GrandSugarClan Empire
The Grand Sugar Clan is a large group of families that escaped from the old world to find a... View more
List of GrandSugarClan Branches/Divisions
List of GrandSugarClan Branches/Divisions
//Oi I know how some of you feel when someone infringes on your user or branch names. I’m glad I have such innovative and quick thinking people that can fix things they don’t like. I’m going to list the GreatSugarClan family branches here. But remember we are a large family and can’t always protect against someone using simplified branch names. But if you talk to me and want to upgrade yours to something you made up. I will look it over and decide to approve it or not. Arigato! Branch leaders may want to add their sub branches or any one that I missed. //
Main and largest branch SugarDemon ( I have no intention of changing it’s name)
// Has many subbranches that leaders will mention later.//SugarFangs (Sevrent’s and run by Bon, Rin and Mei)
SugarFiends (Satan’s)
SugarBeasts (name upgraded/ Devilman a/k/a LordAmon/Akira Fudo’s)
SugarSpirits (name upgraded/ Prince Koenma’s)
SugarSouls (Also watched and run by Prince Koenma but he has someone in charge of it.)
Sato Yokai (Rozu’s)
SugarKnights (Mikazuki’s)
GoldenHearts (Scavar’s)
ShadowLights (Rose’s)
BloodDemons (run by Izumi-Swordmaster)
SatoDemone (Gentoka’s)
Sato Naphalem (Leonardo’s)
SatoAkuma (SugarDemon Elder’s subbranch belongs to Lord Sesshomaru Bokyosei)
Satō no Kami (Thoth sama’s)
SatōSenshi (Belongs to Arios and Yomi although I believe they also have another name for their branch)
SatouUltharian (Belongs to Daniel and ShinNeko// If there are more, this will be updated. Arigato. Let’s be calm and do our best. //
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