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Active 9 years ago
There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies,... View more
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There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies, and Ice bears rage war on the snowy terrains. Where every human is guided by an animal manifestation of their soul–Their Daemon . However, what will happen when these two worlds collide? That of the mundane human world as we know it, and this other foreign world.
(Role play…Golden Compass…)
The Parallel World. (Rp)
“Hmm that is pretty scary, I have not been in this town so long so that’s probably why I have not seen or Hurd one, but if one does come after me and Oryan we will totoaly clober it right Oryan?”,she said turning to her Deamon,Oryan turned into a brown bear,”Yeah!”,he said inthusiastically then turned back into his Red wolf form and licked Jenna’s hand.
“I certainly hope you’d be able to. They run in packs, you see,” She smiled a bit. “But I ain’t believe in gobblers. Just stories the bigger kids and grown-ups would tell ya to get you to be good. Ain’t no one around here been caught by a gobbler yet.” Hugo chuckled beside her at Oryan’s tactics of warding off Gobblers. “If there were Gobblers we could be Gobbler hunters.” He offered.
*Jenna face palmed at the word packs*,Oryan,”Eh hunting is fun but I don’t particularly want to hunt something that I can’t eat really, Oh! Maybe we could all get payed for hunting and killing these gobblers!”,he said looking aroun the group,Jenna,”By gawd your right!”,she said will peting Oryan behind the ears.
She laughed. “If they was real maybe we could. We’d be the best hunters this would know, and go down well in history books.” She laughed, exapserated. The blimp was stationed in the landing place for the night and twilight was settling around them.
“Er it’s getin pretty dark”,Jena said looking at the sky.
She looked up as well. “It is. You’ve gots somewhere to stay?” She asked as Hugo turned into a house sparrow to fly to her shoulder, settling himself there.
“Er nope but we can find some were tonight no biggy”,she said waving her hand,”um want to meet back here tomorrow? haha its not like i have anything to do”.
(Just gonna jump in here.) “Do you not go to school here?” Verona asked as Onish made his way inside her messenger bag.
After the ridiculously long converstion between me and Vi we go over to the girls. “So what i miss?” I ask
“eh no, i don’t go to school”, she said with a nervous smile.
“We talked about Gobblers,” She giggled. Onish poked his head out to look at Vi and then hid again. Verona rolled her eyes.
“ha i would like to see them try and eat me and Oryan!”,she said confidently,Oryan,”heck yeah i bet i can eat them!, not that i want to though but i can!”,he said confidently as well.
“Oh really i managed to kill one one time no idea how though.” I said scratching my head “You just have dumb luck.” Vi commented
“Really? what did it look like?”, Jenna asked curiously.
“You’ve seen a gobbler?” She asked, her eyes widening. “A gobbler? No way! Wait, do you know where they take them children? Where their base is?”
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