Escape From Otherworld (a/k/a The Borderlands)
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Active 5 days ago
Welcome to Escape from Otherworld! (Group for Everyone)
But please note the following first:... View more
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Group Description
Welcome to Escape from Otherworld! (Group for Everyone)
But please note the following first:
**All new arrivals and new rp characters, we ask that you first join Skyrie.net group and Skyrie Sandbox group so that you understand how to get around Skyrie and what’s expected.
**If we find any post we deem irrelevant we will delete it without warning. Use the existing topics as your guide.
This started as a group for fugitives, outcasts and escapees from Facebook. (The group is named after the movie Escape from NY). It’s now a possible starting point for those who wish to explain their arrival in Skyrie through RP. It was renamed to include those that come from other social networks besides facebook.
This group is strictly for rp. Please read the topics and feel free to contribute or start your own journey topic either in the topic area or just posting directly into the group without using the forum.
You are welcomed to come back and fight the malicious monsters that don’t allow the refugees through the borderlands, you can rescue them or you can bring food to the temporary shelter to help those waiting to be rescued.
Thanks to everyone for all your contributions!
FYI: We call this place the borderlands and in here we call facebook (old world) and Skyrie (the new world).
Hope you have fun!
((This group was made by members of the GrandSugarClan))
Temporary Hide Out (RP Meet & Greet)
Temporary Hide Out (RP Meet & Greet)
Urakaze Ezurate (BlueBerryGalactoseBestiariasz) replied 3 years, 10 months ago 135 Members · 307 Replies
//Sorry if this is to long for some of you it just how i roleplay.//
*The sun was beginning to set as noire had started to make a break for the new world. As she had taken a few things she would need from the family she was with [who only wanted her for her abilities] she took off running and made it to the forest’s edge coming up to a clearing. “That must have some kind of water nearby…i hope” She said as she continued on the path but along the way she saw some spots of blood and she also passed what looked like a giant’s corpse. “Oh dear, I have to hope i dont run into whatever that is, i hope i find shelter soon.” It was near sundown now and it seemed to get really dark and she stopped to look around but could no longer see the path. “My my it sure gets dark fast in this space eh” She told herself trying to psych herself up, she was not scared just alert as she found what looked to be a small pond. She knelt down and touched the water but was not sure if it was safe to drink so instead she washed her face then continued on. A short walk later she saw what looked to be a shelter of sorts so she ran towards in and walked inside then hung her head to catch her breathe. As she lifted her head she saw many others had taken shelter here and she could only guess they were trying to cross the borders just like her. She turned when she saw the male with the long silver hair and ears on his head enter the area and she had never seen this before so she was curious but decided it would be rude of her to ask so she remained silent and listened to him speak to the others about getting to safety. When she heard he was finished she got to her feet and looked over to him* “Um sir, My name is Noelle [she prefers Noire] may I ask to join you in getting to a safe place?”
*Inu knew the girl was there. At first he wondered if Satan had sent her but he didn’t sense that from her. He could tell she was one of the inheritors of the blue flames but realized that they weren’t the flames of his son. He knew his son was loyal to his beloved wife and had never faltered. These flames seemed to be from that troublesome creature he learned about when he finally got a report from the New Illuminati. He wasn’t about to judge the child on things from the past but he was a little cautious. He also smelled a little bit of Ciel about her.* Hmm maybe that’s why. So that could be it. *He tilted his head and wiggled his ears as he studied her. He then then responded to her question thinking it would be good to see if indeed there was a relation there.* Sure, why the hell not! *he grinned* Welcome to the borderlands. Let’s get the hell outta here so you can see the new world.
*As she looked to him she could tell that he was alert about her and she could not blame him for it being that everyone here had not met her until now.* “Yes sir, thank you I would very much like to be in an area where everyone will be safe.” *Noire faintly smiled as she nodded then went over to where he had been standing and she saw a few others had also been awaiting their chance to escape into this new world. She was ready to go when she heard him agree to have her join him and the others and nodded* “Yes sir, I am ready. I can not fight well but i can protect myself basic enough to keep myself safe along this path you will lead us through.”
*Ranma appears out of the path, he approaches his brother Inu, he looks behind Inu.* I see you’ve got a few. I just lead a few others out. Let’s do this quickly brother. The giants and their cyber pups are all investigating that dead giant. I found out a lady by the name of Kikuno took that one down. I believe, because of her description she’s of the Yato tribe. Big bro Sesshy told me to come get anyone out of here quickly since this means an increase in giants once they stop gawking at the one Kikuno destroyed. Also, there were a few taken down by a friend of Momo’s, her name is Guri. We’ve got some strong ones entering the new world.
*Sensed Ranma approaching and had turned to face him. He then listens to Ranma’s news and nods as he crosses his arms.* That explains everything! I could smell the blood of the dead giants. So Guri, the Shikigami? Momo’s old buddy. *laughs* Oh this will be interesting. Kikuno, is tough, we’ll have to get her to come back with us and help get others out of here in the future, along with Sango. She’s in the back talking to some of the kids here. But yea, let’s get outta here. I wanna go home and party XD *he smiles widely*
*Ranma points the path and takes everyone along to a tower that would lead them up some spiral stairs and out into the new world. He would send everyone on their way with other family members who would show them how to get to the cities, the school or any other area they needed to get to in order to find shelter.* There should be a group heading to the orphanage at True Crossover Academy of the Blue Flame. There’s a bus waiting, take that bus and you’ll be there in now time. *He opened the gates to the new world and let everyone out of the borderlands.* Welcome to the promise land! *he smiles and then once he says his goodbyes and everyone is out he goes over to his brother Inu. Let’s go home. The next patrol will be here soon to get the next groups. We’ve done our jobs.
*Grins as he looks over to Ranma, he then turns to Sango and gives her the directions to the Demon Dog Village.* I’ll eventually see you there! *he waves as she heads out and then leaves with Ranma as they head to their own homes.*
* Arrived shortly after Ranma and Inuyasha. He decided to lend a hand to any of his family and some new citizens that was at the hideout escape to the new world.gives out water and food to any that needed it. Introduced himself to the new citizens being they may be on guard for they didn’t know him.* My name is Mikazuki and I’ll be helping some of you to escape if you wish, also to hand out supplies if you need them. Please do try to enjoy your stay it will only be temporary and we will be on our way to the new world.
*She leads Akatsuki to the hide out so that he can rest. She brings him a sleeping bag, some water and a sandwich.* Alright! You get some rest. I’ll go out and see if there’s anyone else wandering around outside. If I don’t get back, I’m sure someone will get you and guide you to the tower. *she bows and leaves.*
// new entry //
*Rintoki, Bon, and Renzou decided to double check the hide out. It was a large warehouse so more refugees could have been sleeping or resting inside. Little brother Rin, Miwa and Izumo would leave together while the rest would remain behind and wait for sis Emilia. Bon and Renzou had noticed others crossing and decided it would be best to wait just a little longer.* -
*Bon went to the roof of the warehouse to see that Rin, Miwa and Izumo were going through a safe path. He spotted two other ladies he had never seen before. He ran down to Rintoki and Renzou.* There are certainly more!
Damn it! I hear the damn cyberdogs! That’s probably what chased Emilia Looks like Rintoki got her safely.
*Renzou, Rintoki and Bon found three other refugees whom they brought to the hide out so that they could hydrate before continuing the journey out of the borderlands and into the new world. Two seemed fine but one was fainted.* Let’s wait til the young lady is better before we can leave.
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