Little wonder gives his report, up to the capture of the hellhound “then they increased alertness so I returned.”
Azalan made a quick rubbing of the markings. He stood back up and walked over to what seemed like an entrance to the tower. He put his notepad and charcoal away. Feeling around the door he found a small knob. He pushed it in and with the screeching of stone, the doors openes. “Oh yay. This’ll be fun.” Azalan said and walked in.
*the white haired man paused, waiting*
*Xervantes nodded and patted little wonder on the shoulder* “Good work lad. Get some rest. I’ll have orders for you later”
*the eyepatched man returned to the hut he had indicated. Guards watched Azalan closely. There were a number of abnormally large bones inside the tower*
*After a while Erabus couldnt hold its self back, it launched forward out of the bush mouth blazing at the white haired man. Anoyed that he wouldnt give up*
Little wonder discreetly dusted off his shoulder as he moved to one of the tents, his head bouncing as he walked.
*the white haired man drew his blade and stared straight into the hellhounds eyes*
*evening reached the desert and night was approaching*
*Erabus bit the sword instead of his face, Flames shot out of its mouth as it bit harder. Growling*
*the man tutted and laughed, placing an ice clad hand on erabus’s head*
“You would have had a better chance if you’d just fine for my throat”
“I did..” It growled darkly before shuddering at the cold hand, it let go and shook its head. Its eyes went on fire as it drooped molten fire from its mouth, before charging again.
*the man dropped sideways off his horse, putting it between himself and the hellhound*
You aren’t going to beat me..
“I’ve…been…a…healer for…some…time…now….but…this.. Is …my…first….war”
*Erabus ends up biting the horse, it doesnt let go as it rears and runs around in pain. After a few minutes the horse started to slow, it unlatched it jaw and pushed off from the horse rolled away before on its feet again. The horse laid down in agony, if it didnt get medicaly attention it’d probably die with in the hour maybe a bit longer. Erabus tasked the tang of blood all over its mouth, it turned in the direction of the man and spit before charging forward*(its dieing because Erabus basically dug its claws into it and bit off a portion of its back, so its loosing blood )
*the man stood his ground, his whole blade and both gauntlets coated in ice*
*It tackled the man trying to bit him it wasnt thinking that much just to bit him and not let go*
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