iCarly rp
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Active 7 years ago
You wake up in the morning you’re not in your bed. Not in your room. You’re not even sure if you’re... View more
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You wake up in the morning you’re not in your bed. Not in your room. You’re not even sure if you’re in your house. You look around the room & you see over you the best sight you could possibly imagine to ever see in your life.Carly Shay
Not a poster, but the actual girl, Carly herself. The rest of the gang slowly piles into the room, smiling at you as though you were a confused child, separated from its mother.
“Hi. I’m Carly Shay.”
Offical RP
Well, this was definitely new indeed. “…This…isn’t….” He took a second to look around a bit more before reaching to gran Freddie’s hand. Kaito could actually grab things, this was amazing. He couldn’t help but smile as he got himself up. “I’m…I’m real! I’m actually real! I exist!!”
Laila woke up when she heard someone yell. Her mind was fuzzy as she sat up and stared at the group around her. She yawned, “What’s with all the noise….?” Laila dozed off a bit at the end.
pulled him into a hug, whispering “My greatest dream has come true.” before breaking off the hug & saying “Arms are functional.”
throws a bone of chicken at Lalia “HEY WHY DID THAT COMPUTER THING TURN INTO A HUMAN?” she asks, going to sit with Lalia.
Laila wakes up a bit and looks around confused, “Man, this is a weird dream…someone threw a chicken bone at me again.”
Laila blinked, “Sam, how come you’re in my dream, this is weirder than I thought….” Laila laid back down, still believing she’s dreaming, otherwise why else would Kaito be here with Freddie?
Kaito couldn’t help but hug back before the hug broke off. “Hey, you made two dreams come true at once!” He smiled, now looking around at the place. “…Wow…The Physical world didn’t look this…big. Of course, everything just kind of looks flat from inside a screen.”
threw another chicken bone at the girl “Not a dream.”
smiled, but then suppressed his smiled “Uhh, yeah… I mean you looked flat but look at you…”
Laila narrowed her eyes a bit as she looked at Kaito, “Impossible….I mean like…him” Laila points at Kaito, “That’s a really good cosplay right? And where am I?”
Sam threw a chicken bone at the vocaloid “Probably some dumb nerd thing.”
Laila shook her head, “No way! Dude, there’s a difference between nerd and geek. It’s a geek thing. Plus I think its kinda cool.” Laila nodded in appreciation towards Kaito.
Sam smirked “Whatever, it’s still something nerdy that Fredward did.))
Laila smiled lazily, “Probably, you never did answer my question. Where am I dude? Last I remembered I knocked out on my couch.” Laila yawned and laid on the furniture she was sleeping on, looking at Sam expectantly.
Sam threw another bone “Well I guess you’re not in Kansas anymore.”
Laila dodged this one, “Stop wasting bones! I don’t live in Kansas anyway….” Laila looked around, “Freddie, can you tell me? Miss Butter Lover doesn’t want to tell me where we are.”
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