Family RPs
A place for people to roleplay as families. Please use lit form rather than script to make the story... View more
Today was a big day for Alfred. At four years old, he was finally being adopted. His social worker sat in the room next door, talking to his new parents about raising him and what he was like in different situations. He wished they would just stop talking so he could meet them. He had been left with someone, sure, but they weren’t fun. The two of them just looked at each other, both not wanting to be in the small room. He hugged a toy rabbit he had grown up with and dragged everywhere. He looked up at the door when it finally opened. “And this is Alfred,” the social worker said, gesturing towards Alfred. Suddenly becoming shy, Alfred made his way over to the social worker and stood at their side. He had been so excited, but now that his new parents were in front of him, he didn’t know what to say or do. “H-hello…” he finally said in a quiet voice. The social worker had earlier said that the little boy was very energetic, but he did get shy.
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