Prince! Arthur x anyone

  • Prince! Arthur x anyone

    Posted by gokueater on May 27, 2014 at 2:00 am

    Prince Arthur Kirkland, elder of two princes and next in line for the crown, respected among his men and feared by his enemies. He was a good prince, people could complain a little that he was a kind of a jerk or a brat, but all in all, he was a prince that the majority liked.

    At the moment he sat before a lord of a far away kingdom, the man draped in silk bowed to the prince before speaking to him about a gift he has come to bear for the prince’s seventeenth birthday and as an apology for not having been able to attend the wondrous party. “My prince, I bear a rare and wondrous gift for your seventeenth year, please take care.” The man said as he stood from his bow, he gestured to his servants to bring in. Something large and box shaped was wheeled into the throne room, it was draped in a thick, heavy sheet. The servant stopped right next to Arthur’s throne before scurrying away, joining their master’s side. “Uncover it my prince, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.”

    Arthur nodded as he got up and walked to it, he pulled the sheet off; it fell away easily to reveal what was under it. Arthur looked shocked as he saw it, it left him speech less. “Is this…real?” He asked as he glanced back at the lord, the man nodded with a smile on his lips. “It cannot be, this is something out of a fairytale book.”

    [Prince! Arthur x Supernatural creature! Any male. No fems. OC and 2p are fine. Fluff or smut.]

    Angel!Feli Vargas replied 10 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Angel!Feli Vargas

    June 9, 2014 at 5:10 pm

    ((Can I be Angel!Italy?))

  • gokueater

    June 9, 2014 at 10:41 pm

    of course!))

  • Angel!Feli Vargas

    June 9, 2014 at 10:55 pm


    The young brunett angel slowly lifted his head as the wrapping was taken off of his cage. He was thin from not being fed properly and his wrists showed shackles that held them to each other. His pure white wings stained with dirt. He didn’t speak, just stayed quiet as he looked up at the dirty blond haired boy. He tilted his head slightly and regarded the prince curiously, his wings fluttering a bit as little as they could in the small cage.

  • gokueater

    June 9, 2014 at 11:05 pm

    The lord said his goodbyes and left the room. Leaving the British prince alone with his… angel. Arthur leaned down and placed a hand on the cage,” They havent taken good care of you.. hm.. tssk tssk.” He sat down and stared at the beautiful creature, was it really real? He examined closely. He tilted his head,” do you speak..?” He asked questionatly.

  • Angel!Feli Vargas

    June 9, 2014 at 11:10 pm

    Feliciano watched the human examine him and he pushed a bit away when he got too close to the cage. “Y-yes….I speak..’ He replied in a soft voice, his voice a little raspy since his throat and mouth were both dry.

  • gokueater

    June 9, 2014 at 11:23 pm

    Arthur smiled,” splended! Are you thirty…? Hungry?” He was very inchanted by the small little angel. He set his hand on a bar again,” You are amazing… are your wings really real..?” He wanted to touch those dirty wings very badly

  • Angel!Feli Vargas

    June 9, 2014 at 11:26 pm

    Feliciano blinked a bit as if he was trying to understand him but he looked down and nodded a bit. “Sí..and my wings are real..” He replied, figuring he was in no position to lie.

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