Understanding DNA

  • Understanding DNA

    Posted by Silver on January 20, 2015 at 3:32 am

    Character Creation
    All players will start as one of four races with a device fused into their wrist it is small and light and does not feel out of place in fact it feels like its apart of them it has a small triangular slot with two holes in the middle of it. It has a percentage indicator that will appear under the skin as a soft red light. A small 3 inch screen is also visible under the wrist that his an indicator that goes from green to yellow. This device is how DNA will be added to the characters body the percentage meter will show the chance for successful bonding to your DNA. The status screen shows how close you are to being fully loaded on DNA.
    Players May chose between 4 sex’s Male, Female, Female-Hermaphrodite, or Male-Hermaphrodite.
    There are 4 races to pick from Human, Orc, Troll, and Cat


    • Human: Standard human will accept any DNA put into it with a 75% chance to successfully bond.
      Appearance: Humans can be of any Human race and of any decent or time period please be specific to your time period when making your character also keep in mind what language it speaks depending on time it came from.
      Humans will gain one extra DNA slot with no secondaries.
      Average size 5’4-6’6 119-290
    • Orc: Has a 90% chance to bond with strength and a 30% chance to bond with all other DNA
      Appearance: Orcs are Green Red or Black all shades of each are allowed. They are dense and muscular with two large almost tusk like teeth protruding from their lower jaw they always have black hair unless old their hair will go grey.
      Orc’s gain a 25% bonus when bonding with strength DNA.
      Average size 5’8-6’11 250-40
    • Troll: Has a 60% chance to bond with Mental and Speed DNA but only 15% chance to bond with all other DNA.
      Appearance: Trolls are shades of Blue and Purple all shades are allowed. They have tusks protruding from their lower jaw. Are tall and lanky.
      Troll’s Gain a 15% Bonus to bond with Mental and Speed DNA.
      Average size 6’5-8’10 200-317
    • Cats: Has a 90% chance to Bond with Speed DNA but only 10% chance to bond with all other DNA.
      Appearance: Cats is a broader area as this covers Niko to Anthro but not shape shifters. They can look like any breed of large cat that exists including Ligers.
      Cat’s gain a 25% bonus when bonding with Speed DNA
      Average weight 200-400 lbs. Height 8ft-10ft tall

    Every Characters First DNA bond is a 100% chance and any mutation gained form it will occur instantly. After this the mutations could take up to a day to months to occur. The more DNA you use at once the higher chance of a mutation and the sooner it will present itself.
    Each Player can only have a max of 6 Primary DNA types and 2 Secondary DNA types that will affect the primary DNA it is attached to. How the secondary DNA type effects the Primary is based off the purity of that DNA type used in junction with it.
    The first thing to be filled are your primary DNA slots then you start filling in the Secondary Starting from 1 and working down the list. This is the same with the secondary’s the first two will be filled first and down the list.
    Some DNA will not connect with certain types of DNA. Like mental cannot connect to strength, but strength can connect to mental. The reason for this will be explained later.
    RNA can be used in many ways. It can be used to drastically increase a primary or secondary DNA strand or be used to give moderate increases to all DNA strands. It can also be used to Make advanced DNA strands DNA crafting will be discussed later.
    Depending on purity and what type of DNA is used there will be physical mutations that will occur to the body some will be external some will be internal. A player cannot decide which is done unless the GM gives you this option. As each one has its own pro’s and con’s. Now if you use multiple DNA Vials back to back mutations can and will occur.

    Purity of DNA is simple how pure of a strand is it. You could have arachnid DNA that only supplies speed boost but only 25% of that strand will do this the of 75% is just basic arachnid DNA that will get processed out during bonding.
    Notes: DNA unlocks require a roll of 1%-10%
    DNA List

    Muscle Mass, how much can be lifted, general fortitude of your muscles, increase fortitude
    Agility, run speed, dexterity
    Telepathy, Telekinesis, Thought speed, mental capacity, and knowledge
    Heat control, control of fire, fire abilities, how malleable you are
    Control over electricity, Static charge, speed, electric based abilities, and reflexes
    Density, Control over earth and its natural substance, strength
    Speed, control of air flow, wind abilities, increased lung capacity, Flight without wings
    Control over the flow of water and fluids, Water abilities, ability to shift and relocate like water
    Turns your body to metal, Turns your muscle fibers to metal, Makes you conductive, Able to craft basic weapons (IE blades staff’s spikes) the weapons will be a part of your body and cannot be removed
    Bone density, Control over your bones, shifting your bones around
    Enhanced Senses, Reading your own Bio Metrics.
    Increase number of organs, Change organ function, Strengthen organs

    The reason cetin DNA will not bond with certain DNA is based on your strength/Muscles do not hold your memories or mental abilities but the reason Strength will bond with Mental when it’s a secondary is because your mind his its own strength and resistances.

    DNA Subcategory List

    Earth – Increase the Density of your muscle, Thickness of your muscle fibers, Make your muscles as hard as stone, Turn your flesh to Malleable stone
    Bio-Metal – Increases Force of strikes, Laces metal fibers into your Muscles
    Bone – Encase your muscles in bone, Harden your muscles like bone
    Speed – decreases fatigue of your muscles and increase recovery time of muscle tissue,
    Fire: Sprint speed increased due to heat pushing you forward during sprinting (Is directional), Allows for Swift strafing
    Lightening: Speed increase, Depending on speed, you can pass through electrical fields
    Wind: Lightens the body, allows for swifter strikes
    Senses: Create personal time dilation, Ability to sense incoming actions and danger, ability to quickly judge your bio metrics
    Lightening – Mental Reflex’s, Telekinetic abilities gain lightening element, Strengthens mental fortitude against lightening elements
    Earth – Telekinetic abilities gain earth element, Strengthens mental fortitude against earth elements
    Strength – Increases mental fortitude, Increases decision making ability
    Speed – Increased thought process, process information at a cosmic level
    Senses – ability to break down what is in your surroundings to individual components, Can be used with telepathy to scan surroundings.
    Earth – Gives magma based abilities
    Wind – Increases the heat and amount of flames created
    Bio-Metal – ability to super heat the metal in your body
    Speed – ability to turn into a living flame
    Wind – Create a localize lightning storm
    Earth – Allows for defense against lightening and better grounding
    Speed – Increases reflex’s
    Fire – Magma based abilities
    Water – clay like morphing, ability to create mud
    Bio-Metal – Defense against lightning, Increase density
    Strength – Increase Strength, Increases Density
    Speed – Move through the earth (IE swimming walking running you get the idea)
    Water – Ice and hurricane abilities
    Fire – Fire storms, ability to breathe fire, better defense against fire
    Earth – Ability to move earth with wind
    Speed – increases speed (non-direction)
    Mental – Telekinesis gains the abilities of air
    Senses – ability to detect scents in the wind
    Organs – better processing of liquids through your organs
    Speed – increases swim speed
    Strength – Keeping muscles fluid while moving
    Bone – ability to keep your bones from drying out or becoming brittle, better production of blood, ability to heal with water (Time determinant on water consumed)
    Earth – Ability to remove created simple weapons from your body
    Fire – Ability to super heat weapons, Ability to super heat your body without taking damage
    Water – Liquid Metal
    Lightening – Defense against energy, increase damage of lightening abilities, magnetism
    Strength – Increase durability of items made from the characters bio metal
    Speed – Increases reconstitution rate, can create simple weapons faster, Gives the ability to create advanced weapons and devices (IE guns and such)
    Senses – ability to feel vibrations through your bones
    Organs – able to incase your organs in bone
    Fire – ability to use bones protruding from the body to inflict fire damage
    Water – ability to create toxins from the liquids in your bones (you will be immune to said toxins)
    Wind – Lightening of bones for flight
    Strength – increase in bone density
    Wind – ability to detect movement on the wind, detect oxygen level in the air around you, able to detect toxins in the air
    Water – ability to detect water sources and tell moisture levels in the air, detect toxins in fluid
    Earth – Sense movement in the earth, being able to detect precious minerals.
    Fire – Detect heat and cold
    Lightening – detect magnetic fields, swift sense
    Strength – Heightening your processing ability of your senses
    Organs – increases understanding of bio metrics
    Bones – ability to feel and hear through vibration in your bones.
    Mental – Increases ability to understand incoming input from your senses
    Strength – Increases organ durability, ability to heal viral and bacterial damage
    Speed – Control of organ speed, Increase speed of immune system
    Mental – Increases understand of bio metrics
    Fire – better insulation of heat
    Lightening – Control of characters nervous system
    Earth – Increases organ durability, Increases organ density
    Wind – Ability to oxygenate characters body without needing to breathe
    Water – Ability to hydrate your body from the moisture around you.
    Bio-Metal – Encase or turn the characters organs into a malleable metal
    Bone – Encase your organs in bone, Increase blood production

    RNA can be used to manipulate and enhance all DNA strands or just one depending on how you want to spend it. Mind that RNA is hard to find and rare.

    How to calculate DNA bonding percent. (This is only for players that wish to Calculate and roll their own bonding chance.)
    DNA bonding takes your racial percent +/- purity percent to give you the true bonding percent.
    So a DNA of 25% Purity will be a -75% against your racial percent. This is because out of the 100% DNA only 25% of it will give you the DNA that was found to be usable in it. The other 75% will damage your DNA thus lowering the bonding chance. So let’s take an average human.
    Racial 75%+ (-75%) =0% chance to bond.
    Now what if RNA is added to it to increase Purity. Let’s say you add 50% RNA to a 25% DNA this would bring it up to 75% thus giving you a -25% when calculating bonding chance.
    Once you reach 100% chance the +/- is 0% so you are at your base bonding percent. Let’s say it is over 100% say 125% purity you would then get a +25% chance to your base bonding. This is because the DNA is saturated in the base pairs needed to give you the abilities found in it. So for a normal human this Calculation would look like.
    Racial 75%+25%=100% bonding chance.

    DNA Crafting

    Advanced DNA’s can be made by taking two different DNA strands with Enough RNA to facilitate the merging process. So if you have a 50% strength DNA strand and a 75% Speed DNA strand you would need 125% RNA in order to facilitate merged DNA strand. This advanced DNA would be able to make a muscle regeneration DNA strand.

    All advanced DNA must be presented to the GM for approval to find out what you get from it.

    The Purity of the DNA play a part in crafting the higher one strand is over another will decide what sort of dominance it takes into account in the newly crafted DNA. So in other words whatever has the higher purity takes the dominant part in the newly crafted DNA. All factors of what each DNA is capable of are taken into account when making the advanced DNA. So the same DNA set that was used in the crafting of one advanced DNA may give you a completely different advanced DNA.

    RNA can also be used to Purge Unwanted or Unneeded DNA from your system. Doing so will return only a 5% purity DNA strand of a 100% DNA strand that was removed. Unless the DNA being purged is only 5% pure then the DNA is lost all together. Now if it is above 100% for every 25% above 100% you will gain an additional 5% purity in return.
    All advanced DNA must be crafted at a DNA analyzer/re-sequencer. Once there a centrifuge must be used to complete the DNA process. Labs and areas to do this will be few and far between.
    Advanced DNA list

    Now a player can put two DNA’s that don’t go together as primary and secondary and try to create an advanced DNA from them. To do this will require experimenting and may cause the loss of DNA and RNA used to try combine them.

    You can chose to suppress DNA in your system if you do this you can no longer use this DNA tell 1. A free slot is freed up to bring the DNA out or 2. You suppress too much DNA and you become a Larva for something else altogether based off the surpassed DNA. Abilities for this sort of a reaction will be informed to you by the GM and your characters look will be chosen based on the suppressed DNA and the GM decision.

    It is possible for the DNA Helix to mutate this will only happen at a 1%-5% chance there is no way to increase this chance. On a success it is at GM discretion as to what happens. One of the Following will occur.

    Extra Primary DNA slots
    Extra Secondary DNA slots for X number of Primary DNA
    All physical mutations removed but maintaining the abilities awarded.


    All Technology must be cleared through a GM. All possible technologies are allowed but you must find parts and have the mental capacity to do so. (If your genetics do not say you can do it then you can’t. Genetics decide everything in this rp.) Technology will always be inferior to Genetics in this rp.

    Silver replied 10 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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