Patron Troll, Favourite Troll, Least Favourite

  • Jane Crocker

    November 3, 2013 at 9:56 pm

    Patron: According to the equation (Yes, on my Deviant Art check it out!), I have Kanaya, but according to my Zodiac Vriska and Terezi (Yes, I’m on a cusp which means I have two zodiac signs.).
    Favorite:ERIDAN!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
    Least Favorite: Vriska AND Equius (Uh, she kills people, and he’s creepy…..)

  • geophyteTygon

    November 9, 2013 at 3:27 am

    Patron: Do you mean zodiac patron or canon patron? If the former is true, Karkat. If you mean canon patron troll, Aradia.

    Favorite: I cannot pick only one. It is a three-way toss-up between Karkat, Terezi, and Nepeta if you are talking about the A2 trolls. If you mean A1, then it is a tie between Damara and Meenah. (Damara is just too funny for words.) If you mean overall, I guess Karkat and Terezi with Nepeta as close second. I really wish we got to see how Nepeta acted when Equius was not around. Judging by the way she cursed, I like to think that her whole personality was not shown. That being said, this is all non-canon.

    Least Favorite: I do not really have a least favorite, but if I had to pick one, I guess Equius. I know he feels bad for letting Nepeta down by the speech he made, but it still really pisses me off.

  • MayorMeMaybe

    December 1, 2013 at 7:53 pm

    My patron troll is Vriska, but if we’re talking Zodiac it’s Feferi~ :3 My favorite troll is most definitely Karkat, with Cronus coming in a close second, but I really like Kankri too… My least favorite, if I had to pick, would probably be Horuss, but only because I don’t think about him too often, he’s just kind of.. there?



    December 20, 2013 at 6:37 am

    Hmmm. Doing some research unveiled the strangest things.

    Patron Troll: According to zodiac, Nepeta. According to the Crocker method, Karkat.

    Fav Troll: Gamzee, even when he’s “Sober”

    Least Fav: Aradia. Really cold and slightly boring.

  • Kajiko

    January 18, 2014 at 5:26 am

    Patron: Tavros
    Favorite: Vriska/Terezi
    Least Favorite: Gamzee

  • ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒

    February 16, 2014 at 12:53 am

    patron:by zodiac eridan but by other method method: vriska
    favorite: vriska
    least favorite: no least favorite I couldn’t decide

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