General Layout (Character types, ect.)

  • General Layout (Character types, ect.)

    Posted by MaraTwasHere on October 8, 2015 at 4:16 pm

    Welcome to Feudal Japan. If you have no idea what Feudal Japan is, go watch an episode of <i>Inuyasha</i> for entertainment and a general idea of what this place is. If not, I’ll briefly tell you here if nessicary. (Skip to bold topic heading if you already know.)

    Feudal Japan is basically Japan in the old times. This means no cars, cell-phone reception, and extra modern-day clothes other than the ones you’re wearing. There are no guns, either. People hunt for their food with bow and arrow, spears and fight with swords.

    But there is magic. Japanese Myths suggest there is magic such as sacred arrows, sutras, and other things that helped humans fight against evil, demons, or monster from Feudal Japan. You have 3 options that we will get into later.

    Here is the way things work: You will all start out as characters in modern Japan (you do not have to be Japanese, even, just in Japan..) and depending on your soul type you will get summoned in multiple ways to Feudal Japan by my character, Eiko.

    Human soul (Regular)- Human souls that are regular are usually newer souls meaning they have no old soul knowledge of Feudal Japan. These people will not be especially targeted by Eiko, as she most likely does not know them.

    Human soul (Old) friendly or bad?- Human souls that are old enough to be in Feudal Japan. You could be a priest or priestess from back then that betrayed Eiko and her companions or even a villager that helped. Or, maybe you were one of Eiko’s close friends from childhood and tried to stop the traitors. (Note: If you are a traitor Eiko will not be kind…at all.)

    Yokai soul Friendly or bad?- You are a Yokai  soul. Yokai souls in this RP can go many ways–

    #1) You can be a member of the Kindan no yōkai, or “Forbidden Yokai” that was betrayed alongside with Eiko and others, however as modern times progressed you adapted to the human world believing you were human while you actually have powers of  and are a Yokai. Your character can also remember snippets of their previous Yokai lives. Once you enter the Feudal era you have the choice to have them remember their past completely as a member of the Kindan no yōkai. Or have them still unknowing of their powers. (Will be further discussed in RP Character layout.)

    #2) Evil Yokai that had tried to wipe out the Kindan no yōkai in battle but was defeated by them. (Eiko will not be as bitter to these Yokai as she is to the human souls that betrayed her.) You can possibly be angered by the Kindan no yōkai and remember them when you return to the feudal era.

    #3) You can not be involved with either two groups said above, and be a normal Yokai who did not know the Kindan no yōkai or the Kazoku no senso war.


    Fun phrases to know:

    Kindan no yōkai (Forbidden Yokai)– A group of Yokai that became friends and traveled together as a family, searching for their blood parents or fulfilling personal quests together.  (Your character could need to fetch an item, or some other quest of your liking. Speak to me about it.)

    Kazoku no sensō (War of family)- Is where the Kindan no yōkai fought against other Yokai that were trying to wipe out human villages in order to create a castle/haven for demons and Yokai, to slowly let their miasma and power spread as the higher demons controlled the lower demons to take over humans and make them do their bidding. Kindan no yōkai  won the battle only to be killed by those they were protecting, the humans.

    MaraTwasHere replied 9 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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