Forest of Harmony
Public Group
Public Group
Active 5 weeks ago
Genre: Slice of Life/Fantasy
A diverse forest spans a large area of land within the Voicelands, and... View more
Public Group
Group Description
Genre: Slice of Life/Fantasy
A diverse forest spans a large area of land within the Voicelands, and is home to many woodland creatures. The general atmosphere here is serene, though it can get lively at night sometimes. It never really gets too dangerous though. No wild bears or anything like that. This forest is where high quality wood is grown to be made into musical instruments, and life in the forest mostly revolves around music itself.
There are a number of clearings, often used for camping trips, barbecues and picnics. There’s a spring atop a cliff, with water flowing off one of the edges to form a waterfall. There’s a cave behind the waterfall where musicians often go to practice, their works in progress drowned out by the sounds of the plunging water.
You’ll also find an outdoor concert area, with glowing mushrooms illuminating it at night. There is also a cabin nearby, which houses an instrument shop. Instruments can be custom made, and there are some off-the shelf items in stock as well.
Oh and Mystia sells grilled fish, in the evening, in the magical night-blindness area where it’s needlessly hard to find her.
Suggested ambient BGM:
> Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QZdO-0OUG8
> Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgc1pFrwBeE
> Apple’s House: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eJW0AiBn_o
Rules & Guidelines:
1: Please RP as if you are in a forest
2: Please don’t damage the trees or any of the wildlife and inhabitants, at least not without asking an admin (we might let you if it’s not disruptive to others’ RP)
3: No spam, bullying, or being insufferably obnoxious
4: We’re open to ideas, so feel free to suggest other features to stick in the forest!
Mystia’s Lamprey Cart
Mystia’s Lamprey Cart
Posted by Mystia Lorelei on November 14, 2018 at 9:32 pm//A food stand that’s usually open in the evening until late into the night. Mystia sells grilled fish and eels. Her specialty is lamprey, which is said to cure night-blindness which mysteriously seems to happen to people when they wander that area of the forest in the dark.//
Come in, come in, good evening, buy a fish!
*… her sales pitch could use some work*
Mystia Lorelei replied 6 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 13 Replies -
13 Replies
*Apple takes over the stand while Mystia prepares her hiding place, but has no idea how to grill fish and eels so she’s just warming up pre-cooked ones*
One gold fiiiish 🎶 One gold fiiiish 🎶
Very very good 🎶 Very very cheeeap 🎶 -
Hey hey what are you doing? Apple, no that’s totally wrong!
You forgot to advertise the 6 for 5 gold bargain!
*After a long day working at the mall, Apple heads over to Mystia’s stand to try a grilled fish. She has trouble finding the place in the dark, so she has to use her emotional radar ability to locate Mystia. As she approaches, the lanterns and fish smell draw her in.*
Hi Mystia, I came to your stand just like I promised ^-^
What’s your most popular fish? I’m not that adventurous with salty food ^^” -
Hi Apple! For a first time I recommend lamprey, it’s a great cure for night-blindness 🙂 Or if you prefer a fish that tastes nicer, the cod, salmon and tuna sell pretty well based on what the fishmonger at the mall told me. Take your pick!
*She lays a selection of ungrilled fish on the counter for Apple to choose from, including the lamprey eel-like fish, with some bits of paper with the cost of each fish scribbled on it. They’re all pretty cheap today because of the Black Friday sale.*
Oh oh I want that one! *she excitedly points at the salmon, purely because it’s the pinkest-looking one*
*Cuts up the salmon into cubes and puts them on a skewer, then holds them over the charcoal grill behind the counter, turning it occasionally. While it’s cooking, she and Apple have some small talk.*
Hey Apple, did you know I’m at an orphanage now? I don’t have to sleep in a tree anymore! It does mean I gotta close up earlier than usual though… There’s a curfew thingy that won’t let me stay out too late.
*Once the salmon is grilled, Mystia takes off the skewer and puts it on a wooden board, then hands it to Apple.*
Careful, it’s hot!
An orphanage wow, yeah I guess your parents are still in the computer huh ^^”
You think we should ask Chipper if she can rescue them? Oh that also gives me an idea! Let’s ask Chipper if she can build a robot coworker for you, so the stand can stay open for longer!*Apple occasionally pokes the cubed salmon to check the temperature, and eventually determines that it cooled down enough to eat.*
Oh wow this is what grilled fish is like? It’s tasty but still a bit salty for me. *she panics and tries to correct herself as if she said something she shouldn’t have* N-N-Not your fault Mysty, I think us ladybugs don’t have the right tongue for it… b-but I’ll still come a lot!
*She pretends to be angry* WELL! At least Faust doesn’t complain about my cooking! Honestly, some people!
Ehehe I’m just kidding Apple-chan, no need to worry your pretty little socks off. It’s not your fault if ladybugs tongues are like that. Next time I’ll put less salt, kay?
A robot coworker? I dunno, it just won’t be the same. Half of the business is the night-bli… I mean… the banter ^^”
=== A few days later ===
*Way before opening hours, Apple comes by the stand with a large swordfish and leaves it with a note explaining it’s a gift. She puts it on top of the counter in plain sight, surrounded in ice packs to try and keep it fresh*
Hope it doesn’t go bad by the time she gets here…
*Finally arrives at the cart after her little friendship performance earlier.* Time to open up shop! *Sets up the cart again for the evening without taking any notice of the swordfish, then when a customer turns up and asks, she suddenly notices.*
Eeeeeehhhhhh?!? That fish wasn’t always there? Are you sure you’re at the same cart? This is a fish cart you know! How can you go to a fish cart without seeing any fish?
*While chatting with the customer she takes Apple’s swordfish from the counter and inspects it.* Oh how thoughtful! *She then hides it underneath the counter and starts taking orders again as normal.*
*Apple leads Faust over to Mystia’s cart that evening.* Heya Mysty, I brought Fausty along this time. Fausty, you wanna try the swordfish? I’m curious about how it tastes!
Oh hi Apple, hi Faust! So that’s 2 orders of swordfish?
// @iamgamer – Alyssa feel free to join us 🙂
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