Rules, Restrictions, OCs, Yada yada
Rules, Restrictions, OCs, Yada yada
Rule Number 1: Be courteous to your fellow Fandom members. I do not care if “MLP sucks” or if “DBZ is Da bomb”. Do not Argue about which Fandom is better. (Swearing is allowed, so long as it is directed at a character, not the person.
Rule Number 2: Please keep grammar and spelling in check as much as possible. It only fuels the grammar Nazis. (Homestuck Troll-speak is exempt from this rule.)
Rule Number 3: Homestuck is a touchy topic, so please refer to Rule 1 when talking or Roleplaying about Homestuck.
Rule Number 4: Please put at least some effort into any OCs you post. I don’t want random half-assed characters roaming around. (Also, the maximum of OCs is 3. Just cause there are just some people….)
Rule Number 5: Also, please put effort into Canon character RP ( which is totally aloud!). Have fun, and keep the rules in mind!
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