\"Come Right In, Dear!\"

  • Sharktits

    June 15, 2014 at 10:17 pm

    “Heeeeeeeey everyone i am back ;;;)” she sited close to Kanaya “i can’t believe Eridan is here!” she let out a mocking laugh and raised a empty cup of tea in the direction of the sea dweller “enjoy the tea party Eridan this may be the closest you’ll ever get from som8thing like a bucket ;;;)”

  • Trickster MODE engaged

    June 15, 2014 at 11:18 pm

    The blonde mechanic looked up from his work to see who was the owner of the unfamiliar voice. He looked back down at his work when he realized it was just another troll. Her arm looked impressive, but it didn’t have enough moving parts to interest him. He’s been making prophetic limbs for a while now so they were easy to make, the hard part was connecting it to the nerves.
    He continued working on the robot, this was the frame for the stuffed bird, this would allow it to fly, walk, and talk/caw. He had just finished the other wing so he was working on getting it to move. It was quite simple to make, but it was difficult to make a small motor strong enough to propel the bird enough for flight.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 16, 2014 at 12:53 am

    Jake snapped out of his thoughts at an unfamiliar voice, though he didn’t really care at the moment to go meet the new troll. Jake nudged Dirk,”Buckets?” He whispered,”what in the name of tally ho is that relevant to a cuppa?” The English man sipped his tea and watched Dirk build his robot,”Neato Ol’Chum! A robot bird, that’s brilliant! I bet your Little Man would love it!”

  • Kanaya Maryam

    June 16, 2014 at 1:32 am

    Kanaya began to greet Vriska but then heard what she said to the violet-blood. SHe flushed jade and facepalmed. “Vrska, That Is HARDLY Tea Party Etiquette.

  • Trickster MODE engaged

    June 16, 2014 at 2:35 am

    Dirk smiled slightly at Jake’s compliment, “Thanks man.” He looked over to the three trolls, “I think its some kind of taboo, cleaning products.” The wings and legs were completed and the body just needed to be bolted shut, which was done quickly by Dirk’s deft hands. He quickly pulled a laptop from his syladex and connected the bird to it. Dirk smirked, “All I have to do is program it.” Dirk looked up at Jake, “This may take a while, but im almost done.” He pulled up the program he had created when he first started building robots and his fingers started to flash across the key board.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 16, 2014 at 2:57 am

    Jake watches fantasised,”Oh~!” He sipped his cooling tea,”You type fast!” The English’s man’s accent came out thicker in his excitement.

  • Trickster MODE engaged

    June 16, 2014 at 3:03 am

    Dirk shrugged, “You learn over the years.” He drank the last bit of his tea and sighed in remorse, he honestly loved the stuff! He looked down at the empty teacup before setting down next to him with a sigh and continued typing.

  • Kanaya Maryam

    June 16, 2014 at 3:07 am

    Kanaya walked by the two human boys on her way back to her seat. She notice dirks empty cup and filled it back up with a small smile. “I Hope You’re Enjoying Yourselves. uwu”

  • Sharktits

    June 16, 2014 at 3:13 am

    “oh its not taboo at all!” Vriska smirked “let me explain troll sexuality for dummies” she suggestively winked at Kanaya “when a young troll reach a certain age a giant robot invades his hive, and if he don’t have someone to fulfill a hole bucket with genetic material it beats him down to a pulp of gore ;;;;)”

  • Kanaya Maryam

    June 16, 2014 at 3:16 am

    Kanaya straightened up abruptly. “Vriska, Please-” She said blushing.

  • Trickster MODE engaged

    June 16, 2014 at 3:25 am

    Dirk nodded at Kanaya in thanks for the refilled tea cup and immediately started to sip it. “This is fun, I haven’t had a chance to relax in a while, thanks” “Uhh.. anyways…” Dirk noticed that his host seemed uncomfortable with the topic and tried to change it. “So that arm of your…how well dose it work?” “Who made it?”

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 16, 2014 at 3:26 am

    Jake blanched,”..I did not need to know that. No one bit.” He then glanced at Kanaya and grinned,”Setting aside that top, I certainly enjoying my self, thank you!”

  • Sharktits

    June 16, 2014 at 3:41 am

    “a troll named Equius made it to me, he is strong, boring and into this robotic thing…you would probably like the guy as you make me remember a lot about him” she smirked “he is my n8bor, one time i mad8 a awesome and loud party the creep couldn’t sleep so he passed all the ni8 in pj staring at my house like a fucking perv! it was hilarious!”

  • Trickster MODE engaged

    June 16, 2014 at 3:49 am

    Dirk smiled slight and paused in his typing to look at Vriska, “Sounds like a fun guy.” He continued to type and fiddled with the bird’s frame. The laptop screen had long strings of numbers and letters with a few clicks of the keys the screen flashed and morphed to a diffrent screen. He smirked triumphantly and fiddled with the frame, ” A fourth of the way done.”

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 17, 2014 at 1:58 am

    Jake glanced at Dirk’s bird and grinned,”Bloody hell mate, that looks fantastic!” The man finished his tea and set his cup on the saucer at the edge of his couch. He then relaxed against the plushy cushions with a small smile.

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