Info and Characters.

  • Info and Characters.

    Posted by Wake on March 12, 2017 at 4:57 am

    (This will probably be really long and complicated, please forgive me (-_-“)

    About the world:

    In this world, many years ago, monsters began showing up in the west of the continent. They killed the humans and drove them to the easternmost side of the land. Some time later, the Excalibur Guild was established to bring all the guilds together against the common enemy of the monsters. Young men and women who trained in guilds form parties together and go out to battle for defense of their land or to gain land from the monsters. Becoming a member of Excalibur Guild gives people certain privileges that non-Guild members have, still, its a tough life. Fighting in a party will rarely leave someone rich, when someone first begins the guild life, it’s a struggle between dying in battle and dying from starvation. People who join the Excalibur Guild usually do it for the adventure, glory, or because they have no other option. Large towns have blossomed near the borders between the human and monster territories, towns made to house the guild members and parties, as well as the people who made their businesses on selling things to those guild members.

    About Monsters: There are monsters spread across the entire western area of the contentment. Monster-populated land spreads across around two-thirds of the continent, from the border of the human’s territory to the coast. The further west you go, the stronger the monsters get. The ones near border-towns are generally weak things like goblins and dire wolves, in the center they have things like treants and giants, in the west they have the most powerful of the monsters that only the most legendary parties have seen, things like dragons. Some scholars believe there is some kind of force uniting the monsters in the west, so some powerful parties devote themselves to figuring out what that is and if they can kill them. Although mos monsters are evil with no other motive than to kill people, few species are friendly to humans, monsters like elves. They prefer to stay with humans rather than their barbaric kin, and because often they have certain skills beyond humans, they’re welcomed into human towns.

    About Guilds: The guild organization is separate from the Excalibur guild, which although being called a guild, technically isn’t one. The guilds are establishments built to train and unite people wishing to learn specific skills. The strongest parties are built with an arrangement of different classes. Once joining a guild, one is sworn to that guild for life. For most guilds, the penalty for breaking that oath is death, so it’s important to choose a guild carefully. The two founding members of a party are usually a priest and a knight, although parties can function without them. Each class has different skills and weaknesses, so balancing one is important. The most prominent guilds are:

    Knight: Well-rounded combat class. Strong defensive capabilities and almost as strong defense. Knights are usually the muscle of their parties, fighting on the front lines. They are practically useless in the back row, as they almost exclusively use melee weapons like swords or axes.

    Priest: Healing class, mid-level defense, low defense. Although they usually aren’t very handy for attack, a priest is crucial in battle as the only class that can heal wounds. Their main weapons are typically the same staffs they use for casting spells, but they can sometimes carry separate weapons. Usually, they stay in the back row to prevent themselves from injury and to heal their party members more effectively.

    Mage: The most prominent magic class, mid-defense, mid-low attack, an extremely versatile guild with many different disciplines within it. The main ones are pyromancy, necromancy, summoning, water, air, earth, and shadow. There’s also a forbidden discipline of magic, blood magic. People who use blood magic are known Red Mages, they’re dangerous and generally no allowed in Excalibur Guild. Mages can fight in the front line, but are usually more effective in the back row.

    Hunter: Combative class. They don’t have as strong defense or attack as knights, but they have far higher speed. They usually use ranged weapons like a bow and arrow or crossbow, thus are by far most effective in the back row. Along with being good fighters, they are good with animals, very high-level hunters can even tame wild beasts. Hunters are also survivalists, they can aid their parties in the wild, especially in wooded areas.

    Thief: A somewhat versatile class weather in towns or in combat, high attack, high defense. Although it’s a class originally invented to teach people how to steal, now it’s almost more of an assassin class. The guild teaches people how to walk silently and hide in the shadows. A thief’s fighting style relies heavily on this, jumping out to attack people in their weakpoint then returning to hide. Because a talented thief can kill a monster in a single hit, and even a less talented one can take a large hit of damage in a single hit, however because their attacks need to be extremely precise, they have a long cool-0ff period between attacks. Depending on the thief, they can either fight in the front of back row.

    Dread Knight: A class with both combative and magic traits. Defense at around the same level as a knight, however their attack is a little weird. A typical dread knight would start off a little weaker than a normal knight, and they level up far slower, however the powers that a strong dread knight can unleash are often worth the time it takes. What makes a dread knight unique from a normal knight is the fact that the swords they hold have a demon sleeping in them. The only way a dread knight levels up is with blood sacrifice, their sword has to be the one to take down the enemy in the end.

    (If you want another class, please run it by me and I’ll add it to the list \(^0^/)

    When setting your character, include this, if you want more stuff, feel free to put it~










    Andi Wolf replied 7 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Andi Wolf

    March 12, 2017 at 6:09 am

    Name: Arenadd Zyllar (first name pronounced Arenath)

    Age: 19

    Guild: Hunter

    Level: 20

    Appearance/Equipment: He has white hair with a blue strip down the front, his eyes are a bright turquoise to go long with his pale skin. His ears are pointed but the tips of them are normally covered by his hair. On him he carries a bow and arrows, along with a few throwing knives but those are mainly for emergencies. He also carries a few herbs wounds.

    Skills: Is great when it comes to using a bow, if needed he can fight hand to hand combat but tries not to if at all possible. He works great with animals and knows what to do when it comes to facing down a large creature.

    Personality: Arenadd is outgoing once to get to know him but when it comes to fighting or animals he will turn serious. At first he can he be shy and quiet but once you get to know him you can tell that he is the total opposite. Far warning don’t piss him off or you might loose a finger. He has a very short temper and won’t deal with idiots.

    Bio: Arenadd had a strange childhood. Thats probably because he is part elf (hint the pointed ears). His father was the elf and his mother the human. Sadly his mother died in child birth so he was raised by his father. His father, seeing that Arenadd was picked on by the other children for being half elf, left the village with his son and lived with a few of the other elves that were still in the wild. So Arenadd grew up with the elves. He learned how to hunt, forage, and just in all be like them, but he had one flaw. He wasn’t the best with a bow. So day and night he would practice none stop with his small bow. He won’t sleep, or eat for days on end. Finally he was the top of his class in archery. By the age of 16 it was time for him to go out on his own. His father gave him the family bow as a farewell gift and sent him off. For years Arenadd traveled coming across monster after monster until he came to a town that had Excilabur Guild. He joined in and thats where he is now.

  • Wake

    March 12, 2017 at 6:48 am

    Name: Minato Yuuki

    Age: 17

    Guild: Priest

    Level: 18

    Appearence/equipment: Golden-blonde hair and soft sky-blue eyes, as well as pure white skin. He has extremely fine, gentle features, even more beautiful than some girls, complete with soft lips and pink cheeks. He has an almost feminine grace even down to the way he holds himself and talks and gives off an almost godly atmosphere. He usually wears white clothes with blue and gold accents and leather boots. He has a staff engraved with healing runes and two knives -kept on either side of his belt- each at about the length of his forearm.

    Skills: A talented priest with the potential to become great, and alright at fighting, at least for a priest. Aside from healing, he’s an extremely good at cooking and cleaning. He’s also surprisingly good with girls.

    Personality: An extremely sweet and kind person under typical circumstances. He’ll usually put others far ahead of his own needs, to the point that he’ll use all of his energy to heal the injured people in his party. Only two things make him mad, breaking thing’s he’s made and hurting thing’s he’s made.

    Bio: Was born in a large town in the countryside to a whore. He was one of youngest out of about a dozen, most of which were girls. He felt unsatisfied with his life, so when he was about 13, he left to find something greater. Because of his naturally compassionate and giving nature, he fit right in at the priest guild. After his training, he joined Excalibur Guild as a healer. He never joined a party and instead opted to stay in the priests guild and heal injured fighters and sick people where he was loved by his peers, but after a few years of this, he began to feel unsatisfied with even this service, so recently decided he would join a party and heal on the front lines.

  • Chris the wise

    March 12, 2017 at 8:58 pm

    Name: Elis Van Westmere.
    Age: 15

    Guild: Mage, Summoner school

    Level: 10
    Appearance/Equipment: Elis is short and pale with large blue eyes and dark hair hidden under an expansive hat, his slender form concealed by his long red cloak with silver lining with a rampant unicorn on the back. In his hand he wields a hooked staff with bells; at his waist is a dagger of meteoric iron, his pack containing a change of clothes and several books
    Skills: Elis is a summoner, calling forth magical creatures and items in place of more traditional spells like fireball. Due to his scholarly nature he has can translate a variety of languages, both ancient and modern along with identifying magical creatures and mysterious items.
    Personality: Quiet and scholarly, Elis seems more comfortable among books than people but he does warm to people eventually, usually through well timed quips. He is slow to trust.
    Bio: Born from an affair between a prince and his maid, Elis always felt slightly unsure of his place in the world. Treated with quiet distain by the Prince’s legitimate children but doted on by his father he developed an interest in the castle library and through it to the Arcane. His first attempt at summoning ended with him growing a long, rat-like tail that he keeps tucked into his cloak when in town. He set out in search of more knowledge and his own place in the world at large.
    Summons: Bomb imp: a small imp that latches onto its target and explodes

    Fire sprite: a small ball of fire with large eyes, useful for cooking and little else.
    Divine Ram: a supper fluffy sheep with a calming presence,  used to ram foes back but mostly just as an emergency pillow.

    Summon Sword: Calls an enchanted sword into his hand.

  • Wake

    March 26, 2017 at 8:33 pm

    Name: Shae Eyrie

    Age: 20

    Guild: Knight

    Level: 56

    Appearance/Equipment: He has longish black hair, long enough that the tips that just reach his shoulder, usually kept in a tight ponytail. He has three scars on his face, a small one across the bridge of his nose, one over his left eye and a burn over his right cheek. His eyes are a brownish green color with a dull sharpness with an almost catlike quality. He’s fairly tall at just over 6 feet with broad shoulders and a muscular build, the rest of his body is covered with scars. Usually wears light dull silvery armor that uses a large heavy sword.

    Skills: Shae has been a knight for 5 years, he’s a strong and experienced fighter. Has no special attacks and fights powerfully like a tank, however at the risk of his own safety. Usually goes with the tactic of going all out with attack and not concentrating on defense, so rarely gets through a fight uninjured.

    Personality: Usually fairly quiet and reserved and gives off an atmosphere that’s simultaneously sullen and sad, that combined with his rough appearance makes him a little intimidating to talk to. Despite this, he’s a good-natured sort of guy, rarely getting angry and never attacking anyone unless provoked, he doesn’t smile either, in fact, his face rarely changes from a flat expression. Although he’s not the type to strike up a conversation, if you can get him talking, he has some pretty good stories to tell, especially if he’s had a few drinks before. He’s the type of person to unhesitatingly sell his life for enough gold.

    Bio: Doesn’t have any memories of the first 15 years of his life. He was always strong and never saw much value  in his life, so decided to become a knight. In the guild, he developed his reckless fighting style and afterwards became a sellsword, doing anything for enough money. For the past 5 years, he’s traveled around the world in and out of parties and doing various jobs for whoever would pay him. In some areas, he’s known as having strong potential for going out west and deep into monster territory.

    Extra: Has the nickname of “Old Cat” among the knights that know him.

  • Andi Wolf

    October 1, 2017 at 5:18 am

    Name: Leo Lathraía

    Age:19 about to turn 20

    Guild: Thief

    Level: 38

    Appearance: Redish blonde hair, blue/grey eyes. Wears a light weight armor with a turquoise cloak. Is about 6″. He is lean and muscular.

    Skills: Leo has been a thief since he was 10. Over the years he became more skilled and used his thieving talent to help others. He is very talented with a knife, or short sword. His specialty is the black knife.

    Personality: Very friendly with new people and seems to be immature for his age because of the way he acts. He loves to mess with people, in a nice way, especially serious people. When it comes to his job he does a complete 180 and becomes very serious. He also seems very distant no matter where he is. He always seems to make friends but there aren’t any people that could actually say they are very close to him.

    Bio: When he was little he loved to watch the knights and even wished to become one when he got older. It was when his parents died that that changed. His parents died in a raid of the. His parents told him to hide, he did and just in time to see his little home get broke into and his parents get murdered. After that day he lived on the streets. The only way he could live was by stealing food or money. He was offered a home more than once but always refused, not wanting to get attached to anyone else. As the years past Leo was caught stealing from a knight, but the knight took pity on him and took him under his wing. This was where he learned how to fight with a knife and short sword. Once the knight had taught Leo everything he knew he sent him to a thief guild. So Leo grew more and more into his thieving boots. After his training was complete he went out on his own, at the age of 17. In just a few years be became known as the Prince of Thieves.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by  Andi Wolf.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by  Andi Wolf.

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