Rakelle angled her wings so that she dipped into a steep dive, making for her cave deep in the mountain range where she lived. The river outside the entrance rushed by beneath her, tumbling over the rocks, and once again she felt satisfaction in finding a cave like this that was so easily defended by a dragon of her skills.
Back flapping for balance, she landed on the ledge outside, then folded her wings and made her way inside. Inside, there was a number of offshoots, all filled with ice that held various things, be they meat for a time when she was unable to leave her cave or the gold and silver that she had been given over the centuries she had been alive.
She ignored these caves, however, making for the one furthest back from the entrance-her den. Her tail dragged over the ground behind her, in the grove that had formed over the many decades that she had lived here-she often went out to survey the land around her mountains to see if there were new developments, such as more humans arriving or old ones leaving. Rakelle enjoyed observing these tiny creatures, although she always made sure that it was impossible for them to reach her home-the walls of the ravine outside her home were all coated with thick, smooth ice, that she very firmly kept from going too near the water of the river.
After all she had heard of the humans’ activities, she was well aware that she could not be too careful. Usually, when she was home, she sealed the cave entrance with yet more ice, but today, she was expecting a visitor…