*using the momentum from the kick, he pushed himself off the wall, stepping in close to the beast that was a man, thrusting his blade heavily against the hilt of the clearly demonic swordtrying to disarm his opponent*
Azalan reeled back and have another screech. He picked the man up, threw him to the side, and bolted out of the tower. He crashed through the guards who were trying to block the exits at the site of him. Azalan busted through the door he entered the tower in and rose up into the sky.
(What y’all got against Dravania?)
*seeing the demon take flight. The man swore* Well….whatever’s in there…ain’t safe. send a notice around. No one is to touch any artifacts found fromt excavating”
Having finished his food Little Wonder shuffles into his tent, wrapping himself in his wings before falling asleep.
*Erabus nodded and started its way their, very happy to get home*
Cloaked in darkness, and with the sound of sleeping harpies, Little Wonder awakened. Finding himself alone, the little harpy whistles a tune before breaking into a soft song.
♪Leave the sleep and let the springtime talk
In tongues from the time before man
Listen to a daffodil tell her tale
Let the guest in, walk out, be the first to greet the morn♪ -
“Huh…me too.” Azul flickered his tounge and blinked a few times. (Sorry!!! I’m just…I don’t know D8)
♪The meadows of heaven await harvest
The cliffs unjumped, cold waters untouched
The elsewhere creatures yet unseen
Finally your number came up, free fall awaits the brave♪
(The song is Élan by Nightwish) -
Little wonder opened his wings out and gently fell onto his back before hitting the chorus
Taste the wine
Race the blind
They will guide you from the light
Writing noughts till the end of time
Surf the clouds
Race the dark
It feeds from the runs undone
Meet me where the cliff greets the sea♪ -
Jumping back to his feet, Little wonder swayed as he sang.
♪The answer to the riddle before your eyes
Is in dead leaves and fleeting skies
Returning swans and sedulous mice
Writings on the gardens book, in the minute of a lover’s lookBuilding a sandcastle close to the shore
A house of cards from a worn out deck
A home from the fellowship, poise and calm
Write a lyric for the song only you can understand♪ -
The harpy slowly wandered out into the predawn
♪Riding hard every shooting star
Come to life, open mind, have a laugh at the orthodox
Come, drink deep let the dam of mind seep
Travel with great élan, dance a jig at the funeral♪ -
While I am enjoying the song. Could someone other thàn Chris post something?)
Little wonder lifts his wings to the rising sun as her concludes his song
Taste the wine
Race the blind
They will guide you from the light
Writing noughts till the end of time
Surf the clouds
Race the dark
It feeds from the runs undone
Meet me where the cliff greets the seaCome!♪
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