Escape From Otherworld (a/k/a The Borderlands)
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Active 19 hours ago
Welcome to Escape from Otherworld! (Group for Everyone)
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Welcome to Escape from Otherworld! (Group for Everyone)
But please note the following first:
**All new arrivals and new rp characters, we ask that you first join Skyrie.net group and Skyrie Sandbox group so that you understand how to get around Skyrie and what’s expected.
**If we find any post we deem irrelevant we will delete it without warning. Use the existing topics as your guide.
This started as a group for fugitives, outcasts and escapees from Facebook. (The group is named after the movie Escape from NY). It’s now a possible starting point for those who wish to explain their arrival in Skyrie through RP. It was renamed to include those that come from other social networks besides facebook.
This group is strictly for rp. Please read the topics and feel free to contribute or start your own journey topic either in the topic area or just posting directly into the group without using the forum.
You are welcomed to come back and fight the malicious monsters that don’t allow the refugees through the borderlands, you can rescue them or you can bring food to the temporary shelter to help those waiting to be rescued.
Thanks to everyone for all your contributions!
FYI: We call this place the borderlands and in here we call facebook (old world) and Skyrie (the new world).
Hope you have fun!
((This group was made by members of the GrandSugarClan))
Temporary Hide Out (RP Meet & Greet)
Temporary Hide Out (RP Meet & Greet)
Urakaze Ezurate (BlueBerryGalactoseBestiariasz) replied 3 years, 10 months ago 135 Members · 307 Replies
“Let’s see here… The world of Skyrie. This map is presented to the residents of the old world, as well as explorers from other universes, in order to help them get their bearings. …Skyrie! This was where I had planned to end up after all! …But before I celebrate, there’s something I need to do…” She quickly goes back to sorting through her cards, picking one up and tossing it into the air. It disappears with a flash, and a large backpack appears in its place. Alyssa catches it with some difficulty, as it’s quite heavy and full.
*Her voice is starting to sound more hopeful and optimistic.*
Oh, I’ve never heard of the world of Skyrie! Is it safe? Does it have somewhere I can heal my injuries? Well anywhere’s better than here. Lead the way! -
“Well, there’s something we need to take care of first. You said you were hungry, right?” She opens the backpack, and begins rummaging through it. The sound of plastic wrappers crinkling can be heard.
Yes? *She looks into the backpack, fruitlessly because she still can’t identify anything.* What’s that noise?
“That would be the snacks inside this backpack. I have an organ inside my body that converts half the food I eat into fuel for my fire breath, and my mind needs a lot of energy in order to use psychic power, so I need to eat a lot more than others. That’s why I have multiple bags of snacks in my pocket storage inventory at all times. Anything specific you want?”
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by
Oh uhmm… anything with hazelnut will do thanks. So you can breathe fire! Since you’re actually smarter than I thought dragons were I bet you’ve got all sorts of uses for that! Psychic power is uhh… kind of vague. You might need to explain that one to me later.
My power is to echo. I can bounce sound back and mimic any sound I hear. *She mimics Alyssa’s voice flawlessly.* Anything specific you want?
“Not bad. And yeah, a lot of people think dragons are scary, mindless destroyers of everything they can find. Not me, though! As a pretty important member of my race, I need to make a good example, you know. I think we could be pretty good friends. While you have your sound-based power, one of my psychic powers is creating illusions around my body.” She tosses her new friend a chocolate bar with hazelnuts. Then, with a flash of light, she takes on Kyouko’s appearance, although her voice remains the same. “Pretty cool, huh?”
Oh wow imagine all the pranks we could- I mean… yes that’s impressive. I agree, it’s good to have someone I can trust and call my friend in a strange land like this. *She tries to sound more composed and mature than she actually is. After eating the chocolate bar, she and Alyssa venture onward toward Skyrie, following the path detailed on the map, climbing the tower and entering the gate to the new world.*
//All done here!//
//I went back a bit for this gomen but I couldn’t post on it when it was made.//
*Konekomaru saw Bon heading out of the hideout with a girl wearing a red ribbon in her hair, he did not know her name but he would remember the bow if he ever did see her again. It was some time before he had come to arrive here that he was not sure if he would find his friends or family, as that’s what they had become to be like for him, three big brothers. Now he was sitting what looked like a hideout for the refugees to take temporary shelter until they could be safely taken to the new world and would not have to worry about being in danger anymore. He could have sworn he saw Bon and he wanted to call out but he could not find his voice he was so cold so he just looked to Izumo and nodded over to her and barely managed to say “don’t worry we will get out of here I promise”
“I…I know that” *She said as she looked over at him then accepted a blanket from one of the others who were passing them out to them and she took an extra one and tossed it over to him then managed to chuckle as she shook her head* “We will get out of here, i know someone will come looking for us and we will be fine so do not worry so much Miwa” *Izumo put her knees up to her chest and she huddled inside the warm blanket as they waited for morning to see about if anyone would come to find them and lead them to a safer area than here. She then closed her eyes and then drifted into sleep*
//that is the most we both have for now since we did not have much time to write it out, gomen but this is beginning of how they were rescued, they were already made it out but wanted to post officially here as they should have.//
// No problem you two! //
*Bon walks out and looks at them. He notices them huddled inside warm blankets. He quietly picks them up and carries them out of the hide out, through a special path, into the spiral tower and then takes them to a car waiting for them outside. He carefully puts them in the car not to wake them up and drives away from the borderlands with them.* Don’t worry you are both safe! *he puts their heads on his lap while they sleep.* Welcome to the new world! *smiles*
//this is posted for me and him both as from here we will role play in the different groups we are invited to as if we were first brought there to start off with of course you are all welcome to role play with us we do not bite lol.//
// new RP with @frankrock @sadistprince …well a continuation from where we started… //
*Kondo, Okita and Rock arrived at Temporary Hide Out. It was an old structure but well maintained by those who came here.* Sgt. Rock, this is the hide out!
It was once a library. There are still books in it and it’s as big as a warehouse so many people can be in here at the same time. There’s some electricity but we keep it to a minimum. The radio signal towers used out here are frequently knocked out but the giants and strange creatures.
You will note that this is a safe haven for all refugees. Nothing malicious can enter here, there is a barrier that my sis Helena set up which makes the place invisible to the giants and will expel anything that might seem harmful. So as long as the refugees can get here and get into the shelter, they can relax, eat and wait for someone to rescue them. We need people to come here and pick up the refugees once in a while and escort them back to the new world safely. -
*Sougo checked to see if there were any refugees currently there and assured them that there would be some rescue teams coming to get them. Then he handed them food, water, blankets and stuff and then walked back to Sgt Rock and Commander Kondo. He sat on the floor and opened a map that had been made of the area. He looked for the spot where his sis Yukii marked where the aircraft crashed.* Hmm it’s a bit out there. But it’s not a problem! We can do this! *he smiles*
*Cannolo could only thank his lucky stars that he was inside a shelter. Even though he had seen some bizarre things in his time, seeing so many at once was completely overwhelming and confusing. He had made himself at home at the temporary shelter, he was afraid to leave with the other groups that had arrived because he was paranoid and didn’t trust anyone. He was especially upset that his stand wasn’t working for him at the time. So he felt like he was in the dark about everything. He remembers washing up on shore, some guy with black hair, red eyes, crimson flames on his head that looked like horns and he heard him ask someone to carry him to the shelter but he never knew who. Who were these people? Then he began to grumble under his breath.* ASPETARRE!! What makes me believe I’m safe here? What if they are all watching me? What do they want to do with me. *He smacks himself* Calmati Cannolo! Wait for you chance to leave this place. *But the world outside looked like an apocalypse. How could he possibly leave there and where would he go? *He had to sit and think of these things before he could make a move.* I’ll have to listen carefully to the details here and make sure they are consistent before I leave this place. *Takes out a map and studies it for a while.*
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