiling at the small bat that had kept close to his human. “Daemon’s are so shy when they first meet, ent they?”
“Im sor-Ack! Stop i give i give.” I said hiding behind an air vent while Vi is hovering above me and looking at me with a small glare before going back and landing on my shoulder ‘man she is scary’ “What was that?” “Nothing!”
Hugo bounded over to the new girl up on the roof with the bat Daemon, “Come on, don’t you want to play? You must be new here, there’s plenty of games to play on the roof.” Aradia sighed, watching her daemon. “Not too far off, though,” She said as though she were an elder sister.
*Jenna smiled up at the taller people, ‘Oryan’ thumped his tail*”eh can I play a game too?”,he said curiously to the other daemons.
Hugo jumped, his fur standing on end as he’d transitioned into a cat. He whirled around, his tail swinging as he looked at Oryan. “You scared me!” He hissed before sitting down on his rump. “I suppose you could. We all could.” He said looking around to the other daemons. “We could play cat an’ hair or spiders n’ flies.” He said, and Aradia groaned. “My god you act like such a child.” She sighed to her daemon.
*Oryan’s ears flaten*”Sorry”,*His ears in flatten*”Oh I think I know how to play that one!”,he said excitedly, his tail thumping the roof.,Jenna,”oh how rude of me, I am Jenna and this is Oryan”,she said.
“Oryan. That’s an odd name, esnt it? Where do ya come from? Here in Oxford? What college do ya stay at?” Asked Hugo, sniffing the other daemon not unkindly, simply curiously. “I’m Aradia and this is Hugo, or Hugh as I like to call him. He gets into a load of trouble, he does. But yes, where do you come from?”
*Jenna scratched her head*”hehe ya see me and Oryan jump from town to town and uh we don’t go to college”,she said with a nervous smile”.
“We don’t either. We just work as the serants.” She sighed, rolling her eyes. “But since you’re from around here have you heard of the Gobblers?” She asked darkly, smiling. Hugo snickered quietly in fox form.
“um no, what are the goblins?”, Jenna asked curiously
“Gobblers. They is far scarier than any goblin. They come for kids like me–Orphaned or poor. They take them, and gobble them up some kids say. Either way the child and their daemon aint ever seen again and are most likely dead.” She gave them all a blank stare. “Gobbler will come for anyone though, I heard about a girl in city who was gobbled up. She was a middle-class citizen, and her parents even put money out for her return. She was gone.”
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