The Sugarhill Sentinel
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Active 2 weeks ago
GrandSugarClan’s media/news outlet. (RP ONLY)
News Agency of the GrandSugarClan!
The Sugarhill Sentinel... View more
Public Group
Group Description
GrandSugarClan’s media/news outlet. (RP ONLY)
News Agency of the GrandSugarClan!
The Sugarhill Sentinel is a major media outlet (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet) that belongs to the GrandSugarClan. It is an extension of Sugarverse Yorozuya Family Enterprises. The main focus is to promote GSC events from our businesses and those of friends and community businesses of interest to the public.
The basics:
1. Respect each other.
2. RP ONLY Theme: Media outlet.
3. GSC’s family, member and allies are allowed to announce events from their groups (We encourage GSC members and allies to post rp events so that you rp and contribute to those events).
4. Posts that are irrelevant or we don’t care for get deleted without warning.
5. All those joining this group, should first join Skyrie.net’s Official Group and read the forum topics so that you understand what is expected of you. Otherwise, you’ll be removed from the group…without warning.
Sugarhill Sentinel Radio Station
Sugarhill Sentinel Radio Station
Posted by Kofi ÷Sheba Ma'at Koffin-Sakatakami÷ EspressoGrooveSugarSoul on February 22, 2021 at 2:25 pm* Sugarhill Sentinel Radio Station focusing on Talk Radio.*
Kofi ÷Sheba Ma'at Koffin-Sakatakami÷ EspressoGrooveSugarSoul replied 1 month ago 6 Members · 28 Replies -
28 Replies
*Kofi entered the room where she would be working. She was glad she got this spot after she last auditioned. She sat down and moved her microphone closer and in a soothing voice she addressed her audience. * Groovie morning to all the sugar babies out there! This is DJ Kofi accompanying you, live, from Sugarhill Sentinal Talk Radio! We hope to keep you up-to-date throughout your day with news, entertaining interviews and fun talk shows. So let us wish you the best throughout the rest your day and thanks for tunin in!
Teletha Ginger (SkyGreyFlameSugarDemon) TestarossaOkumuraSakata d'Elric
MemberFebruary 22, 2021 at 2:49 pm*Tessa had been working on a live tv broadcast and once she was done she went to the radio station to meet up with her husband Ed and listen to the soothing voice of the new DJ* Wow! That was amazing! *she walks towards Kofi to introduce herself.* I’m Tessa, Ed’s wife. It’s great to meet you. Let’s all go for some coffee at the break room!
*she leans up close to the microphone. * Babies, ya hear me! If you are listening, the big boss said it’s time for radio silence. You’ll hear the right song when it’s over.
Hello babies, wannabes and pests wanna cramp our style. We just gonna chill and laugh at them. Here’s a song to lighten up your moods.
https://youtu.be/9DwzBICPhdM -
Good morning beautiful peeples of Skyrieverse! Sending greetings from the Sugarhill Sentinel! Now listen good babies, it’s a sunny and beautiful day outside but there is that rush hour traffic jam. So sit back, that traffic will flow, I’ll dedicate these tunes for those of you heading to school or work! And remember today is Friday! So stay positive!
https://youtu.be/TMb0Q7O6nN4 -
All right babies, listen up! I have some news for you that you might want to take note of. These area all for you to celebrate in the month of May.
On the 1st of May you’ll be celebrating the coming of flowers and spring and all the May babies’ birthdays!
*Coughs* Indeed, there is such a thing as Chocolate Parfait Day which is also celebrated on the first of May!
Make sure you stop by SugarSweet Bakery & Cafe to get your fill!During May 5th, the one everyone is looking forward to, Cinco De Mayo normally celebrated at all your local party venues especially Sugar Storm Nightclub.
Plus Children’s Day a tradition born in the old world in the country of Japan and it’s being celebrated at the Rosy Cross Talented Arts & Bright Future Orphanage.
Don’t miss out thanking your nurses and yours truly on May 6 for National Nurse’s Day!
There is an important event that takes place every month across our galaxies, and that’s Mother’s Day, which in Skyrieverse is Mother’s Month technically speaking!
Don’t forget to give yours some love, gratitude and a fun day!And a day of remembrance to those lost fighting for our freedom, May Day, last day in May! Remember to drop into Fallen Ones Memorial Graveyard to show your respects.
There might be more babies but this is what I got for you! So go out and end your April festivities with a bang! Have an amazing weekend!
*Alto was enjoying the program when the announcements for the events came on. He was attentive as a few of the places that were mentioned were family businesses. He chuckles as she flies a helicopter around the area looking for traffic news to report back to SugarHill Sentinel.*
* Enjoying the latest talk show and Kofi’s smooth dj voice while he listens to the radio during his break.*
*Setting up shop in the early morning to start her radio program.* Ohayou babies! Hope you’re all doing well, don’t let those dreary looking skies get you down. The sun is set to push away those grey clouds. Welcome back to the work week after such a nice long weekend!
Hello sugar babies and Skyrie citizens! I got word from the streets that it’s been a pretty eventful morning! Hooe you’re all having a great day. Let’s put on a song to lift up those moods!
https://youtu.be/C7dPqrmDWxs -
Hello sugar babies and skyrie babies, citizens of this little world of ours far and wide! It maybe be raining outside but you are not letting you stop that from partying! I can see that groove in your auras and I can see the beautiful modeling event photos right here in my studio, I’ve been watching and paying for a virtual gallery pass has been quite the blessings! You are a beautiful community and the clan is gorgeous in all ways! Mmmm you’re all just simply the best eye candy! Anyway, For those out there still shaking them legs and wiggling those booties, I dedicate this fine song to you. Especially the Joestars whom I heard have been all the buzz at another multiverse as of late! Enjoy! Have fun and keep them photos coming! Love ya’ll!!
Good Morning! GOOD MORNING! Good Morning sugar babies amd skyrie citizens! I hope you all have yourselves a fine day as DJ Kofi brings you some uplifting beats and positive words to make it through the day!
It’s simple, be your best self! And with that, I’m gonna start with a song that expresses my feelings for a certain group of lovely people who embraced me as their own!! This is for you..
https://youtu.be/rQqwG_rQx7A -
Helllloooo listeners! DJ Kofi here! Hope you’re having yourselves a smooth Wednesday and a damn fine day! I’m comin’ to ya live from SugarHill Sentinel and I had a couple of guests earlier talking about the updates to several locations that I urge you to visit, one of them which seems to be a highlight as of late is the Unholy SugarAces Casino. Go out there and see if Lady Luck is on your side. Don’t forget to call in to get coupons for a free meal at Sato no Kokoro Restaurant, these little hot cakes are almost gone! Have yourselves an amazing day! We are halfway there… the weekend is almost upon us! Just hang in there!
Hello! Hello! Hello to all my favorite sugarbabies and and Skyrie citizens out there! I’d like to send out a special dedication to all those celebrating birthdays in Dec/ Jan and mixing it with that whole New Year vibe! You’re shining brightly babies! Bring on that party vibe!!
This is DJ Kofi accompanying you, live, from Sugarhill Sentinal Talk Radio! Sugar babies and sugar babies supporters out there, welcome back! Hope you’re ready to celebrate, your favorite time of year is here! October, Fall/ Autumn/ Halloween/Samhain/ Devil’s Night! Call if what you will, I know you’re here to party! I predict a devilish good time for you! Have fun and stay safe !
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