Imagine Yourself
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Public Group
Active 6 years ago
For role players who like working out their imaginations. Though, I’ll ask for role play only... View more
Public Group
Guess I'll Kick This Thing Off
First of all, how do we get in? I don’t see a door. One way is that one of you guys could try to throw me over.(:P)
I just said, “No problem!” The Red Star powerups on my shoes started to glow, and I levitated a few feet in the air. I picked up Ares and flew her up to shield her from debris/airlift her over the fence, saying, “Sonic, you know what to do!”
“OK!” I called out. I grabbed a few Rings tossed by Gamer, which gave me some Boost Power. I stepped back and Boosted into the fence and then the wall, busting holes in both of them. “Come on, guys!”
I quickly landed and put Ares down safely. “There you go, are you hurt?”
How many hours of blank time did I log? ‘Cause everyone moved. A LOT. I guess the stars D-1553-X through D-2054-Y are doin’ okay. Staring at ’em must help ’em out. Anywho.
“I’m fine, and thanks for the lift!”
looks up at building
“I think we should split into groups and check out this place….” -
I was awestruck. “I was actually thinking that myself! How did you- Hold that thought.” I had a message from my Earth self, who will be referred to as CF from now on.
Me: What’s going on?
CF: I found a way to return to the place you were imagined. I’m working on asking the mods about unbans, but the one I asked hasn’t responded.
Me: Ah. I see.I suddenly had a Memory Rush. The images of my friends, my enemies… They were coming back, like a dream. I said, “I’ll go with you. Sonic will go with the other guy, I have a feeling they know each other. As for Sollux there, I don’t know.”
“I want to check the inside!” smiles excitingly
“Sonic you and that other guy (forgot name too) should check the outside” -
“I actually don’t know his name, all I know is that he’s probably related to someone I know called Day. I was actually wanting to check the inside as well. Sonic, since buildings are not your thing, you might want to check outside.”
“I’m good with buildings, I’m just… err… WALL-SMASHINGLY CHALLENGED. Yes, that’s it.” This was a lie, and I knew it. “I’m still checking outside, though.
runs inside, “MEET YOU IN THERE!!!”
interrupted, followed by a huge crash -
“Ares!” I shouted. I ran after her, not knowing what would happen.
starts being dragged into the darkness -
I activated Triple-Type mode, something I pioneered myself. My chosen Type 3 was Fire (done using a Fire Flower), and I used it to light the way. I ran at almost my full speed, so I would not hurt Ares’ ears with a sonic boom. I ran over, and what I saw scared me. A hideous Crude Ogre ripped straight out of Homestuck, maybe 10 feet tall, was holding Ares. “So you kidnapped her, huh? You know what heroes with Fire Flowers do to monsters that kidnap girls!” I launched a Ring out of my gun, along with the Lucaronite out of my wristlet, and caught them both. “Overkill GO!” I yelled. I Mega Evolved, used the Ring to launch a Spin Dash, and combined it with Triple-Type Mode to launch a Flaming Aura Storm Spin Dash. I rolled around the monster a few times, jumped off, and launched an Aura Storm at the monster, causing it to disintegrate, dropping Ares in the process. I caught her before she could hit the ground, luckily. “Are you okay?” I asked, de-Mega-Evolving and going back to two types.
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