Escape From Otherworld (a/k/a The Borderlands)
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Active 5 days ago
Welcome to Escape from Otherworld! (Group for Everyone)
But please note the following first:... View more
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Group Description
Welcome to Escape from Otherworld! (Group for Everyone)
But please note the following first:
**All new arrivals and new rp characters, we ask that you first join Skyrie.net group and Skyrie Sandbox group so that you understand how to get around Skyrie and what’s expected.
**If we find any post we deem irrelevant we will delete it without warning. Use the existing topics as your guide.
This started as a group for fugitives, outcasts and escapees from Facebook. (The group is named after the movie Escape from NY). It’s now a possible starting point for those who wish to explain their arrival in Skyrie through RP. It was renamed to include those that come from other social networks besides facebook.
This group is strictly for rp. Please read the topics and feel free to contribute or start your own journey topic either in the topic area or just posting directly into the group without using the forum.
You are welcomed to come back and fight the malicious monsters that don’t allow the refugees through the borderlands, you can rescue them or you can bring food to the temporary shelter to help those waiting to be rescued.
Thanks to everyone for all your contributions!
FYI: We call this place the borderlands and in here we call facebook (old world) and Skyrie (the new world).
Hope you have fun!
((This group was made by members of the GrandSugarClan))
Temporary Hide Out (RP Meet & Greet)
Temporary Hide Out (RP Meet & Greet)
Posted by Koenma Jr. Prince Daioh (RegalSucreSpiritus) on April 11, 2017 at 5:11 am*As the fugitives are passing between the old world and the new world, a place or places of hiding them out while they wait for the guides or rescue team to come get them is necessary. Sometimes they are taken to abandoned hospitals but it’s a place where the old world guardians are likely to search. So a favorite place of the rescue team to keep people hidden is in an old abandoned library. This place allows the new fugitives to spend a little time, get food and water and a chance to introduce themselves to others.*
// You can use this area for a short meet and greet roleplay //
Urakaze Ezurate (BlueBerryGalactoseBestiariasz) replied 3 years, 10 months ago 135 Members · 307 Replies -
307 Replies
Ah ah aaaaaaaaah! *pops out of a box that was dropped from the sky* Hello there! I’m Tatsuma! *scratches the back of his head.* Can someone help me out of this box? I’m looking for my brother Gintoki Lucifer. *Looks around* He told me he was in the new world. Am I there yet? Ah ah ah ah ah.
*playfully pretends not to see his uncle Tatsu in the box.* So who wanted water? *he was handing out bottles of water to the newcomers.*
*He looks at the box and looks at Kiyoshi and nods. Then Leuko heads over to the box that just landed and pushes Tatsuma’s head back in, pulls out the packing tape and tapes up the box and leaves it outside with a the note. “Return to sender”* Alright! I’ll take some of that pure water you have there nephew Kiyoshi! That strange eerie box was put back outside. Who are we going to sneak past the guardians of the old world today?
*Blinks* Leuko uncle! Why did you put uncle Tatsu outside like that?
*Looks at Kiyoshi* Don’t worry about that box! There’s nothing we can use in there.
*Pushes the box back inside.* Wow this one is heavy! There must be a lot of supplies in here!
*He sees that Izumi brought the box back in.* Oh no! We don’t want that, it’s taking up space! Send it back. *starts to push the box back outside again.*
Ooh no Leuko! You can’t push that box back outside! It might have good supplies! *opens it and sees Tatsuma, the then reseals it and puts it outside* Oh you’re right, there’s nothing good in there.
*he then looks at all the new fugitives entering the new world for the first time.* Oooh minna! My name is Isao Kondo, Commander of the Shinsengumi! But you can also call me Gori! I’m also a member of the GrandSugarClan (which is my rp family). Our family and friends will be glad to get you past the gates and into the new world safely. Welcome!
*he then explains the situation* In order to get into the new world, we need to cross during the night. A path between the old world and the new to reach the gates at the top of the tower so that you can enjoy the promised land. *he crosses his arms* If you get lost we’ll find you. But keep in mind there are also old world guardians who are tall and intimidating trying to keep you from your destination. If you can fight, take up arms but if you can’t we’ll protect you until we reach the gates! Best of luck! Eat, drink and sleep. Introduce yourselves to each other! Soon we’ll be on our way! -
Ukyo: *blinks* Wait! What’s in the box? *he heads outside and pushes it back inside.* We can’t just throw things out! This is kinda heavy!
*Breaks out of the box* Ah ah ah! all that back and forth was making me slightly dizzy! Hello minna! Why did I get moved around so much? *scratches the back of his head*
*He smiles* To all the new fugitives, escapees and new arrivals! I’m Prince Koenma Jr. Daioh! Feel free to call me Prince Koenma or Jr.
It’s great to meet you all! I hope you will be able to transition easily from the old world (facebook) to the new world (Skyrie) with our help! My family, friends and I will get you past the old world guardians that want to chain you to the past. We welcome you to a new future! -
*he gets out of the box.* Ah ah ah, why was I put back in the box. Was there some kind of danger? Ah ah ahhh
*He’s whispering as he is walking with a few family and friends towards the hide out area.*
This is the hide out area where fugitives wait to get rescued. We need to come here and see if we find anyone from time to time. Sometimes we’ll get a call at S-Clan letting us know someone’s here. *He looks at Rin for a moment.* Shouldn’t you bet at the hospital with your wife Rin? We can handle this. Right minna?
Izumi? Did you just get here? Are you ready to fight the guardians of the old world and help all these fugitives get into the new world. Come inside. I want you to see that there is food, water and basics available for the fugitives. We need to look through all the areas. Sometimes the fugitives are scared and hide within old trains, old buildings and some get caught and get dragged back to the old world. Some of them make it here and we help them cross into the new world. Are you with me so far?@hottotouchsugarfang
@shadowflamesoul -
* Whispers to Rin telling him to go back to Aura’s side that he and the rest of the family got this under control. Once doing that he looked over to Soji.* I’m ready let’s take care of these guys once and for all I had to fight a few, but I’ve finally got through some let their guard down for a few moments. * Makes his way inside after Soji taking a Look at all the supplies and the fugitives and refugees that were there.* yes I’m with you so far.
* Whispers back while walking to the hide out, yes I was at the Hospital she was resting after being given some healing serum, I’ll be making my way there right after finding out where the rescue spot is incase I get more supplies or something. I’ll be back before she Awakins that I’ll make sure of just needed to stretch my legs alittle. or you can just text me the directions later and I’ll find it when I can. * Waves to them going back towards the hospital to get there before Aura woke up from her rest.*
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