In The Sea
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Active 4 years ago
The ocean can be a very dangerous place. From the waves that came turn over a ship, to the creatures... View more
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The ocean can be a very dangerous place. From the waves that came turn over a ship, to the creatures that lurk in the deep. In the year 1660 is year in where you live. In here you can be anyone or thing that lives in or on the ocean. You can be a daring pirate, a beautiful mermaid, or a dangerous sea monster. The only rule is you have to be on the sea. Exceptions are sirens, because they are bird human like creatures, and pirates. So may you have a good journey and hope the sea is kind.
Here Last (Rp)
Theon let his head fall backwards a little, “We’re in the Mediterranean, probably a little to the west of Valantis.” He said and glanced at Asona, “You don’t seem the type of mermaid to know her geography, it’s one of the great kingdoms of the sea.” He said, then glanced at Asona again. “Haven’t seen a girl with so many scars before, it’s kinda hot actually.” He said dryly yet teasingly.
“Valantis? Sorry I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it before..I must be extremely far away then” she said awkwardly for not knowing anything about a kingdom or ever hearing of one before. “Thanks? I guess.” she says in confusion “I usually get into a lot of trouble so I’m always bound to get one or two…or a couple…” she says thinking about all the situations she got herself into.
Theon spread his arms and relaxed in the warm water, closing his eyes, “Is there any other way to get scars?” He asked, then smiled slightly, “And you don’t even know where Valantis is?” He let out a soft chuckle, “How about Atlantis? Were you raised in a cave or something?” He looked over at her, “How interesting.”
Slowly the boat approaches the island and beaches, scraping on the sand. Morgan and the oarman hop off to drag it further up.
Vanaistis had hopped out of the boat with them walking up o the beach and looks around.
“Atlantis..?” she says in confusion for she had never heard of such places in her life before. “Well…more like near an abyss very, very far away, in a small town.” she says thinking back to her old town. “Yeah, never heard of any kingdoms. Never even knew there were any.” she says truthfully.
Gully strides over to the Vanaistis amd gesture inland with her wing “river and caveman that way capin.” she reports.
Gully takes off again to fly around the island as Morgan ties the boat to a steak and follows the captain, reloading his spent pistol.
Tomas’ breathing slows, his grip tightens on his spear. “They’ll never take us alive” he says to himself. He readies his bow, nocking an arrow, standing at the back of the cave, hidden in darkness completely
Vanaistis approches the cave but stops at the entrance and looks around. “If your there please cone out we dont mean you any harm we are just here to help.”
Tomas lets out a crazed scream and fires the bow at the captain, it it hit him it wouldn’t do much, just go a few inces deep, it being designed for small animals. It hits somewhere to the side of him
Vanaistis blinks and looks at his arm where the arrow now was. He puased gor a minute as he lifted his arm to look at the arrow before pulling it out and snapping it in half. Then he looks back into the cave as he pulls out his knife. “You know i was looking to help you and you go and shoot me with an arrow. Now it’s my turn.” He throws the knife in the direction the arrow came from. It digging into the rock a few inches from Tomas’ head.
Theon pulled himself up onto a rock by the, laying across the rock luxuriously, leaning a hand on his cheek “I see,” He said with a small smile, “Many mermaids don’t know much about human geography, I’ve never met one who doesn’t even know about the ocean.”
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