In The Sea
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Public Group
Active 3 years ago
The ocean can be a very dangerous place. From the waves that came turn over a ship, to the creatures... View more
Public Group
Group Description
The ocean can be a very dangerous place. From the waves that came turn over a ship, to the creatures that lurk in the deep. In the year 1660 is year in where you live. In here you can be anyone or thing that lives in or on the ocean. You can be a daring pirate, a beautiful mermaid, or a dangerous sea monster. The only rule is you have to be on the sea. Exceptions are sirens, because they are bird human like creatures, and pirates. So may you have a good journey and hope the sea is kind.
Here Last (Rp)
“I never claimed to be one of you.” Theon said with a slight scowl, “And whether you’re a part of the crew or not, it doesn’t change the fact that your annoying flapping messes up my hair.” He said with a trace of vitriol in his voice.
Far off the coast Asona was watching the group with great curiosity, “Seems like a lot is going on down there, maybe I should check it out~” she said happily to herself but then couldn’t help but remember how she got injured a couple times from saying those words and decided to linger and watch a bit more before going to the group.
Theon ducked underwater briefly, combing out his hair with his hands. He resurfaced, leaning his shoulders over the edges sides of the boats. He lets his head fall back and looked up at the captain, “Hey, monsieur pirate~” he said in a singsongy voice, “You said you wanted to kill me, when’s that gonna happen?” He teased, “I wanna know when I should get scared.” He said with a grin and picked his head up, looking over the ocean, then scowled, “…great, another one…” He murmured to himself.
Noticing how the other mermaid had seen her Asona thought to herself that she might as well take the risk instead of lingering. She quickly swam towards the group and resurfaced, “Hello everyone!” she said cheerfully waving to them. “May I ask what is going on here” she says curiously.
Theon scowled slightly as Asona approached, “Nothing that involves someone like you.” He murmured under his breath then let his head fall backwards again, staring up at the sky without further acknowledging the other mermaids presence.
Noticing the scowl Asona turned towards Theon, “Ah another mermaid correct! It’s been so long since I’ve encountered one” she says thinking back to her long travels of solitude. “I’m Asona Merela” she says cheerfully to him.
Theon scoffed, “Good for you.” he said, refusing to look her in the eye, extending his tail and allowing himself to float at the surface of the water.
Vanaistis glares at them both his hand now resting on his sword.
“It is really good” she says in a happy tone, “for a while I thought I was a goner! I’ve never been around here before and I couldn’t find anyone for days, but now I find a group of people it’s quite amazing.” She says relieved to finally find people and know that she’s not alone.
Noticing Vanaistis she looks up to him and give a big smile and waves to him, “Hello there” she says happily.
“What’s wrong? Are you having a bad day?” She asks Vanaistis curiously as she moved closer to the ship.
Vanaistis speaks in galic as he pulls out a knife from his boot but keeps it in his hand. “I have had enough of mermaids for one day.” He says more to himself than anyone else.
Gully shuffles next to Vanaistis protectively as Morgan counts up.
“looks like we’re ready to get underway Captain.” Morgan nods.
Asona was still confused about everything and seeing the knife made her start to regret coming over but it was too late to go back now. “I mean no harm honestly, I just want to meet new people that’s all” she says honestly before waving and smiling to Gully and Morgan, “Hello~”
“Then let’s get on the way Morgan.” Vanaistis says as he looks go Asona. “We aren’t very friendly pirates so your effort will be wasted here.”
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