Escape From Otherworld (a/k/a The Borderlands)
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Active a day ago
Welcome to Escape from Otherworld! (Group for Everyone)
But please note the following first:... View more
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Group Description
Welcome to Escape from Otherworld! (Group for Everyone)
But please note the following first:
**All new arrivals and new rp characters, we ask that you first join Skyrie.net group and Skyrie Sandbox group so that you understand how to get around Skyrie and what’s expected.
**If we find any post we deem irrelevant we will delete it without warning. Use the existing topics as your guide.
This started as a group for fugitives, outcasts and escapees from Facebook. (The group is named after the movie Escape from NY). It’s now a possible starting point for those who wish to explain their arrival in Skyrie through RP. It was renamed to include those that come from other social networks besides facebook.
This group is strictly for rp. Please read the topics and feel free to contribute or start your own journey topic either in the topic area or just posting directly into the group without using the forum.
You are welcomed to come back and fight the malicious monsters that don’t allow the refugees through the borderlands, you can rescue them or you can bring food to the temporary shelter to help those waiting to be rescued.
Thanks to everyone for all your contributions!
FYI: We call this place the borderlands and in here we call facebook (old world) and Skyrie (the new world).
Hope you have fun!
((This group was made by members of the GrandSugarClan))
Temporary Hide Out (RP Meet & Greet)
Temporary Hide Out (RP Meet & Greet)
Urakaze Ezurate (BlueBerryGalactoseBestiariasz) replied 3 years, 10 months ago 135 Members · 307 Replies
likewise *looks out at the vast magnificence of the unknown, the sheer sight of something not desolated is vastly comforting* Looks like my trip to the library is going to be put on hold huh? *to be fair, the looks of this magnificent place seems to make his life look more adventurous by the second* Thanks for the directions out of that borderlands place.
your welcome, but first i need to take you into the infirmary to get a look at your arm, and as soon you are well i will show you a place that has a library. *smiles*
*Hikari was glad the temporary shelter was standing strong.
Helena’s barriers never weakened and the malevolent creatures might come close bit were not able to enter or see the hide out so there had been no reason to move it’s location. There were fugitives still asleep on the small make shift beds. A few were glad to find sandwiches and water. She even noticed a book of names of those who spent time at the hide out. Each name accompanied by words of hope. She read through it for a while. She felt even more determined to make their passage as easy as she could by pushing back and cutting down those creatures blocking their way outside. She greeted a few fugitives as she headed out with sword in hand.* Keep to the path and you should be safe. *she waved to them as she left.*
*Tama made her way through the safe path with a basket of bread and pastries that Helena asked her to provide the fugitives. She notices Hikari heading out.* Stay safe Hikari! *she waves to her and smiles. Then she went inside to hand out food to the fugitives.*
*waves* No worries Tama, I’m a warrior.
*Apple, age 15, gets off a train at the closest railway station to the new world. It still looks like she has a bit of a walk ahead of her, but she stays determined to escape the old world, a world devoid of justice, where any day could easily be her last. Along the way she sees many hostile creatures fighting against warriors, the likes of which she had never seen. She couldn’t help but admire the warriors’ sense of devotion and selflessness, as it had been years since she’d seen something like that in the old world. After trying her best to avoid the battles herself, she finally reaches a hideout area and takes a breather.*
*Hikari had come back for some water. Her sword covered in the blood of the enemy. She grabbed a cloth and was cleaning it off when she saw the young ladybug girl.* hi there! *she smiles, she reaches to a bookshelf behind her and pulls out a map.* Listen, if you want to go beyond the border just follow this path. There are three cities you can drop into, Akihabara, Academy or Kabukicho. You can find food and shelter there while you adjust to life in the new world. *She drinks her water.* My name is Hikari! It’s nice to meet you! I wish you the best in the new world. *gets up* I have to get back to work keeping the road clear for everyone! I wish you luck miss Apple.
Oh uhmm okay Hikari I’ll see you in the new world maybe? *As Hikari returns to her duties, Apple decides to inspect the map* I hope it’s not really a drop into the city… I can’t really fly ^^” Still, I should probably pick one, but which one? *She prods her own forehead and ends up lost in thought for a minute. After that she gives up and decides to search the bookshelves for more information about each city.*
*A large, ominous computer monitor is delivered to the hideout by an ominous man, ominously. Before saying anything, he ominously placed the monitor on the ground and simply faded away into ominous nothingness.
The monitor seems to be hooked up to a small PC… but there’s no plug for the power. What gives?
After a few minutes, the monitor screen suddenly flickers to TV static and Mystia’s right hand reaches out of the screen. Her fingernails are so uncomfortably long that one would think a monster is reaching out of the screen instead.
Will someone reach out and grab the ominous hand? Will someone try to force it back into the screen? Maybe unplug the cable?*
// Psst I like to improvise, rp gets boring if it’s just me on my own 😉
*The ominous monitor and man were repelled by the barrier surrounding the hide out. Leaving the monitor close by but no inside where the refugees and escapees were safely guarded.*
// gomen minna! This area is a safe haven, no “ominous” creatures get inside due to the sacred barrier keeping it safe. you’re “ominous” creatures should be outside the hide out. hai! Arigato!//
// Oh right there’s a barrier! Sorry there’s a lot to read I kinda just skimmed it and forgot //
* Monitor and PC are on the ground outside. Hand is just reaching desperately but not getting anywhere. It’s kinda funny to watch actually *
*Hikari spotted the strange monitor. She saw the hand and wondered if she should pull out the creature within. She knew the monitor must contain something bad if it was repelled by the barrier and she watched as the ominous man ran away after seeing her fierce warrior stance. Hikari would sigh.* I guess I might regret this but damn I’m curious. *She grabbed the hand by the wrist and pulled out the creature and tossed it to the ground, she then held her sword ready to strike it the creature attacked. But she would first glimpse to see what it was she would be fighting.*
*Mystia was grabbed and thrown to the ground, landing on her butt and scattering feathers around her from the impact* Oww that hurt… *A young winged girl looks up at Hikari and retreats an inch, she seems terrified to the point of tears* Who are you? Where am I? What do you want with me? I didn’t want this! I just wanted to leave! *She yells each sentence louder than the last, her voice getting more and more obscured by crying* I’ll *sniff* I’ll do whatever you want, just please don’t kill me!
*Helena had arrived with food, she put down the food and saw the frightened Mystia. She quietly walks up behind her, picks her up and hugs her.* Don’t cry! *She looks over to Hikari* Hikari! She was probably caught in that monitor. *she then turns Mystia towards her and smiles* Don’t worry, She wont kill you! She’s just being cautious! *wipes the tears from her face* It’s alright you’re safe now.
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