China x anyone

  • China x anyone

    Posted by gokueater on May 27, 2014 at 12:26 am

    Yao sighed, walking to a hotel his next client would be at for the night. The Chinese man was a prostitute, and a good one too. He was very sought after, being very beautiful, very flexible, and able to adapt to anything sexual quickly. He just hated the job, and hated himself. At least he got money from it so he could support himself and his little siblings. Walking into the hotel, he went up to the room his client would be in, a new man. Once arriving he bowed, “Ni Hao. I am Yao Wang.” (( anyone x Prostitute! Yao. Preferred England or Russia, anyone accepted. Please give it a try.))

    gokueater replied 10 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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