Azul scratched his neck and shrugged, “Okay.” he walked there and waited for further orders, “Right. Seems cool. I can do this. God. It’s hot.”
*arriving at the barracks, azul sees a large variety of soldier, both lizardmen and cat people, as well as the air being full of harpies carrying messages. A tall, old lizard sat next to azul. This was Xervantes. He smiled grimly at azul*
“I have something to ask of you”
Azul held onto his spear a bit tighter and looked straight into his eyes, “What do you want to ask me?”
As im sure you’ve noticed, we have no shortage of troops, yet we lack those with the experience to lead them. If you could, I’d like you to take command of one of our infantry platoons. You have proven yourself worthy of the position and many believe you fit for the job”
Azul looked down at his feet, “Is this a joke or something? I’m not that good, not like my dad or anything.” Azul shrugged and looked up at the elder.
“I assure this judgement has no basis on your father’s actions in the past, nor is it a jest. I am quite serious.”
Azul shot up, “Then I’ll take the job.” Azul nodded and whipped his tail around in a fast motion making a small whipping sound.
“Enthusiasm! I like it. They’re out the back. Go meet them as soon as you’re ready. ”
With that , the old lizard stood, shook azul’s hand and strode off to find more officers.
Azul sat there for a minute, ‘What if I die out there? Will they care?’ Azul stood up and walked out back, he was ready, ready for anything.
*the soldiers stood or sat, waiting. It was a standard platoon of 100 lizardmen soldiers and one feline healer. They had all received the standard training but most had never seen a battlefield.*
Meanwhile, a tall black harpy landed by little wonder. “Hey, lad, the commanders want an update. Whats the news?”
Azul looked around and gripped onto his spear, he was a diffrent color than the rest, he felt diffrent, and out of the crowd.
*the feline scampered over to him,robes flapping. She was young, with cream coloured fur and bright blue eyes. Smiling nervously at Azul, she asked*
“Umm…commander..I take it?”
“Yes ma’m….I think…Nice to meet you, I’m Azul.” Azul smiled and took out his hand.
*she shook his hand with a large, fluffy paw*
“Tiffy. Pleasure to be working with you, commander Azul”
At this point, the lizardmen took notice of Azul too, and stood to attention.
He shook it back and smiled softly, “It will be an honor to work with you too,” Azul blinked twice, “And what do you do here?”
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