Character Creation

  • Selena

    October 29, 2013 at 4:22 pm

    Rakelle Clearstorm

    Name: Rakelle Clearstorm

    Gender: Female

    Age: 580 years old

    Abilities: Selena’s abilities are all to do with water-she can create a shield to protect herself, use it as a weapon, or even turn it to ice if she so wished. Most of the time, however, she only uses it to water the crops of the humans in the area where she lives in secret, creating storms that aren’t very strong, but give just enough water to help the plants flourish.

    Personality: Rakelle is quiet gentle for a dragon-she cares for all around her, even humans, and aids all as best she can. If there is a drought, she will do her best to keep the lakes filled, a flood, and she will guide the water into the rivers and streams so as not to damage the land.

    Unlike other dragons, who hoard gold and steal from humans, Rakelle only takes what she is given-jewelry is kept deep in her cave, frozen in place to prevent thieves from easily taking it away again. She hunts only in the mountains, far from where the humans live, although if they offer her any livestock she accepts it gladly. Other than that, she avoids the humans, and works at making the area where she lives thrive as best she possibly can.

    Rakelle doesn’t speak often to others, preferring to sit quietly and assess the situation before speaking in aid of the one she believes to be in the right. She aims to be just and fair in all she does-but if her anger is roused, the results can be devastating. Only a few things will do this, though-deliberate cruelty, murder of one that has helped you, or the beating of a human that she may be particularly close to.

    Rouse her anger, and the storm that would result would be unlike anything ever witnessed, destroying everything that the person who has angered her holds dear-be it their property, their family, or their crops. Another dragon would be forced to fight her, facing her ice spears and other dragons shaped from water with claws and fangs as sharp as Rakelle’s own.

  • Wolf_Lady17

    October 29, 2013 at 4:34 pm

    I like your character and it’s well described. You can post a starter if you’d like in the last area in the forum if you’d like.

  • woodfeather the patchwork

    October 29, 2013 at 10:16 pm

    name: nata

    gender: female

    age: 19-20 years

    abilities: All of Nata’s abilities are based around plants. Nata can manipulate different plants (specifically vines) to do her bidding. Nata also carries a necklace made of a vine if she ever needs it. Nata can also will plants into growing in places they don’t normally.

    personality: Nata is not very trusting… she has been used since a hatchling by people to farm.Being abused and starved Nata is not exactly strong. Because of one of her masters she has many scars and is blind in one eye.Despite those conditions Nata has developed a very strong need to be around others.

  • Wolf_Lady17

    October 30, 2013 at 5:31 pm

    Name: Aradace Thrax

    Age: 100 Years of age exactly.

    Species: Fire dragon.

    Gender: Female.

    Abilities: She can alter the temperature of her fire blast. She Can create a single stream of flame, a ball of fast-moving fire, Multiple small fire balls and other such related things. She has minor control of it and can alter it’s course.

    Personality: Very cold for such a warm creature. She doesn’t like many. Humans should die in her eyes, ice should be melted and then turned to steam. She could swim, though it makes her very agitated. Her hoard is hidden deep underground with several human skeletons as well as many thieves had tried to steal her gold and treasures and had paid for it. She loved to destroy things. She was practically a little kid turning teenager in the eyes of dragons and acted as such. Explosions made her happy. It’s not that hard to make her anger rise to the surface. When she’s angry, her scaly skin could melt ice and turn water to steam when she get’s even an inch or two near it. She loved to bathe in volcanoes.

  • Wulfraptor

    October 30, 2013 at 8:21 pm

    Shadow Moonshade


    Description: (Can’t find a picture sorry) Small for a dragon, a real light weight with black scales and moon colored eyes. She is slender with two dainty horns and small spines down the back. Large wings with ragged scales that muffle all sound of flight and padded feet make her a silent mover.

    Abilities: Shadow manipulation, with that ability she can become invisible. An expert at tracking nothing hides from her, yet she can hide from anything.

    Personality: Calm and quiet. She’s patient but shy. Shadow lives in a more isolated valley far from man and she likes it that way. Shadow is frightened of humans having lost a brother to them as a chick. She wants a family but most males overlook her. She doesn’t horde human made items like many dragons, she prefers soft furs that she takes from her kills.

  • BloodyKnight

    November 1, 2013 at 6:48 am


    Name: Kurijimaka Alasdair

    Age: About 250 years old

    Personality: Quiet, sometimes aggressive, but very truthful, even when it borders on rude, and she is also quite trustworthy. Kurijimaka has always been a loner, but as she ages, the more she understands the importance of friendship , even more as a Dragon she knows that their aren’t many left of her kind , so they must stick together. Dragon Hunters seem to always try to kill her, for she is a black dragon, one of the worst in the humans eyes.

    Abilities: Kurijimaka is a Dragon with some pretty strong mental powers she can make things disappear,move things around, control humans for they are weak, and read minds. She also love having to do with Demons, for she is quite friendly with them and always finds ways to use them when fighting, may it be tricking the enemy, doing something bad to them, or simply telling the Demon to do the dirty work.

  • Elivator

    November 10, 2013 at 4:15 am

    Name: Sindrian

    Age: 327 years

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Sindrian can come off as cold, aggressive, and a little rude. He’s never one for conversation or social interaction in general, and prefers to be alone. Unless the other is persistent, the chances of him making a friend are slim. This also applies to fights. He would rather avoid conflict, but don’t get me wrong he won’t run and hide from a challenge.

    Abilities: For the most part he breaths electricity and can manipulate small thunderstorms. Nothing big, though. Sin was never exactly one of the strongest dragons around, but due to his small size (Sin is actually on the smaller side, though it’s hard to show in the picture.) he can be hard to hit.

  • Ares

    November 30, 2013 at 6:14 am

    Name: Ivy

    Age: Around 150

    Gender: Female

    Personality: Young, but very protective to friends. If any of her friends need her, Ivy would help in any way she could. Doesn’t like to fight back, but will defend herself. Ivy can be a little random at times, but only with friends.

    Abilities: can cause pain, can both prevent and cause a plague, and can also give poison just by a scratch or bite. and can blend with the forest background. can also fly and run completely silently due to her wings and footwork.

  • ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒

    March 1, 2014 at 8:53 pm

    Dreacon Nagist
    Age 1,500
    A bit (lot) of a jokester pranks humans and dragons looks like a dragon (usually) mainly also has a human form for Incognito mode likes having fun and adventures tries to lighten up the mood whenever in a sad moment. Also calls himself a triple agent due to how he fakes being a double agent for a trick

    Has a human and hybrid form uses magic a lot. In human form he fights with a sword and only his acid breath however in hybrid he has his claw and wings though not as big and in dragon form he has all the basics for dragons with in increased size

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