“Yes, that seems to be it.” Azul shrugged and looked around.
*more soldiers piled onto the hellhound as the woman stood and drove her boot into its face*
“Stop this stupidity. You cannot escape”
“Oh….so…..what now commander? We await your orders” Tiffy beamed
*Erabus Growled deeply as puffs of fire came from his nostols and mouth*
Azul narrowed his eyes, “Everyone run for a mile….or two…COME ON LET’S GO!” he clapped his hands together.
*growl all you want , it won’t change anything ”
*while a few of the soldiers grumbled, none complained openly*
Little Wonder soars upward as he spots the camp, seeing the running soldiers he looks for someone leading.
“An-…none of..this..will…change me,” It said stubornly through the muzzle glaring at the woman.
Azul snarled and whipped his tail around, “MOVE IT! OR I’LL MAKE YOU RUN 10 MILES!”
We’ll see….”
the lizard men and feline quickened their pace*
Little Wonder settles upon a convenient bench to watch the soldiers run.
*the red haired woman stood at the sound of approaching hoofbeats. *
“Looks like someone’s here to deal with you”
“Oh it would be that smug son of a……” The woman glared furiously as a white haired man approached, clad in red armour so dark it was almost black
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