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Active 9 years ago
There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies,... View more
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There is a world we cannot see, a universe parallel to our own. Where witches rule the Northern skies, and Ice bears rage war on the snowy terrains. Where every human is guided by an animal manifestation of their soul–Their Daemon . However, what will happen when these two worlds collide? That of the mundane human world as we know it, and this other foreign world.
(Role play…Golden Compass…)
The Parallel World. (Rp)
“What? Who is this?” She asks, before raising her voice, “Hey! Who?” She rakes a hand through her matted curls, though seems to have no shame of not running a brush through them.
“It sounds dangerous, but I guess it’s worth a shot.” Verona shrugged.
Onish screeched and flew down. “This sounds way too dangerous! What if someone gets hurt?” He sat on Verona’s shoulder. -
Hugo bounded forward, landing into a dog form. “There ain’t nothing to be afraid of. Come on, it’ll be an adventure!” He wagged his tail excitedly.
“dont listen to Vi she’s just mad because she wasn’t a swan.” i said with a laugh “If you dont shut up i will peck you again.” she threatened “ok ok no more swan jokes.” i said in fear
Verona took a step away from Alter and Vi. She did not want to be near tat when things went wrong. “So when do we leave?”
Aradia looked over to Carlos. “Well then, when do they leave?” He frowned at her, appearing not to want to tell her a thing. “Carlos if ya don’t tell me I’ll be sure to make the rest of your Gyptian days hell.” He sighed before rubbing his lidded eyes. “They leave tomorrow night. First they’ve got to go to some other places to collect ’em soldiers, so they’ll be going to a town further north. I suppose if ya really wanted to go you could collect supplies when they go to that town.” He jumped to his feet, brushing off his trousers and looking around as if he’d shared some great secret. “They leaves at eight tomorrow. If ya gonna be there don’t be late. You know how the Gyptians are about time.” With that he disappeared as quick as he came, ducking around the college with his daemon not even saying good bye.
“Well……he was a nice guy.” I said with me an Vi getting a sweatdrop
Verona cocked her head to the side. “What an interesting character..”
She puffed a sigh, blowing her bangs aside. “He’s a thick-headed idiot.” Hugo nodded in agreement. “Cordeila is just about the same, doing nothing to restrain him.” She shrugged looking over to Alter and Verona. “Well, there’s all the juice I can squeeze out of that lemon, but I think its all we need to know, mm?” She set her unwavering gaze on them. “If ya’re coming with me you can’t chicken out over anythin–Not no Gobblers, not no Ice bears or ’em witches. You cant get scared of the Gyptians even if they are a rough folk. Ya need to be ready for the below zero tempatures of the North.” She prepped them, her hands on her hips. “Are you ready for that? Sure you still wanna come with me?”
“Im a witch that was raised by Gyptian’s so im kind of hard to scare…except with spiders….i cant stand those things.” I said with a shudder at the end. “Yea you can blame those kids when he was younger.” Vi said with a sigh.
“Spiders…? I don’t think they’ve got any spiders in the North, so you’re safe.” She grinned at him. “Spiders.” Her and Hugo chuckled a bit. “Ent that funny, Hugh? Spiders. There were spiders in that attic, ya know.”
“Oh no he’s good with those it’s the ones as big as you’re head that scare the crap out of him.” Vi Explained
Hugo laughed, jumping from her shoulder from his sparrow form and landing on the ground as a large spider the size of the dog. He raised his front legs up, making a ‘squeer’ sound at Val. Aradia giggled a bit, waiting for the older boy’s reaction,
all that was herd was a big thump as i fainted while Vi just looked at me then at Hugo then started to attack him.
“Haha! Come on, Hugh, you can do this!” She jumped back and Hugo leaped forward, spraying spider-webs on the falcon daemon, laughing. “Vi! Calm down, calm down!”
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