Welcome to Galactic Maelstrom! \o/ OOC rules and some general stuff

  • Welcome to Galactic Maelstrom! \o/ OOC rules and some general stuff

    Posted by LiveVoltage on January 20, 2015 at 4:45 am

    Consider this the first thread you should read up on before doing anything. This forum is still under construction so please give me some time to actually set things up before all of you start going postal here.

    Here are some general definitions and things you should know:

    *When you need to attempt to communicate OOC in a IC thread, use (( )) when speaking OOC. Will help to prevent alot of confusion and will allow people to see OOC text clearly.

    *OOC stands for Out Of Charactr interactions.

    *IC stands for In Character interactions. When you speak IC, use ” ” to define where youre sentence begins and ends when a character speaks.

    *DM stands for Dungeon Master and is the master of all sessions in the RP. I will be serving as the master of this RP group thus I will be the controller and handler for NPC interactions.

    *NPC’s are Non-Player Characters in the world. They are most often controlled by the DM. PC’s are Player Characters in the RP and are controlled by the RPers. MNPC’s are highly important NPC’s that are controlled by the DM.

    *when starting a IC thread, make sure to label the first four initials of the forum thread with (IC). OOC threads must have (OOC) attached next to them.


    Now here are some rules. Note that the rules section will be updated gradually when I need to add something new.

    Rule 1: All RPers who participate here must know how RP works. As in, they must have actual experience.

    Rule 2: If the DM wishes it, he/she can retcon out IC events that occurred in order to maintain the stability of the RP if he/she see’s it necessary.

    Rule 3: RPers must know what the differences between a NPC, a PC and an MNPC and know that PC’s cannot be anywhere on the level of MNPC’s (at the start of the RP at least).

    Rule 4: Certian area’s of the RP world will be ‘blocked off’ but gradually unblocked as the RP updates and more content is developed. RPers seen trying to go beyond these blocked off area’s will be forced out and back to a place that is not blocked off of the DM’s choosing. (it can also result in IC jailtime probably if you are trying to get into a restricted area.)

    Rule 5: Please see the Character Creation thread before you start doing any RP as well as check out the lore thread and read up on the content there.

    Rule 6: Please work with the lore of the universe that is given to you. If you have any questions concerning lore and canon stuff, contact one of the DM’s. If you attempt to create lore of you’re own volition without consulting a DM, you ‘may’ have you’re session (thread) retconned out after a brief discussion OOC.

    This thread will be gradually updated as I get the chance to set this up more.


    Additional Note: For those that ask, the Genre of this RP will be Sci-Fi with Fantasy mixed together.

    LiveVoltage replied 9 years, 12 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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