Test RP Before the Colony
Kazia cheered and let out a small giggle at her apparent success with the complicated DNA machines. This seemed like so much fun, it seemed a bit unnecessary to have kidnapped people just for creating combinations. It made her feel like something really terrible was going on behind the scenes, but without any further information she could only use her current resources to maximize her chance at survival. The woman labeled and stuffed those vials of DNA into her backpack for later usage.
She would always be able to inject the DNA into her system, but who knows when she might get warped out of the R&D department? It was best to make all of the DNA she wanted while she still had the opportunity. Kazia rushed back to the cooling unit to select her next choices. While there, the human dumped all of the vials into her backpack so she wouldn’t have to make multiple trips.
This time she decided to make an Organs-Bone mixture of DNA, a Wind-Speed combination and a Strength-Bone DNA strand using the same process as before since it seemed to have been working well for her.
The orc jumped a bit at the figure but the fact he spoke her language made her calm. Her mind ended up wandering off again as she thought, “Okurimono? Soshite, dono yō ni kare wa watashi no gengo o shitte imasu ka? Kare wa watashi no kangae o kiita koto wa dekimasu ka?” She took a sigh and looked at teh bag she had placed into her locker, wondering what she should even try. She wasn’t concerned with him if he stayed and would feel more safe if he did stay. She picked up one of the viles she had scanned, it suited her very well. She grabbed all the ones that suited her but had to judge between them. There was four of them and she didn’t know how much she could hold. Weighing what would be best, she grabbed one that had scanned out for Pain reduction and placed it to the side. She laid the other three she was interested in and laid them down. She injected into her some of the other DNA she had first, the Strength and the Organ. She winced at them as she let those take effect before she would grab the one she was going to need. She shook her head then jabbed in the pain reduction one and for a moment she felt the pain and the next, it was leaving her. The next was Acid, but she couldn’t feel the change and this suprised her. “Naze kore wa mō itakunai nodesu ka?” She thought, not before grabbing the next and injected the petrification, toxic, and speed healing into herself in that order. She started to feel something leak out of her mouth, not knowing what to do about it so just let it drool out for now. She tried to think it over, and figure out what might have change but her thoughts were fading in and out, “Korera no koto no subete… Nani ga okotta no… Dakara chigau? Watashi wa, karera ga… No yōna shigoto issho ni fitto surunode, dekiru yō ni mieru ka o… Shimasen.”
“Ow… Come on… Something has to work and help me get out of here….” She fumbled through the vials and injected the last few she had left. “Please… Gods… One of these have to get me out!”
“Life and Death is just another of life’s many riddles, the will to live just serves to mask our eagerness to die for stupid causes” she took a big piece bone from one of the plaques and wet it’s tip on the forming pool the acid and bile, her face turned into a mix of madness and pleasure as she took a deep breath at dome’s smell of dead, the atmosphere inside the dome was making her sweat
“Bone and Despair, The very foundation of the body and a felling, embraced by the fool and weak hearted alike, one of the many failures of evolution” taking care to not step on the acid she made her towards the Bone Dome’s Wall, she spread the acid and bile on the wall taking care to not touch the substance “in death we’re equals” she looked around for any structural weakness on the dome
Then she picked the biggest piece of bone she could find and handle and smashed it against the bone wall anointed with acid and bile, the impact alone made waves of pleasure flow through her body, she wished to kill the thing who putted her in that situation and fuck it’s lifeless body
(if the wall broke)
she make her way towards the military facility, making a trail as she carried the bone she used to break the wall of bones while humming “singing in the rain” -
Will be posting for others Later after my work day is done))
As the orc started to use the DNA He stayed perched watching her and smiled as her mouth started to leak and almost laughed but just smiled instead. “Seems you are taking to this like I did this is good.” She heard this in her body and her mind in her language none the less. He was impressed she risked it considering she didn’t know him for all she knew he could have been trying to kill her. What fun is that he had his fill of murder and death now he wanted to save lives namely one he could think of in particular and he looked back to the city and sighed then turned his attention back to the orc.
As the human worked through the DNA experimentation it seemed to go well but every now and then it seemed as if the lights flickered and everything dimmed like the lights had gone out or into standby but it was so quick that even she couldn’t catch it completely. It’s like cat catching half a frame of a movie reel. The process of the DNA she was making also seemed to take longer as they had not finished combining and giving her a full read out. It kept spitting random gibberish information at her that made no sense.
The orc took a pause as she heard him in her own language without really seeing his mouth move. She stood herself up and bent at the waist towards him, her mind projecting in a more decoded form thanks to her fast learning, “Thank you so very much. I can not repay you for the kindness you give. I do have RNA if you may find useful?” She pulled the RNA viles from her locker with her mind and allowed them to float in front of him if he so wished to take them. “I do not plan to use them, just what I find whole. I could but I prefer trial and error.” She rose from her bow and then pointed to the rest of what she had as she thought about it then looked back at him. She started to figure out how to stop the toxic flow from her mouth, stopping the drooling. She took deep even breaths and hoped this would be an honorable exchange.
Kazia glared at the readings the machine was giving her. “This makes no sense!” She declared to no one and scowled as the lights did that indescribable thing once more. The process had worked before quite well! Were the machines limited use only or was there something wrong with the building she was in? It seemed almost like the faculty was breaking down, or perhaps the power was going on the fritz. If there was some emergency or problem causing the power outage, then it would be beneficial for her to use what DNA strands she had already made.
Coming to that conclusion, Kazia decided to inject the vials of DNA (Diamond Bone and Super Reflexes) she had just made into herself, to try and leave as little up to chance as possible. Hopefully, the device in her arm was powered separately and unaffected by the weird power surges.
-Test enjoyed the feeling of the armor around him for only a second not expecting the spikes to pierce his metal flesh though he shouldn’t have been surprised. He felt the pain and he tried to take a step to remove the armor but his body was on fire so he fell forward onto his face realizing he felt that. He was laying there for what felt like an hour before his body was white hot and all he wanted was revenge. This thing had to be made to kill the evolved ones this was tests definition for those who reached advanced dna. These were the ones Test hunted the evolved so that he could further evolve. He soon saw the data flashing so fast he closed his eyes but it seemed like he saw the flashing data even through his closed eye lids. He let out a scream but it couldn’t be heard from outside the helmet. He soon was able to move his body once again slowly bending his arm and knees getting his back strait so he was now standing on his knees. He grabbed a box of swords trying to push himself up but instead of getting up the box fell over and a sword came out spinning and aimed for his right leg which split in half around where the sword was now stabbed into. He blinked smiling as he took control of his power of shape shifting to a new level and made his body look like a cybernetic ninja. He reached his feet finally seeing weapons that interested him. He opened a box that seemed to glow with energy he grabbed the two hilts that ended in a suba. He held both of them in his hands and they became twin blades which he rolled in his hands with a smirk. He walked over to the guns and found a rifle and the heads up display read off what it could do. He loaded it up a it fit onto his shoulder and locked there and out of his shoulder a tentacle moved up and held where the trigger was located. He then picked up two particle splitting pistols and he picked up shield that shifts sizes and he placed it on his right wrist. He then walked out of the armory and looked at the robot understanding it much better now”you can go back to your life my cybernetic kin while I clean up this world of the organic life that plagues its landscapes.” He wanted that troll and he bent down and his heads ups display showed traces of footsteps even though they were four thousand years old the trolls dna made it easy as it was not a common dna path.-
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