character creation.

  • character creation.

    Posted by cass coltheart on September 10, 2015 at 5:57 pm

    (Note. I will control NPCs as well as random events that could be anything from something to do with the lost grounds to a bandit raid to a “act of God” ie earthquake, drought etc)



    Occupation: (soldier, councillor, farmer. Generals are allowed)



    Any powers /weakness(1 weakness to each power please)

    Background( one liners will be denied!)


    Doesn’t need to be in that order.

    MaraTwasHere replied 9 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Chris the wise

    September 10, 2015 at 7:49 pm

    Name: Little Wonder

    Age: 16

    Occupation: Scout

    Nation: Beastmen United

    Race: Harpy

    Any powers /weakness: Flight/lack of dexterous hands

    Background: Little Wonder is a rare male harpy, born and raised in a small Tribe within Beastmen United. Through treated with special care by those around him, life was still hard for him during his hatchling through fledging year, leading him toward cautious optimism. When he came of age he joined the United army as a scout, seeking glory and treasure for his wake, though he doubts the Beastmen leader’s intentions.

    Appearance: Little Wonder’s most distinctive feature are his wings, easily doubling the normal length of his arms, half way along his wings are clawed thumbs over mitten like appendages. His hair is long and feathery, soft to the touch like down. Around his willowy and short form is a deep purple vest over loose cream shorts, cinched above the knee where his legs become distinctly birdlike, ending in three toes tipped with talons.

  • GoldPhoenix9

    September 11, 2015 at 4:06 am

    Name: Erebus

    Age: around 205

    Occupation: Soldier

    Nation: Beast arcane

    Race: HellHound

    Powers / Weaknesses: teeth, claws, muscle, a little fire, general durability. under the belly and water.(attacks won’t do a lot of damage really unless its a running start or fire is involved)

    Background: was born from the depths of hell, like all the other beasts. It doesn’t have a gender as its only concern is to protect and server its ruler. It has been trained strait from birth to kill anything not of the land on sight and to sacrifice anything to do so. It has been trained to talk though.

    Appearance: Rusty red coat, huge big muscular hound dog look, black eyes, left paw skeletal, scares every where on lower paws, a very handsome or beautiful hellhound compared to its siblings. It could barley pass for a regular hound from a distance if it weren’t for its eyes and paw.


  • Jazzy

    September 11, 2015 at 12:03 pm

    Name: Azul (Male if you were wondering)

    Age: 25

    Occupation: Solider

    Nation: Beastmen united

    Race: Lizard man

    Powers: Water powers but are limited to only coming from the hands, spear, knifes, pure strength.

    Weaknesses: Fire, very cold places, places with no insects or small birds (because Azul gotta eat.)

    Background: Azul grew up with a mother, father and two sisters in a small hut, his father was a solider and Azul always looked up to him, his two sister did die in a fire with their mother, though, his father lived and Azul followed his rules and did what he did. When his father became sick, Azul had to take over his father’s job of being a solider. His father was and is one of the most respected lizard man soldiers and so is his son, he leads into battles and fights hard. Azul has grown up not to show his weaknesses and pain, so he’s pretty cold when it comes to feelings.

    Appearance: A blue grey lizard, standing on two legs, had weapons and other things on him, including his spear. (Just click the thing, thanks~!)

  • Randomness On 2 Legs

    September 15, 2015 at 3:15 pm

    Name: Azalan


    Gender: Male

    Occupation: Doctor/healer/cleric/any thing that has to do with healing.

    Nation: Zodia

    Race: Human

    Powers: Has the ability to heal almost anything and keeps the harmony of people. The only problem is that if he uses his powers to much, he’ll start to slowly go insane. Along with that he has exceptional sword fighting skills for when he needs them and angel like wings he uses to fly short distances.

    Background: He has lived a fairly normal life in Zodia. Well, as normally as he could, with constant wars going on and him trying to figure out his powers. Fortunately a group of priests took him in during the war and trained him to use his powers for the good of man kind.

    Appearance: He wears a pure white suit and keeps his sword strapped to his waist at all times. He’s about 5’11” and 147 lbs. He is as pale as pale can be, has one of those weird viking haircuts where they shave off the sides and back but they leave the top, ya know? Anyways it’s ginger colored and he has deep blue eyes.

    Extra: Puts the life of others before him.

  • MaraTwasHere

    September 27, 2015 at 11:50 pm

    Name: Lolita

    Age: Unknown

    Occupation: (soldier, councillor, farmer. Generals are allowed): Unknown currently,

    Nation: Above, or the Winged Calvary

    Race Winged humanoids

    Any powers /weakness(1 weakness to each power please): Mind control and break down- Weakness- If she tries to get into someone’s head who has stronger will power than her, her own mind with unhinge and she’ll be left either fainted or spewing gibberish for a short to lengthy time. Light magic- Light magic allows her to bend light to her will, play illusionary or tricks such as giving moments of something being there that is not there. Lolita, however, can give off her location at night by glowing and or shooting out sparks of light when upset or afraid. Sometimes just in general. And the light cannot cause harm on anything other than darkness. Water-freezing water, bending it, ect- Bending water is not something she can do all the time,  usually when she is half asleep and lathargic she is able to control it–she doesn’t know why.

    Background: To put it simply, Lolita was one of the proud winged ones to come and try and rightfully stop the nations warring toward the ancient land–like the adults coming to calm the children–and despises earthlings like the rest of the winged divines…except, from way up high, Lolita had always secretely envied the humans for what they had–the beautiful land, warm connections with others, it was far nice looking than the beautiful yet frosty expressions she’d grown up around. The earthling’s faces held character, emotion, she could only wonder what they’d thought of her. The winged ones never worried about such things as that. And that’s what made her different, maybe.

    Appearance: Pale silvery gold hair to high thighs, bright icy blue eyes the color of the ocean frozen over, luminous pale skin with a healthy glow, narrow shoulders and petite frame, along with long wings that are blue closest to her shoulder blades and lightens out to a white at the end of her long feathers. (See Image)


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