Azalan was to enticed by the inside of the tower to care about food. As wandered down deeper in the tower picked up bones here and there, trying to figure out what sort of creature they could’ve come from. “No this isn’t man. Nor beast. Something different…” He said to himself. As he walked, not watching where he was going, he tripped over a small wire and stumbles into a room. As he stood up and brushes himself off, the sound of stone and gears turning filled the room. “Oh no…” Azalan said and ran over to the exit but a door fell and closed it a tight. The two soldiers who were following him started to bang on the stone door.
*one of the soldiers shouted to the one eyed man* “SIR. HE ACTIVATED SOMETHING. HES STUCK IN THERE!”
*the soldier nodded and gathered tools and a number of them began digging toward azalan*
“Oh well.” Azalan said and smiled. He continued on through the dark coridor. As he walked the sounds of the digging soldiers got feint. Azalan stepped through a doorway into a room with a podium. He walked up to the podium and examined what seemed to be an ancient sword, of sorts. “Well this is new.” He picked up the black, rigid sword. It’s hilt and blade were laced with red. ((Just look up a daedric sword from skyrim, that’s what it looks like))
*as soon as he removed the blade, the whole building shook, and Azàlàn could hear voices, yet not understand them*
“SHITTIN HELL,” Erabus yelled and sprinted away from the bigger hound.
(Ignore last post) *Erabus waited to see what The Hell hound wantsd*
*the larger hound padded up to erabus*….mmmm…what…..exactly….Were….you doing in Dravania?” It asked, its voice rumbling like an avalanche*
“I…was..home…den…a spirit…came…and blasted…me all- way, -ere,” It sat down.
Little Wonder stretched out his wings before one of the fires, braced for the cold desert night.
*the larger hellbound sniffed*…..”well….you don’t smell……drunk……so I guess… .you’re telling the truth…. After all…..beings like us…are…above….lying ”
“A young feline walked to little wonder and asked whether he needed anything’
“Are…weh…near home?” It asked before scratching at the colar trying to get it off anoyed.
*the beast nodded, then looked at the collar*…..what…mmm…..happened?
“Stupid people…put…it..on men,” it growled and made sctaches on the metal is it tryed to get it off.
“W-wha-” Azalan stammered but couldn’t get the words out. His head was spinning, it felt like his entire body was on fire. He tried to drop the sword, but it was as his hand was stuck to it. He grabbed his face with his one good hand and tried to stop the pain equivalent to a hit searing knife in his eyes. He looked up and the pain stopped, but he was not looking through his own eyes. No, Azalan was seeing through one the ancient people who had lived here. He turned around to the sound of fists hitting a door. “Open up, we know you’re in there!” He heard to voices shout, but not in the dialect the ones that escorted him here. The door busted open and too soldiers charged in. It was as he was not in control, and he lunged forward stabbing the first in his abdomen and quickly spun, slicing the seconds throat. Then, the vision stopped. He stumbled back onto the ground and slowly opened his eyes. The two soldiers that followed him down there had busted through the door, but now lay in a puddle of blood. “Oh gods above…” Azalan stammered. He looked down at the blood coated sword. He tried to throw it across the room, but just as before it was stuck in his hand.
*the beast leant over erabus and bit through the metal collar,chewing on the metal thoughtfully* “why?….humans….never..m.m capture… Hellhounds….before…”
*upon hearing screams, the one eyed man thundered into the tower. Seeing Azalan and the two dead soldiers, he drew his own blade*
“what….the hell happened?”
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