In The Sea
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Active 4 years ago
The ocean can be a very dangerous place. From the waves that came turn over a ship, to the creatures... View more
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The ocean can be a very dangerous place. From the waves that came turn over a ship, to the creatures that lurk in the deep. In the year 1660 is year in where you live. In here you can be anyone or thing that lives in or on the ocean. You can be a daring pirate, a beautiful mermaid, or a dangerous sea monster. The only rule is you have to be on the sea. Exceptions are sirens, because they are bird human like creatures, and pirates. So may you have a good journey and hope the sea is kind.
Here Last (Rp)
Theon shrugged, “About… a day, I had one for a while earlier but I lost it. It was a piece crap anyway.” He said, putting a hand on his hip and leaning against the bank of the canal, “Anyway, even if I’d been out a weapon for a month, I’d still be perfect.” He said, somewhat vainly gesturing to his chest, “Maybe I’d be even hotter with a couple battle scars, what do you think?”
“I’m pretty sure scars don’t improve ones hotness but I suppose that some people will probably find a couple battle scars appealing or attractive for a guy to have. So I guess it would probably make you look a bit more hotter.” She says smiling a bit at Theon.
Theon gives Asona a quizzical look, “You don’t have to answer so earnestly.” He tilted his head a little to the side, looking over her again with a different expression than usual, some new thought seeming to have come to him, “Y’know, you’re sort of weird… or interesting, I guess.” He said halfway to himself, but then snapped out of his thoughts as the shopkeeper reappeared from within his store and handed him a harpoon made with a dull silvery metal. The head was sharp and barbed– designed so that once embedded inside the target it can’t be easily removed– and mounted on a thick wooden pole covered with a watertight resin. Theon handed the blacksmith a handful of coins and grinned, looking down at his new weapon with a grin like a kid’s on Christmas morning. He tossed the bag of the remaining coins at Asona, “Is there anything you want to buy?” He asked, speaking quickly, “‘Cause if there is, we should get it quickly, I want to try this out!” He said, feeling out the weight and balance of the harpoon in his hands.
“I know I’m weird that’s for sure, I mean my family always called me the weird one out of all my siblings!” Asona says smiling a bit to herself. “I usually answer things truthfully unless I really need to lie. But you know what’s so great about it is that since I’m so truthful it’s hard for people to pick apart my lies from my truths.” she says giving off a slight evil laugh, her face looking a bit more sinister than usual before she returned to her normal innocent look. “I’m gonna go get a knife and a belt then!” she says cheerfully as she swims over to another merchant and purchases a knife with a detailed silver hilt with a sharp blade and a brown belt to hold her knife around her waist. “I feel complete once more!” she says happily before giving the leftover coins to Theon.
Theon nodded with a grin and tied the satchel around his waist, “Nice choice!” He said, peering down at her knife, “Wanna go for a little hunt?” He asked, twirling his harpoon, “Then we can start heading north.” He said, beginning to swim out of the canal, “I was kind of the odd one from my siblings too, but no one really said it to my face, it was kind of annoying.” He sighed a little and ran a hand through his hair, “Back home, I have this reputation of never really telling the truth about anything, it was funny to screw around with my brothers.” He chuckled softly to himself.
Morgan watches the sun, scanning the clouds rolling in, “Gully, boy,” he calls out, “back to the ship, rain’s on the way.”
Gully peers at the ship and grabs her basket with one claw, she holds it towards Dante “hold please.”
“I would love to go for a hunt!” Asona says excitedly as she clutched onto her knife with a hard grip she loved hunting and couldn’t wait to go out and do it. “It’s the opposite for me my brothers, sisters and even my mother and father always insults me to my face. They really don’t care and I guess we’re always truthful so people always believe what I say when I tell them something.” she says while she swims ahead of Theon looking for a hunting spot that might be a bit more familiar to her.
Dante nodded and took the basket and began walking back toward the ship, popping a couple of the berries in his mouth as they walked.
Theon cocked his head slightly, “Country people are weird, huh?” He said with a shrug, “Doubt anyone in the city is that honest.” He swam forward to catch up with Asona, “Hey- d’you know what you’re doing? I mean, I don’t doubt you’ve killed something before, but the wildlife here is probably different from the pacific.” -
Asona stopped swimming a bit thinking over what Theon said, “you do make a very good point..there are other species here than what I am usually used to hunting especially since I mainly hunt in the dark…” she says as she plays with her knife a bit, “guess that means I’m gonna have to do things a bit more differently, I’ll let you lead the hunt unless you ever decide to go hunting somewhere dark and deep then I’ll take over from there.”
Vasanistis walks around the island looking for anything that might be useful.
Gully spots the captain approaching and salutes, one leg still held up with the basket.
Vasanistis spots Gully and nods to her. “What do you have?”
Balanced easily on one foot and still saluting she shifts the basket forward “berries cap’in”
Dante ran to catch up with gully, pausing as he saw the captain talking with her. He stiffened slightly, standing in a respectful way, not particularly timid nor confident. He stood a little behind Gully, hoping not to be called upon by the captain, not out of cowardice, more of a feeling that to be called upon would be an annoyance.
Theon nodded to Asona’s words, “Most of the big game is further from the harbors, the ships and whatnot scare them away.” He said, “Usually I hunt further south than this, but it’s a long way in the opposite direction, so let’s just keep going forward and see where this takes us,” He beamed at Asona and took the lead, beginning to swim forward. “By the way, were you some kind of trench hermit in the past or something? The way you keep on mentioning living in deep dark places, it’s a little depressing, y’know?” He said with a joking tone. -
“Something like that I guess. I love dark places, my brothers would sneak me with them to hunt in the dark with them and it was always fun but more than anything else it’s a place to escape from all the bad things. In the dark no one can see or hurt you and it’s like you don’t exist anymore. It’s kinda peaceful, so I always would hanged out in the dark alone.” Asona says shrugging a bit, feeling that she was being too dark she decided to bring up a more positive topic. “So what type of fish are we gonna find here?” she asks curiously.
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