Rules, Restrictions, OCs, Yada yada

  • Rules, Restrictions, OCs, Yada yada

    Posted by THEBUB on December 22, 2013 at 5:49 am

    Rule Number 1: Be courteous to your fellow Fandom members. I do not care if “MLP sucks” or if “DBZ is Da bomb”. Do not Argue about which Fandom is better. (Swearing is allowed, so long as it is directed at a character, not the person.
    Rule Number 2: Please keep grammar and spelling in check as much as possible. It only fuels the grammar Nazis. (Homestuck Troll-speak is exempt from this rule.)
    Rule Number 3: Homestuck is a touchy topic, so please refer to Rule 1 when talking or Roleplaying about Homestuck.
    Rule Number 4: Please put at least some effort into any OCs you post. I don’t want random half-assed characters roaming around. (Also, the maximum of OCs is 3. Just cause there are just some people….)
    Rule Number 5: Also, please put effort into Canon character RP ( which is totally aloud!). Have fun, and keep the rules in mind!

    Kolarabi Vantas replied 11 years ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies

    December 24, 2013 at 5:10 am

    I shall set an example/template to start off. *ERHRM*

    Name: Jack Mooro
    Species: Human.
    Fandom: Example/OC (Put where the character would be Fandom-wise. If it doesn’t fit anywhere, just say OC)
    Gender: Male
    Backstory(General background, not too many details.): Jack Mooro is an everyday guy, lives a normal life, etc.

    Abilities (No God modding, Please.): None.

    Weaknesses (Put at least one here): Coward, sucks at fighting.

  • Ares

    December 26, 2013 at 9:19 pm

    well, “July”, you know what oc I am but for everyone else:

    Name: Ares
    Species: Human
    Fandom: OC
    Gender: Female

    Backstory: After “leaving the nest”, her family never really heard from her again. Ares just tried live on her own in the woods, which actually worked out for her
    Abilities: her bow (duh)
    Weaknesses: killing innocent animals


    January 5, 2014 at 11:41 am


  • DolimiccanDragon

    January 6, 2014 at 7:47 pm

    Name: I Am Gamer
    Species: Poke-Human
    Gender: Male
    Backstory: Gamer’s been traveling and helping video game characters his whole life, or at least since he was banned from his original home.
    Abilities: Superspeed, flight, Time/Space/Flame god tier power, gun that copies any game ability, ability to turn into a Lucario or Lucario/Human hybrid
    Weaknesses: Water, gun crashes after 10 minutes of loading an ability, not very good with his Battle Modus (must reach a certain number of enemies defeated before captchaloguing an item)

  • ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒

    March 1, 2014 at 9:35 pm

    Name: max “cat of manynames” ????
    Species: phoenix catsune
    Fandoms: all or none
    Gender: male/female
    Backstory: goes around looking for adventure and fun makes jokes all around the multiverse however he has MPD which can change him drastically sometimes restores order sometimes causes chaos his goal is to not change but to show both sides and let it be decided by them
    Abilities: weapon purse(a purse filled with random stuff) healing ninjutsu and many other differing abilities depending on his personality Phoenix rebirth (never stays dead long) chaos buster
    Weaknesses: has so many personalities that they change constantly. Irony follows constantly. Chaos buster loaded randomly. Phoenix rebirth has respawn timer

  • Kolarabi Vantas

    March 6, 2014 at 3:12 am

    Name: Jo :3
    Species: Human
    Fandoms: all and/or none
    Gender: Le female (but i rp as a male sometimes)
    Backstory: fuck that
    Abillities: The ability to fangirl so hard but not have to go to the hospital…
    Weaknesses: Haters
    ***Yes this is ACTUALLY an oc I made… I am an otaku so this is an anime character i made… nuff said

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