In The Sea
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Active 4 years ago
The ocean can be a very dangerous place. From the waves that came turn over a ship, to the creatures... View more
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The ocean can be a very dangerous place. From the waves that came turn over a ship, to the creatures that lurk in the deep. In the year 1660 is year in where you live. In here you can be anyone or thing that lives in or on the ocean. You can be a daring pirate, a beautiful mermaid, or a dangerous sea monster. The only rule is you have to be on the sea. Exceptions are sirens, because they are bird human like creatures, and pirates. So may you have a good journey and hope the sea is kind.
Here Last (Rp)
“Hmm..well I think the best way to scam people is to make something sound a lot more..mythical than usual. For example over the times of my traveling I’ve heard many stories about pearls such as some believing that some pearls are created from the tears of mermaids. Pearls are also thought to bring wealth, luck and protection so maybe if we attract regular merchants and sell them off as enchanted pearls from our tears then people might be willing to pay more for them.” Asona says thinking back to some of the stories of pearls she can recall on.
Theon paused for a minute, considering an idea, then his face slowly took on a sly grin, “Yes… that’s good…” He murmured, holding his chin thoughtfully, “Okay! I have an idea, just follow my lead, alright?” He said, beginning to swim off again. By now, their presence began attracting the attention of the people around, shoppers and merchants alike. Theon chose someone that he thought to be a suitable target, a young woman with and timid-looking, naive face. He leans against the bank of the canal, “Miss… please, would you buy some pearls?” He asked, his face changing from its usual arrogant expression to a sad face as if subtly trying to draw sympathy, his voice also changing to mask the taste of nobility in his speech, “You see… Milady here, after the death of her husband,” He looked down with a face of remorse, “We were kicked outta the kingdom,” He took a couple of pearls out of his pouch, “These were the last things that Milady’s husband left her, but now we can’t even afford food.” He looked back up at the woman with a look of desperation, “Please, Miss! You have to buy some!”
Asona followed Theon and listened to his performance closely before playing along, “Oh how the sea has been rough on us ever since we’ve been left without the protection of the kingdom.” she says taking advantage of the beaten look her scars gives off. “I’m sure my husband would want us to sell the pearls if it means that we can live off it for a while.” Asona says giving a very sad and hopeless expression.
Theon nods empathetically with her story. He placed the pearls on a small table in front of the saleswoman with an expression calculated to be the perfect balance of sadness and desperation to tug at the heart strings, “Please, Miss, help me and Milady.” He said in a pathetic voice. The woman seemed to be touched by their performances, putting a hand up to his chest, “I’ll buy some!” She seemed to say almost on impulse, “How much are they?” Theon gave her a price, one inflated quite a deal for such cheap pearls as those ones. By the end of the negotiation, most of the pearls were sold and Theon got a fairly hefty bag of silver. As they swam out of eyesight from the shopkeeper, he dropped his facade, face taking on a self-satisfied smile, twirling one of the coins between his fingers with a chuckle, “That went well~ I should be able to buy a nice weapon with this!” he said in a prideful tone.
Dante nodded at Gully, putting one hand in his pockets and leaning the other on his sword, “Okay, lead the way!” -
Gully nods quickly twice before jumping up and latching onto Dante’s shoulders, lifting him into the air and carrying him the short distance to the bushes, carefully placing him down.
“I’m surprised she actually fell for a performance like that. I thought humans would usually have more common sense than to fall to something so simple but I guess some are just more gullible than others. That was a very good plan that you came up with.” Asona says cheerfully.
“If course it was a good plan, I made it!” Theon bragged, putting a hand on his hip confidently, “Anyway, once you learn how to read people, coming up with a story they’ll believe isn’t so hard.” He said with a shrug, beginning to swim off again, looking at all rhe shops they passed for one that might sell a halfway decent harpoon, “You should remember that, kid, it might help you out the future. Humans are weird anyway, so many of them think of us in such a high light, I doubt they even believe that we can lie.” He pondered, “I mean, I get why someone would think that of me,” he said half-seriously, “but for everyone else… Don’t really see it.”
“I see…then I shall work on my people reading skills!” Asona says cheerfully as she looks over the shops for a knife that catches her interests. “From my experiences I’ve notice that a lot of the mermaids I’ve met lie a lot more than the humans I have encountered. Also less caring too, I’ve seen many mermaids care more for his/herself more than helping other people but humans I guess a bit more different.” she says as looks at the humans as they pass by them.
Theon shrugs, “Suppose so, then again you lived in the middle of nowhere, city people are probably more civilized.” He said, “Anyway, I like humans, they’re fun to play with.” He said with a smile, “Its no fun lying to someone who’ll never believe you.”
Dante let out a short yelp of surprise at being grabbed. After being released, he stumbled a little “A-ah… Warn me next time…” He murmured, then walked over to the berry bush, crouching down a little to look them over, “And you’re sure they’re safe to eat right?” He asked skeptically, tilting his head, “I don’t want to become sick or… Y’know, dead.” -
“Gully encountered them on a number of islands before nesting on the boat” a slightly sad cast forms on her eyes, before she hops forward and nips a berry.
Dante tilted his head slightly, noticing Gully’s melancholy, but thinking it would be rude, he decided to remain quiet, “I see…” He said, beginning to collect some of the berries. He popped one in his mouth, “Ah, its good.” He said with a small smile, “I think I’ve tried this before, but I don’t remember now.” He examined one of the berries closer, “There was nothing like this back home.”
Gully pauses, wiping her mouth again, she leaps and flys to the boat, returning with a basket, she carefull places it under a bush and shakes it, ripe burries dropping, “Morgan says cookie can make jam for us.”
Asona looks at Theon, “Its not completely in the middle of nowhere there are some nearby towns and we do have a small population but some of them are civilized for the most part. Its just that there isn’t really any change, everything goes down to sticking with tradition and if you don’t stick to it then there’s something wrong with you and so people just treat you a lot colder since you’re just an outcast. So we are civilized its just that things run differently.” she says smiling a bit.
Theon seemed to tune most of what she said out, becoming distracted with a weapon shop, “Yeah, well sounds like the middle of nowhere to me.” He said with a dismissive tone, then hailed down the shopkeeper, “Hey, monsieur, give me your best harpoon!” He commanded with an exited tone of voice, jingling the bag of coins in front of him. With a shrug, the blacksmith disappeared within his shop to fetch the requested weapon. Theon turned back to Asona, putting his hands together, pleased, “Ahh~ finally! It feels like so long since I’ve been armed!” He said happily.
Asona pouted at Theon a bit “It’s not the middle of nowhere!” she says very quickly before calming down a bit. “How long have you’ve been without a weapon? I’m sure it couldn’t have been too long since you still look like you haven’t been through too much.” she says looking over Theon’s body.
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