GrandSugarClan Empire
The Grand Sugar Clan is a large group of families that escaped from the old world to find a... View more
Aer Zucchero Daemonium Occult Academy
Aer Zucchero Daemonium Occult Academy
Aer Zucchero Daemonium Occult Academy (Private Family Academy within the GrandSugarClan Empire.
This Educational Institution is a hidden association of the True Crossover Academy of the Blue Flames. Our goal is to give our family a private education. We will uncover and utilize hidden knowledge from around the world. Our course will range from general studies to advance occult studies. AerZuDae or Aer Zucchero Daemonium Occult Academy will also teach about our family’s historical backgrounds and the relation to the occult sciences. Our school enjoys the privilege of a well rounded education from different areas of expertise.
Those who surpass in their education become part of True Crossover Order of Exorcists / Knights of the Blue Flame. A new order of knights fighting for both humanity and the other worlds with The True Cross Order dismantled was no longer a religious / spiritual world guided by the old order of medieval minds. There was a new group of knights taking up the plight with a new vision and amazingly enough, demons, humans and other beings were working together this time.
The private classes take place after regular school hour here at our home on the empire.
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