Junk Shop Heibon
Public Group
Public Group
Active 3 weeks ago
Junk Shop Heibon is a small shop located in the Eastern District of Midorijima overseen and run by... View more
Public Group
Group Description
Junk Shop Heibon is a small shop located in the Eastern District of Midorijima overseen and run by Aoba Seragaki-OkumuraSakata the son in law of the GrandSugarClan boss Gintoki-Lucifer. As the name implies, it sells both used and new parts for AllMates, coils and other tech, which include things that are only found here(you can be creative for this part). It is the place where Aoba gathers most of his parts for maintenance on Ren, as well since he is an older model, and the shop is the only place that seems to still sell old-fashioned parts that support Ren’s system. The shop’s basement acts as the location for various meetings between Aoba and his friends to meet and talk about things that happen in the city.
**All new arrivals and new role play characters, we ask that you first join Skyrie.net group and Skyrie Sandbox group so that you understand how to get around Skyrie and what’s expected.
**If we see any post here that we consider to be irrelevant we will delete it without warning. Use the existing topics as your guide.*
A Few Things To Remember When RolePlaying Here
-Please respect this place it has special meaning to me and everyone here.
-Keep in mind you can be as creative as you like here but all i ask is you respect the person’s indivial character picture choice and not to copy it please its childish and i wont stand for that here. [its VERY rude and unwelcomed]
-You do not need to feel as if you need to work here in some way or another, for now i have all i need if i need anything else i will ask someone to take it on if they wish to just come to me if you want to ask me about it.
-Last but not least for now, welcome. this place may be open to the public in due time but for now strickly the GrandSugarClan Family and Friends are welcomed once i am ready to open the doors.
[Aoba Seragaki-OkumuraSakata]
- Organizers
- Moderators
- Members
Starlia Marchosias DevilukeOkumuraSakata Date + EosphorosStormDextroseDrakon
Joined 3 months ago • Active a week ago