Guild Wars 2 Roleplayers
Will you be roleplaying once GW2 hits? Don’t know what server to join? Trying to find a guild? Or do... View more
Introduce yourself and your character! What makes your character tick? What do they do for a living? Are they a part of a guild or are they curretly looking for a home? I’ll start us off!
Rask looked at the small crowd. They eyed him nervously and Rask knew they were taking in his grizzed appearance, most likely of all, the large scar that ran across his muzzle. He started to raise a paw in greeting, but that just seemed to make the greying Charr’s current situation even more akward, so he rubbed his long, forward swept horns roughly. He cleared his throat before speaking in a rough voice, one more acustomed to shouting over a gale than making eloquent speeches.
“Err, Hello everyone. I would like to thank you for giving me the great honor- Ah blast!” He stopped his speech short with a curse and shook his head. “I’ve never been one for speeches and fancy words, so I’ll get to the point. Th’ names Rask Farcry. Captain of the Samrodock, merchant vessel of the Jade Sea Trading Company. We ship everything from gems and precious metals to clothing and food, but a majority of our cargo consists of exotic animals.”
The old Charr’s chest swelled with pride as he spoke of the vessel and the Jade Sea Trading Company. He continued to ramble on for a bit, something about a recent storm and eagles, until a large white wolf slipped onto the stage and growled at him. Rask looked down in shock and grinned sheepishly as he realized that he had allowed his age to get to him. He glanced at the crowd once more.
“All in all, I’m a sailor, I trade animals, and my bite is harmless.” He grinned wickedly at a small female Sylvari, causing her to blush. “Well… Most of the time. Questions?”
And that, my friends is Rask. Quite the senile old man sometimes! XD As for me, I’m just your average gamer girl. I’ve played a number of MMO’s in my short 20 years, including Perfect World, Mabinogi, and WoW. I was introduced to roleplaying some six months ago, the same time I started playing WoW. For those of you who may have played on the Wyrmrest Accord server, I played Azriell Feathermane, Plaugeshifter of the Windsong Herd. I look forward to seeing all of you at launch! TAG! Your turn!
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