In The Sea
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Active 4 years ago
The ocean can be a very dangerous place. From the waves that came turn over a ship, to the creatures... View more
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The ocean can be a very dangerous place. From the waves that came turn over a ship, to the creatures that lurk in the deep. In the year 1660 is year in where you live. In here you can be anyone or thing that lives in or on the ocean. You can be a daring pirate, a beautiful mermaid, or a dangerous sea monster. The only rule is you have to be on the sea. Exceptions are sirens, because they are bird human like creatures, and pirates. So may you have a good journey and hope the sea is kind.
Here Last (Rp)
Theon looked up at him and smirked, “What’s with that look? Should I feel flattered?” He laughed, “I feel like the last time someone looked at me like that, they wanted to get in my bed.” he leaned his chin against his hand and smiled mockingly.
Theon imitates Vanaistis’s scoff exaggeratedly, “You gonna throw that at me again?” He asked, cocking his head sharply to the side, “If you’re gonna attack at least make it fair. You clearly have the upper-hand, why not come down for a little swim?” He said, teasingly trying to coerce Vanaistis.
“How do I have the upper hand when you have the whole ocean to escape into.” Vanaistis says as he walks back to the harpoon rack and puts the harpoon away.
Theon chuckles, “Ah, called my bluff, clever monsieur captain I see.” He crossed his arms under his chest and looked up a Vanaistis, “I meant literally, you are above me after all. If I was a lesser man than I am, then there’s a chance I’d be a sitting duck for you. That’s probably the only way you’d be able to kill a mermaid in the water. There are always weaklings holding back society.”
Vanaistis smirks again, “You would be surprised what kind of merpeople anf sirens I have killed. Some of them were smart even killed a few of my men. You can find their bones in the Pacific somewhere.”
Theon shrugs, “They sound like idiots anyway, it’s probably natural selection. Not sure what kind of idiot would attack an entire pirate ship.” He grabbed onto the hull of the ship, getting tired of swimming alongside, “And sirens are more often than not naturally idiots, it’s not much of a badge to have taken one of those down.”
Vanaistis yells something in gaelic to the crew then looks back to Theon. “Some were smart like you and stayed in the water by the ship. They still died.”
Theon shrugs, “I’m not trying to be clever, anywhere else it would be inconvenient to talk. I’d have to yell up at you and I don’t want to wreck my throat like that. I’m sure you can at least sympathize with that.”
Theon let his head fall to the side against his shoulder, “‘Suppose so… Anyway what direction is this ship going? Are you gonna be docking sometime soon?” He asked, shifting the conversation in a slightly different generation.
“I might want to tag along.” Theon stated, “I feel like leaving and there’s somewhere I’d like to go, it’d be annoying if you go the exact opposite direction or somewhere really boring so in that case, I’d probably leave, otherwise it will be faster and less tiring for me to just tag along.”
“Well I don’t know if it’s going to be fun or not. I guess you will have tang along or leave.” Vanaistis says as he gestures to the men giving them orders.
“In that case I’ll stay.” He said somewhat boredly, “Even if you aren’t going in the right direction, Ill hitch onto another boat. Most captains like my kind a lot for some reason, its kinda creepy actually.” He grinned, “It’s a little refreshing to find someone who hates me on principle.”
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