In The Sea
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Active 4 years ago
The ocean can be a very dangerous place. From the waves that came turn over a ship, to the creatures... View more
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The ocean can be a very dangerous place. From the waves that came turn over a ship, to the creatures that lurk in the deep. In the year 1660 is year in where you live. In here you can be anyone or thing that lives in or on the ocean. You can be a daring pirate, a beautiful mermaid, or a dangerous sea monster. The only rule is you have to be on the sea. Exceptions are sirens, because they are bird human like creatures, and pirates. So may you have a good journey and hope the sea is kind.
Here Last (Rp)
“onward” Morgan calls, setting the oarman to rowing as Gully launches herself back towards the island.
“Hmm…I don’t think my efforts will be wasted, after all if you try you’re best something will be bound to happen. Plus I had my fair share of encountering unfriendly people.” She says as she pats a scar on her arm, “if I get hurt then I get hurt” she says nonchalantly.
Theon gave a short laugh at Asona, but otherwise ignored her. He tilted his head backwards more to look at Vanaistis, “Oh~ The scary Mousier captain has drawn a knife.” He said teasingly, “Are you gonna kill me with that knife? I think I deserve at least a better knife than that.” He pushed himself up by the edge of the boat and swiped the knife out of his hand and began twirling the knife between his fingers, “How’re you gonna do it, then? Gut me like a fish? Cut off my head? Well, what do you think?” He asked, miming the different deaths with the knife.
Vanaistis’ eye begins to twitch as he starts to get irritated.
Theon grins widely, waving the knife back and fourth, twirling it between his fingers casually, “Am I annoying you, Capt’n?” He asked, cocking his head slightly to the side, “You didn’t answer my question either, how mean,” He frowned falsely and exaggeratedly “I still want to know~” He said, smile returning, “How will you kill me?”
With a flash of talons, Gully swoops down and grabs at Theon.
Asona watched quietly as everything went down and began questioning her choices further and whether or not she should try and get involve. “I don’t really understand what is the need for killing or fighting, I’m sure if we all just try and understand each other then maybe we can all avoid conflict.” She says trying to stop anything from escalating.
With a short flick of the wrist, Theon turned the knife on Gilly, leaving a shallow cut in one of her talons, “Don’t touch me, bitch.” He said coldly with a scowl, returning to twirling the knife between his fingers. He returned to leaning his shoulders over the edge of the boat, “Do that again and it’ll be your throat.” He said, almost sounding bored. He let his head fall back and to look at the captain, “Call your dog off me, alright?”
“She’s not mine.” Vanaistis says his sword now out and pointing down at Theon’s head, his grip being tight in the sword so it couldn’t be moved. He tilts his head at he looks at Theon lowering the sword down to his neck and presses it against the soft skin. “Now don’t threaten one of my crew members again.”
Theon’s frown maintained for another moment, then shifted into a half-grin, “No promises.” put a finger up to his lips and quickly ducked under the water, then resurfaced on the opposite side of the ship, “Didn’t I say that you can’t kill me in the water before? Are you dumb enough to forget that already?” He chuckled then ducked under the water quickly, before Vanaistis could threaten him again.
Theon resurfaced again, leaning his elbow against the side of the boat, looking up at Vanaistis with a cheeky smile, “…But I won’t threaten you, you’re more fun to tease,” he continued, “And I won’t threaten the cute one either, I like that one. ” He said, nodding toward Morgan. -
Vanaistis sighs and looks to Theon, “Do not touch anyone in my crew and you will be safe.”
Theon frowned jokingly, “Not even the cute one? That’s no fair and you know it.” He said with a short chuckle, twirling the knife between his fingers again, “You’re acting like a shark mother. All of your crew are adults, right? Don’t they get to choose?” He said, still with a joking tone of voice.
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