Fairy Tail (rp)
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Active 5 years ago
Welp, basically an AU of Fairy Tail, using OC’s instead of Canon characters. I don’t really have much... View more
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Welp, basically an AU of Fairy Tail, using OC’s instead of Canon characters. I don’t really have much to say, me being absolutely horrible with descriptions of anything, so I’ll introduce myself and state the rules.
Name’s Crystal_Diamond, but you can call me Crystal if it so pleases you.
I’m a big Fairy Tail fan, and currently have two OC’s in it.
Welp, rules… rules… ah here we go ^^
1: No fighting. Hopefully. OOC. IC is fine, but OOC is a no-no.
2: Don’t have fun. Seriously, what’s fun about rpin?
3: If you stayed past rule two, ignore it. An rp without fun is just… just… bland… You know what I mean?
4: No godmodding. That means no knowing things IC without explaining how you know (reading it OOC doesn’t count), no killing without permission from the owner of the character you’re killing, no controlling someone else’s character unless they say you can, no insta-killing CPU’s, or even getting through a tought fight unscathed… you know what I’m getting at right?
5: You can be part of another guild than Fairy Tail, as long as you try and get in contact with everyone else as much as possible.
6: Try to keep swearing to a medium, and absolutely no sex scenes. Fade in and out if they happen, but no detil other than that.
7: Try and get along with everyone ok?
8: If you’re going to go inactive, try and tell us first so we can prepare.
9: If you read all the rules, in your bio put uh… “Nuggets” in the “other” section. 10: Only 5 dragon slayers total, first come, first serve.
Rp Thread: Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Rp Thread: Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Crystal_Diamond replied 10 years, 6 months ago 6 Members · 32 Replies
Haru glanced up at Bailey, raising a brow ever so slightly at this new arrival.
“Hello there.” Another dragon slayer I see… she added in her mind. She gave Bailey a fleeting smile and crossed her arms. She was almost getting hungry… She was curious if there was water anywhere nearby… She glanced at the bar, frowning ever so slightly at her predicament. It would be strange if she up and left to get a tub of water, but she was getting hungry. -
Fallin got up from her table, she wandered over to the bar and got a mug of ice. The girl chewed on the frozen water as she wandered over to her table again. She took out the mission she chose and read it over, thinking of possible out comes. The mission was to clear ice from a major river near the mountains, something relatively easy for her and payed well. She snapped a large chunk of ice and twirled another in her hand, a small magic circle appearing so it doesn’t melt in her hand. Fallin swiped hair from her eyes and stood again, chomping on the ice in her hand. She when over to the bar and dropped off her mug, getting ready to leave.
Hideki wandered through the streets, his hood pulled up to keep his identity hidden. He didn’t know what town he was in or how far he’d walked; all he knew was that he was far away from the last place. Things hadn’t worked out so great there. He’d let a guy get too close, close enough that he confided in them the magic his brother had taught him. And they’d panicked. Took back everything they’d ever said, and even sent the local guild after him. Hideki had barely escaped with his life.
Now he was all alone, betrayal and longing heavy in his heart. Again. ‘It’s better that way.’ He told himself bitterly, angrily kicking a rock with the toe of his boot and sending it flying down the street. ‘No one can hurt you when you’re alone.’ The mage repeated that over and over in his head, trying to fight down the sorrow that threatened to bubble up.
Because no matter how many times he told himself it was better this way, Hideki hated being alone.
Haru got up from her table abruptly and walked over to the bar, her stomach growling almost as fierce as she looked. Leaning against the bar counter she looked the man behind it in the eyes.
“Water.” She said, then seemed to consider how she appeared for a member of fairy tail. “Please.” She added, this time her voice taking on a somewhat kinder tone. She glanced sideways at some guy twirling ice around in his hand and reading over a mission. She contemplated taking another one, but decided against it for now. She would wait until later, when no one was in front of the board, or around it for that matter, before she’d look herself. -
Hideki felt his stomach growl, and he placed a hand against it before looking around. His eyes fell on a mage’s guild up ahead; Fairy Tail. He frowned thoughtfully, then started walking towards the building. It was risky, but maybe they would feed him if he paid. The mage poked his head in as he pushed his hood down, looking around warily.
Smelling someone, or rather sensing them since her nose was taking it’s good old time starting to work again as she pretty much absorbed her water, she glanced at the door. Her eyes seemed to stare straight into this newcomer, but oddly enough not in a menacing way. It seemed more of an invite than anything else.
Hideki’s crystal-blue eyes fell on someone that was staring at him, and he plastered on what he hoped was a polite smile as he stepped further into the building, the door swinging shut behind him. He glanced around one more time, then slowly made his way over to the girl that had been staring. “I was wondering if I could have something to eat.” He said, his voice naturally soft. “I can pay.”
Haru waved over to the guy behind the counter once more.
“Alright, what do you want?” She asked the man behind her. She continued sipping on her water, seeming quite relaxed despite talking to a total stranger who seemed extremely suspicious in every which way. -
“A sandwich would be fine. Something I can take with me.” Hideki replied, brushing his blue bangs out of his face. “I don’t mind what’s on it. I just haven’t eaten in a while.” He looked around again, his head tilting to the side when he noticed how empty it was.
The guy behind the bar looked at Haru and she nodded.
“Just give him the food.” She told the guy. Then turned to Hideki. “The food here is covered by the guild, so even outsiders can eat for free. As long as someone from the guild is there with them that is. No worried about paying us, we earn enough from jobs.” She didn’t bother saying anything about wizards or magic, knowing this newcomer was already a mage just from the smell of him. The guy behind the bar came back with a sandwich almost immediately and gave it to Hideki. -
A grateful smile spread across Hideki’s lips, the expression genuine this time, and accepted the sandwich. “Thank you.” He said, finding a napkin to wrap the sandwich in so that he could carry it without having to worry about losing the insides. “Are you sure I shouldn’t pay? In my experience, getting free things doesn’t end well. There’s usually strings attached.”
Haru waved her hand dismissivaly. “Nah, Fairy Tail isn’t like that. Enjoy your sandwich. If you ever need free food and no one in here will let you, which I don’t understand why they wouldn’t, feel free to seek me out. I’m usually in here, on a mission, or wandering the streets of Magnolia.” She smiled a little at Hideki, hers seeming genuine now too. “And you should smile more often, smiles are always great to see you know.”
Then again maybe I should too… she thought, then made a mental note to try, at least. -
“I’ll try to keep that in mind.” Hideki said, before clearing his throat weakly and looking around. “Is it always this empty?” He asked curiously. “I’ve never seen a guild that isn’t bustling with activity.”
Fallin finished off her ice and folded the mission paper neatly, sliding it on one of the many pockets of his coat. The girl left the bar, glancing at the two his passed, she paused for a moment,”Not usually, a lot of people are just on missions currently or at their homes.”The boyish-girl voiced, her voice was rather low and smooth. Then she continued to the doors and walked out, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her coat. Her white hair ruffled by the breeze out side, she walked to her destination, the mountains.
Hideki looked at the girl, his head tilted to the side. He didn’t even have time to reply before she had walked away. With a small sigh, the mage tucked his sandwich away and have the girl at the bar an apologetic look. “I should get going. Thank you for the food.”
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