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Active 9 years ago
There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies,... View more
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There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies, and Ice bears rage war on the snowy terrains. Where every human is guided by an animal manifestation of their soul–Their Daemon . However, what will happen when these two worlds collide? That of the mundane human world as we know it, and this other foreign world.
(Role play…Golden Compass…)
The Parallel World. (Rp)
“i’ve never seen one but when i was a kid one came after me and i ran into an abandoned building and after a few minutes the building started to collapse i got out but when i looked bad i saw it impaled by some of the stuff in the building before it completely collapsed.” He said scratching the back of his head.
“Really? And here I thought ’em gobblers were justa rumor.” She shook her head, and seemed to shiver a bit. “And here we are, three kids out here talkin’ in the darkening night about just what could be hunting us down. I betcha Mr. Fallen is lookin’ for me justa ’bout now.” She sighed.
“That must’ve been intense.. and why is a Headmaster looking for you?” she asked being a bit nosey.
“He believes that since my father put me in his care I have to do as he says.” She rolled her eyes, tugging at her trousers. “So I rebel a bit when I can. He ain’t my father.” She said bitterly. “My father’s in the North.”
“yeah if i do work for some backer or something, some times they try to keep us locked in and they would send us to a foster house thing”,Oryan,”yeah we just slip away or break the door down”,he said with a smile.
“That’d be a good idea. There’s also the attic of the college you could stay in instead–ain’t nobody go up there anymore. Itsa bit cold but I could give ya some blankets for the night.” She crossed her arms as night completely surrounded them, a cold wind pressing through their small huddled group.
“wow really?, it would be awesome if i could”,she said with a smile.
“A’right then. I suppose since there’s only three of ya you could all stay up there. The attic is awfully big but is filled with some old dusty stuff. Now, how would I get ya inside..?” She tapped her chin, and Hugo piped up from where he sat on her shoulder, still a house sparrow. “I know, Ari. The back window of the college has a tree growing by it. Ya know, the oak tree. We coulds climb from the roof there and then up into the window to the middle floor. Then we could lead ’em to the attic.”
“Mm! Alright, then,” He flew up, soaring a few feet away in a direction. Aradia ran after him a few steps before looking over her shoulder. “Well, come on then.” She waved to them before continuing to follow her Daemon.
*Jenna and Oryan sprinted after them, following with ease*
She jumped across the openings between roofs before looking over her shoulder to see if Jenna was following and keeping up okay. Leading them over to an Oak tree in front of the middle window just as Hugo promised, she jumped onto one of the outstretched branches, coiling her arms around it before sliding down. “Come on!” Hugo chirped before darting in the tree after his human who was unlatching the window from the outside and slipping into a wooden hall.
*Jenna & Oryan follow her, into the building, they enter with caution*
Aradia hung her upped body out the window, glaring and motioning for the witch-boy to come down from his height and into the building. “You oughnt fly!” She scolded him, “There ain’t no witches in Oxford. You’ll stand out like a sure sore thumb if you fly.”
“Im coming.” i said before zipping through the window
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