Terror within the Mansion: the forbidden interference

  • Terror within the Mansion: the forbidden interference

    Posted by Jonathan "JoJo" Joestar (ChivalrousGalactoseBestiarusz) on December 30, 2018 at 7:54 am

    *The atmosphere at the mansion seemed lighter. Dio and Jonathan seem to be getting along as they grow up. This puts George Joestar at ease, but he has fallen ill. Something’s amiss at the mansion and two entities soon interfere. Helena and Satan return to this period in England.

    Jonathan’s aspiration to become a gentleman aren’t completely broken by Dio. During their older years, Jonathan bides his time and tries to keep the household at peace. While Jonathan develops an interest in the mysterious stone mask that belonged to his mother, a strange relic activated by blood. He eventually learns that the mask is activated by blood but doesn’t understand what it does.

    Dio, wasn’t simply sitting back and doing nothing. He was plotting his way to obtain the riches of the family for himself. Unbeknownst to Jonathan, Dio was slowly poisoning George Joestar, Jonathan’s father. He planned to kills George Joestar the same way he killed his own father. *

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