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Active 9 years ago
There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies,... View more
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There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies, and Ice bears rage war on the snowy terrains. Where every human is guided by an animal manifestation of their soul–Their Daemon . However, what will happen when these two worlds collide? That of the mundane human world as we know it, and this other foreign world.
(Role play…Golden Compass…)
The Parallel World. (Rp)
“Woah!” I yelled before i ran to the window to see where she went.
She looked up at them, her hands on her hips. “I’m fine!” She looked away from them at a taller blonde guy who had soot on his face, and a smirk. “Just one of the stupid Gyptian boys found me. What do ya want, Carlos?” She asked sourly. “To scare ya.” He replied with a smirk. “Everyone’s all riled up ’bout gobblers, en’t they? I thought I’d mess with the local kids.”
“Why I outta…” She hissed between her teeth, running after him as he sprinted off.
(Stay on your toes, children.)
Verona climbed out of the window and onto the tree. She made her way down safely.
She caught the boy a few feet away from the tree, pulling his ear and shouting at him. It faded into the silence before she stood up, wiping the mud off her knitted sweater and skirt. “Now look what ya done! The head-master is gonna kill me.” She snapped at the boy, and Carlos sat up sheepishly. “Ow! That hurt.” He whined and his daemon, a rat, sniffed him indignity. “Well you deserved it, don’t you know! If you like her then why don’t you just say so-?” “Shut up, Cordeila!” He hissed, taking his hat off and tossing it over her as she shifted into a moth. “So,” He said looking up at her as if not even hearing what his daemon had said. “I hear your looking for a Gyptain boy. Here I am.”
After i climb out i run after them and just get there as the boy cover the rat. “So what i miss.” I asked
“Carlos here was just about to tell us what happened with the Gobblers.” Said Aradia, looking up from where she had her foot planted on his chest even as he was sat half-way up. “Come on, then, Carlos. Tell us ’bout ’em gobblers.”
He sighed, falling onto his back. “We ain’t see no gobblers, Ari. Just the Gyptians heard of ’em. And not only that but apparently a girl who’s parents weren’t on our ships got kidnapped too. I heard Father Coram had ‘nough of it, and is sending in a fleet to the North to take the children back. Apparently, to a witch who tipped us off, the children are being held captive somewhere called Bolvangar.”
“A witch really where they go.” I asked eagerly with Vi just giving me a look that i ignore
“Farder Coram.” She corrected him irritadely and he just shrugged. “Sorry,” She murmured looking to the three. “Farder Coram is someone pretty important on ’em Gyptian ships. I ent remember much of anything as a kid, but I myself knew that much.”
He snorted at her, and looked over to the boy with his daemon. “I ent see the witch come, neither did I see it leave. Coram said the witch was in Oxford to check on somethings, but I ent seen no witch. They’s a bit strange anyways, ent they?” He asked to the group before falling on his back. “Able to travel miles away from their daemons? I know it hurts but it should be impossible for that to ‘appen!”
“Y-yea i guess.” i said a bit down. “I always thought it was a little cool that they could do that…..do….do you have something against wiwitches?” I asked the boy
He bit his lip thinking, choosing his words carefully, “I ent got much against them. I ent know ’em well. Not that many do, anyways. They’s just a strange kinda folk.” Aradia put pressure on her foot, blue eyes like daggers. “That’s enough out of you! As a child you were always envious of ’em, don’t fib.” She turned over to the witch-boy-in secret, giving him a wink. “Come on now, I’ve decided. I’m going after ’em gobblers with the witches.”
Carlos choked, sputtering.
“Why would you want to o off and do something like that?” Verona asked, a little intrigued. Onish flew up into the tree to scout.
Hugo flapped to her side, a falcon landing on her arm she outstrethched for him. “Why not? Ent nothing goin on ’round here anyway. I want to save Robby and that Gyptian girl, and lord knows the others out there.” She said, scratching Hugo’s head a bit. “I agree. How long is we gonna live in fear of them? Days more? Weeks more? Ages more? Time for there lil’ cult to come to an end.”
“Right.” She nodded, “Besides, all I need to do is get north before revealing I sneaked onto the ship, after that they can’t deny me. My father’s in the North.”
Carlos moaned, smacking his hand to his face. “You en’t goin. I’ll tell ’em you’ll try. I en’t goin either, its only one ship, Ari, and its gonna be loaded with boxes-” “You ent gonna tell anyone.” She snapped with finality. “The more boxes the better the hidin’.”
“Im in but if we go we need to protect ourselves…luckly i have an uncle who can supply us with what we need.” I said before Vi busted my bubble “You mean the drunk that hits on everything in a skirt.” “Hes not tha-” “YES HE IS!”
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